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Differences in the professionalism of Indian soldier and a Pakistani soldie

Here you go, yo stated a story and then eventually wanted to discuss about entire Indian society....whereas you accused me of generalizing rather than admitting that you did it....You knew generalization will follow and it did.....if you want to discuss such subjects start with introduction at broader scale then quote examples at related part and sum it up with some conclusion that we can reply in that fashion.....not playing word games...pouring out anything that comes in your mind.

You want to convey your POV and ideas, observation, first change presentation....No offence
pointing out prevalent attitudes in society is not generalizing when majority has this hidden bias.

Both armies are professional in my opinion such attitude and poor professionalism exists only in brain washed right wing soldiers. For example the master mind behind Samjhota express blast was Lt Colonel in IA but he was brain washed with terrorist ideology.
The question here is not army but individual officers.

Both armies are professional in my opinion such attitude and poor professionalism exists only in brain washed right wing soldiers. For example the master mind behind Samjhota express blast was Lt Colonel in IA but he was brain washed with terrorist ideology.
The question here is not army but individual officers.
Using a wounded soldiers war time feelings (and the same soldier who later wanted to find and thank that pakistani doctor BTW) to make such outlandish claims just shows the difference between professional trolls and normal posters.

Lets just ignore the long list of coups, the highjacking of a nation's vision and destiny and the great achievements in racial and religious harmony in east pakistan in 1971 and rant about a gravely wounded individuals temporary feelings. Idiot.
pointing out prevalent attitudes in society is not generalizing when majority has this hidden bias.

The question here is not army but individual officers.

What have you done to address this bias... all you have one for past 2 hours is justify why you started this thread....to me you are no better than a beggar who pick ups a whip and starts whipping himself just to make sure that people show mercy on him and give him money....people like you are found in most NGOs across India who travel in Luxury cars acquired from funds received from Foreign countries ... and every now and then cry a tear or two about how people are living a bad life....and then share it with the world so that they get more money to buy fuel for that car..
@OP what is your intention of opening this thread and throwing mud at our soldier.

I was reading the above thread where fellow indians call it truly inspiring story of 1971 war.But i call it low level of professionalism from Major General Ian Cardozo says...

Even enemy shows respect but when major general says he dont want to be treated by the pakistani surgeon and he dont want any pakistani blood then it shows his gutter level thinking.On ther other hand Major Bahseer the pakistani surgeon treats major general as his pairient rather than his enemy even during war time and does his duity as human being for which he took oath as doctor to treat his paitient to best of his abilities.

I wonder What those cliches' they show in indian movies about attitudes of indians towards muslim fellow indian like...

"i dont want to be treated by muslim"
"i dont want dirty muslim blood"

etc are not merely as cliches' but sadly a dark truth of indian society which got out in this incident.

The soldier says that he doesn't want to be treated by an enemy surgeon and he doesn't want enemy blood in him. This sort of extreme bravado bordering on stupidity happens in all armies.

How does this turn to a Hindu-Muslim thread? The general in this case is a Christian too. But leave that aside. How do you know that his CO wasn't a Muslim, the blood that was given to him wasn't from an Indian Muslim soldier, that he hated Muslims? That seems to be a big leap of imagination on your part.
Have you ever heard of Dr.Dwarkanath Kotnis? I am sure you won't have because he is an Indian. Go google him and find out what is he known for.

The Maj Gen had asked that he should not be given PAKISTANI BLOOD and your subsequent posts had turned it into MUSLIM BLOOD. What should we take it as? Hatred against an enemy country at war is reasonable but you are trying it give it a religious colour. Don't we have muslims in India? And I have never seen anybody asking the doctors in a Hospital whether the blood is of Hindu/muslim/sikh etc.

And do you know during 71 war how Indian soldiers have out of the way helped those 90000 Pakistanis in the POW camps. Read the book Pakistani POWs in India by S. P. Salunke and then come back.

Its a sincere advice to you, keep your fcuking ideologies to ypurself. I don't know how old are you but you surely deserve a spanking on your bloody @$$ and that too by your parents if they don't know your bent of mind.

And forgive me, I can not be more polite than this with you.
Ajtr is a very strange case. I think hes neither a she nor she a he.

i think IT got stuck somewhere in between,.

i cant seem to get a lock on this strange wilding.

He play s an Indian get a ban fr a long time ,comes back as a Pakistani and then wollah ...changes his flag to India again and acts as if no one noticed.

Seriously something really wrong wit this queer.
Oh so trolling is allowed in members club ?

Pakistan refused India's Aid during natural calamities...I think that is also gutter level thinking.

Hundreds of men, women and children died but pakistan refused India's help. Why ?

coz we are hindu baniya :pakistan:
^ ajtr mate, you shoud see some bangali baba asap. Your condition is deteriorating. I hope with all sidhi and midnight tantra will help you recover expeditiously.:moil:
Have you ever heard of Dr.Dwarkanath Kotnis? I am sure you won't have because he is an Indian. Go google him and find out what is he known for.
More than me chinese needs to know him and his work in china.better show them the movie on kotnis.Its old movie but watcable.

The Maj Gen had asked that he should not be given PAKISTANI BLOOD and your subsequent posts had turned it into MUSLIM BLOOD. What should we take it as? Hatred against an enemy country at war is reasonable but you are trying it give it a religious colour. Don't we have muslims in India? And I have never seen anybody asking the doctors in a Hospital whether the blood is of Hindu/muslim/sikh etc.

And do you know during 71 war how Indian soldiers have out of the way helped those 90000 Pakistanis in the POW camps. Read the book Pakistani POWs in India by S. P. Salunke and then come back.
so did pakistanis too with indian POWs

Its a sincere advice to you, keep your fcuking ideologies to ypurself. I don't know how old are you but you surely deserve a spanking on your bloody @$$ and that too by your parents if they don't know your bent of mind.

And forgive me, I can not be more polite than this with you.
typical Indian BS.if u cant counter than shout down with abusive language.But comments like this make me wonder that pakistanis are culturally well behaved than the indians.this thread proves so.
Justifying one wrong with other.Oh yes..only indians are expert at doing it.
i didn't justify anything.i said during the time of war hatred is quite common and any person can act strange.so i just give you an example of american soldiers pissing on dead terrorist.talibanis also behead people and this is just because of hatred.

war is a different thing.war can make even the most calmest person into a ruthless monster.i just said that.:angel:
More than me chinese needs to know him and his work in china.better show them the movie on kotnis.Its old movie but watcable.

so did pakistanis too with indian POWs

typical Indian BS.if u cant counter than shout down with abusive language.But comments like this make me wonder that pakistanis are culturally well behaved than the indians.this thread proves so.

you can talk as much as you want by changing your flag back to pakistani flag.....your husband is indian doesnt means you are indian too!!.yooou were born in pak so you are pakistani!!
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