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Dirty harry aka General Faisal Naseer is an animal :Imran khan

I hope IK takes your advice and actually says that. :pop:

پاکستان میں جنرل الیکشن سے مراد وہ الیکشن ہیں جو کسی جنرل کی نگرانی میں کروائے جائیں۔

اس الیکشن میں امیدواروں کو جنرل ہی لاتے ہیں ، جنرل ہی ہرواتے ہیں اور جنرل ہی جتواتے ہیں۔

جنرل الیکشن میں جس امیدوار کی پارٹی عسکریت حاصل کر لیتی ہے اس کو اقتدار کی گاڑی کی چابی تھما دی جاتی ہے ۔

اس گاڑی میں سارے ٹائر جنرل کے لگائے جاتے ہیں اور ایکسٹرا ٹائر بھی جنرل کا ہی رکھا جاتا ہے تاکہ کسی ٹائر کے خراب ہونے کی صورت میں نیا ٹائر کوئی خرابی پیدا نہ کرے ۔

اس گاڑی کا ہر ہفتے باقاعدہ جنرل چیک اپ کیا جاتا ہے اور کسی پرزے کی خرابی کی صورت میں نیا پرزہ جنرل سٹور سے خرید کر تبدیل کر دیا جاتا ہے ۔

ہاں اس گاڑی کو صرف جرنیلی سڑک پر چلانے کی اجازت ہوتی ہے اگر ڈرائیور گاڑی کو ادھر اُدھر لے جانے کی کوشش کرے تو اس کے جنرل چیک اپ کے لئے اسے جنرل ہاسپٹل بھیج دیا جاتا ہے ۔

علاج کے بعد اگر ڈرائیور دوبارہ گاڑی کو جرنیلی سڑک پر چلانے پر آمادہ ہو جائے تو گاڑی اس کے حوالے کر دی جاتی ہے ورنہ اسی گاڑی پر نیا ڈرائیور لگا دیا جاتا ہے ۔

پچھلے پچھتر سال سے جنرل الیکشن اور اقتدار کی گاڑی ایسے ہی چل رہی ہے۔۔۔

@Imran Khan @ziaulislam
Not in a failed banana republic of Faujistan with kangaroo courts. The only thing that is supreme in Pakistan
One decision can make a difference.
One decision in 1954 from non-justice Munir forever changed Pakistan converting it into Banana republic though Pakistanis tried hard to reverse it.
One decision from SC can also put a break to it. I have a feeling they will act for Pakistan.
Rapists generals are doomed anyway.
. . .
I don’t think the Generals will ever get their lost reputation back.

Dirty Harry is referred to Establishment by IK here. IK becomes a PM or not, Establishment sahi ke nangey ho rahe hai.
One decision can make a difference.
One decision in 1954 from non-justice Munir forever changed Pakistan converting it into Banana republic though Pakistanis tried hard to reverse it.
One decision from SC can also put a break to it. I have a feeling they will act for Pakistan.
Rapists generals are doomed anyway.
Not really supreme court can order what ever it wants nothing will happen unless there is mutiny in the army which also should not happen

In end there is no path out of this mess..

Corps commanders don't want to go to jail.
The juniors don't want to do mutiny
And no one else for obvious reasons have any power

I expect bilawal or Shahbaz to come in power but high probability it's bilawal since zardari has been involved in talks for long time

We also have trump card in form major saad rizvi so who knows
Not really supreme court can order what ever it wants nothing will happen unless there is mutiny in the army which also should not happen

In end there is no path out of this mess..

Corps commanders don't want to go to jail.
The juniors don't want to do mutiny
And no one else for obvious reasons have any power

I expect bilawal or Shahbaz to come in power but high probability it's bilawal since zardari has been involved in talks for long time

We also have trump card in form major saad rizvi so who knowsView attachment 919003

There is legitimate cynicism but if power is everything then every despot would have remained forever.
Reign of Tzars ended when Nicholas II was executed along with whole family.
More recently Romanian forever dictator Nicolae Ceausesco and wife Elena were executed in 1989. His personal pilot betrayed.

Why Pakistani despots remain immune???
Nothing wrong in mutiny when rapists generals gnaw on death body of Pakistan.
Absolutely yes. Because there is an expectation of the lack of a fair due process does not mean we all should stop demanding it.
If that is the case then PA stance is to be believed for all HR allegations in Baluchistan and other regions then?. You would have to then not believe what is being reported in Russia-Ukraine conflict as well. In all such atrocities committed by a military, the evidences are mainly circumstantial and witness accounts of alleged victims and whatever is available through open source accounts.
by law A Senator can also not be tortured
by law his video cannot be made when he is with his wife in private home

by Law Judicial Torture on Shabaz Gill should not have happened. But it did happen.

by Law , Crime Report must be written for Assassination attempt but it was denied to Imran Khan his both legs were shot with bullets whole nation saw it

Constitution is Supreme.
I meant the state/army can afford violations .. IK cannot.
. .
One decision from SC can also put a break to it. I have a feeling they will act for Pakistan.
Rapists generals are doomed anyway.
what makes you think that the judges in SC are any better?

There is legitimate cynicism but if power is everything then every despot would have remained forever.
Reign of Tzars ended when Nicholas II was executed along with whole family.
More recently Romanian forever dictator Nicolae Ceausesco and wife Elena were executed in 1989. His personal pilot betrayed.

Why Pakistani despots remain immune???
Nothing wrong in mutiny when rapists generals gnaw on death body of Pakistan.
they remain immune because everyone is connected to everyone else. everyone has a judge, lawyer, civil servant, fauji in their family. everyone enjoys abusing the system if they can get away with it or have contacts. why will the awam punish anyone when they themselves are among the perpetrators.
. . .
Whoever is calling the shots, atleast be good at what you do. If Pakistan wasn't so poor nobody would complain.

These are all desperate acts to maintain power. Trying to sideline the most popular leader in the country for their grip in power for another 50 years of poverty. This country is a mess.
. .
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