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Discussion: Quranism, Quranists. Share your views


Nov 18, 2019
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Brief Intro: Quranism is a theological belief system that believes in the Supremacy of Quran alone as the Word of God and the Code to look to for Worldly matters.

Quranists usually take Ahadith with a pinch of salt or most of them just reject them due to various reasons such as:

- Possibility of Politically motivated falsely attributed words to the Messenger of Allah.

- Contradictions and Claims in Ahadith (even Sahih) that do not do well with Science/History/Archeology

- Mainstream Ahadith were documented after 150+ years (it took bible just a quarter century to get corrupted and St Paul, The man behind this is held as a very high person in the current Christianity, People are blind)

- A lot of non divine beliefs / cultural lifestyle / pagan beliefs (as majority of the sahabas were reverts and had spent a whole life holding pagan beliefs before they embraced Islam so lots of regional / cultural beliefs were inherited and passed on as well)


Healthy debate is required

Remember one thing, A lot of people usually try to debunk this system by using this argument “Where does Quran guide about the method of Salah/Ablution?” So the straight answer to this is that all these things were passed on over generations, Father to som and so on so Ahadith aren’t required to teach people about prayer method, As a matter of fact, Ahadith and scholars have made it complicated to deduce the actual method of Salah as that of the Prophet’s time.

Note: I am not a Quranist, Just another guy who loves to get a lot of inputs about everything but this topic is really interesting to me as over time, I have witnessed how diverse the beliefs are in different sects such that we get to see how some sects hold on to opposite beliefs (even those beliefs have origins within Quran and Ahadith, Just a difference of opinion and interpretation) such as the method of Salah/No of prayers and a lot of things.

@Mangus Ortus Novem
The Quran was revealed to guide us on the right path, it is the light. The sunnah of the Prophet peace be upon him which is mentioned in Hadith is the interpretation of the Quran. We cannot understand the Quran without the sunnah/hadith. This is how important sunnah/hadith is in Islam.

The Quranist similar to other sects make strong points such as majority of hadith are disputed so it shows they may not be correct. The issue is people who don't believe in the Quran altogether also have strong points, we have so many different sects but they also make many strong points.

To me these kind of sects eventually lead a person outside of the religion, they maybe be intellectual movements with strong point but there is always malaavat somewhere.
Quranists are ignorant people.

You cannot completely understand Islam without the Sunnah or Hadith.
Quranists are ignorant people.

You cannot completely understand Islam without the Sunnah or Hadith.

We have too many fitnas, one is completely ignoring Hadiths altogether, and a few others claiming to be the reformers of Islam but rejecting 1000s of hadiths, they also translate the Quran according to their wishes whilst ignoring 1400 years of ulema work on Islam. But they forget the world is only a few days.
It has 'ism' and 'ist' suffix which means it is based on ideology, and so the pursuit of truth is not its objective or priority. What is needed is honest review of Hadith for problems and contradictions. I don't expect those who make their money and career off Hadith, i.e. the 'imams and scholars', to do it.
This is a fitnah and currently Ghamidi is its advocate. It is American sponsored.

Anti Islam forces fund, train, propagate certain Muslim groups/sects in order to weaken and divide the Muslims, leading to internal clashes and civil wars. We have one famous sect which was given petrodollars worth 100B + in order to spread it all over the Muslim world, this lead to hatred, division, civil wars, terrorism, economic loss worth trillions.

It has 'ism' and 'ist' suffix which means it is based on ideology, and so the pursuit of truth is not its objective or priority. What is needed is honest review of Hadith for problems and contradictions. I don't expect those who make their money and career off Hadith, i.e. the 'imams and scholars', to do it.

Islam started 1400 years ago, all work on hadith and tafsirs has been done. The issue is 21st century Muslims and Mullahs want to reform Islam in order to fit their materialistic mindset, they don't like the old boring Islam, so they want to make a new one, a modern version.
Anti Islam forces fund, train, propagate certain Muslim groups/sects in order to weaken and divide the Muslims, leading to internal clashes and civil wars. We have one famous sect which was given petrodollars worth 100B + in order to spread it all over the Muslim world, this lead to hatred, division, civil wars, terrorism, economic loss worth trillions.

Islam started 1400 years ago, all work on hadith and tafsirs has been done. The issue is 21st century Muslims and Mullahs want to reform Islam in order to fit their materialistic mindset, they don't like the old boring Islam, so they want to make a new one, a modern version.
Of you want to follow Islam correctly, you need to follow the Qur'an and the Sunnah or the Hadith.
Quran and hadith are the primary sources of islam. They work in collaboration and cannot be separated from each other.
The teachings of hadiths donot contradict the teachings of Quran. Teachings are same in both sources and hadith sometimes provide guidance that is not provided in Quran for some matters.
For example, the matter of lashes on the drunk.
Quranists who claim that Quran alone is enough for our guidance are actually committing a huge sin by doubting on Allah’s authority of protecting The true essence of islamic teachings.
It means that whole ummah is misguided ? Did God not preserve for us the finest teachings and let us be misguided,? No! This is not possible.
I don't accept this.

Its true though. Islam has been here for 1400 years, the great muffasareen and muhaditheen have done 1000s of Quran translations and tafsirs, translation of hadiths. We cannot suddenly ignore 1400 years of Islamic work and research and start a new religion. The reality is the reformist movements are trying to change Islam to suit their way of life, just how Christianity and Judaism was modernised. The youtube mullahs are not experts in Islam but are just beautiful speakers who pick and choose, twist a few things and add massala.

Of you want to follow Islam correctly, you need to follow the Qur'an and the Sunnah or the Hadith.

But they mistranslate the Quran and hadith, and reject 1000s of hadith and historical quran translations.
Religious discussions are not allowed in the forum.

Why can't you people follow the said rules?

Quranism is a theological belief system

I am one of those Muslims who believe that only Quran is Ahsan al hadees, the only true non corrupted divine message for humanity till the end of the time. The rest of material labelled and sold as necessary part of Islamic faith are mostly concocted stories, fairytales. Which were over the period produced and spread for varying reasons ranging from division of Muslim world to political gains (division and political motives behind this are proven, seen, documented, and facts). We have remained stagnant because of the nonsense we are taught in these traditions. The earlier Muslims were making progress, expanding as a united force and after the dawn of traditions we ended up divided, backward thinking heavily reliant on qadar lot.

However, I don't believe in any sects nor associate myself with any, and don't like to be called Quranist or any name except Muslim. Sectarianism or associating oneself with any sect is akin to shirk, which is unforgivable.

The majority Muslims who don't like or afraid of people like me, argue that traditions are interpretation of Quran, WRONG .. Quran is its own interpretation, you just have to understand, focus and shed your preconceived beliefs to let the message sink in and mourn the Zulm that has been committed to Muslim ummah.

They argue but most of them don't even bother reading the traditions (which they call Ahadees) critically and properly.

Mr. Ghulam Ahmed Mirza once said that "Ahadess wo pitara hy jiss may sy jo chaho nikal lo" >>>>>> roughly translated to "Traditions is that bucket which can provide you basis and reason for anything you want to propagate" and well he did use that pitara to further his thing.

Iqbal also eventually found out this truth, he started his journey as a believer in Sufism / mysticism and later ended up realizing that only true word from ALLAH is Quran and Quran only.
Pursuit of truth and knowledge should never stop. Contents of many Hadith are an issue. Plus, knowing additional facts, there are better ways of understanding and explaining Quran verses.
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