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Did the Indian Partition of 1947 Cause 9/11?


Apr 13, 2007
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Did the Indian Partition of 1947 Cause 9/11?
A Mideast Butterfly Effect?

Warning: I’m about to go all math and science on yo’ ***.

Have you ever heard the phrase “butterfly effect”?

It’s the popular name for the chaos-theory notion of sensitive dependence.

The phrase comes from the work of mathematician and meteorologist Edward Lorenz, whose computer modeling of weather conditions revealed how tiny variations in initial conditions could have profound long-term consequences. Lorenz explained the idea in plain English by suggesting that a butterfly flapping its wings in Brazil can set off a chain of events that leads to a tornado in Texas.

History isn’t science or math, but the butterfly effect is a fun, thought-provoking concept for understanding and re-imagining the past. Events or decisions can ripple through time and affect the future in ways people cannot predict.

In February 1860, Abraham Lincoln gave a brilliant campaign speech at the Cooper Union hall in New York City. In retrospect, it was one of the campaign’s decisive moments. If he’d flubbed it, he might have lost the Republican Party’s nomination that year. He wouldn’t have been president and the United States might not exist in its current form. But nobody left Cooper Union that night thinking, “That tall guy’s gonna save the Union. Gosh, wouldn’t his long face look swell on a penny.” They probably just thought it was a good speech.

When the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna rejected the application for admission of a young Viennese painter named Adolf Hitler, they weren’t thinking to themselves, “Let’s make sure this guy ends up bitter enough to start World War II and unleash the Holocaust.”

In 1947, when the United Kingdom decided to divide its colony India into two states, one majority Muslim (Pakistan), the other majority Hindu (India), the Brits didn’t sit around and think, “Hmm, this decision will be a boon for early-21st-century Islamic militants who want to attack the United States with jet planes, please pass the crumpets.”

Instead, they were probably just thinking it was an expedient way to get their empire, weakened by the Second World War, out of the volatile Indian subcontinent.

The partition emboldened warring religious factions and caused human suffering on a scale we can scarcely imagine. Millions of Indian and Pakistani refugees abandoned their homes amid fighting and, depending on their religion, walked to either the Muslim Pakistan or Hindu India. Depending on who’s counting, between 200,000 and 1 million died in the process.

When the migration ended, the fighting didn’t stop. The Maharaja Hari Singh decided that his state, Kashmir, should remain in India, even though it is majority Muslim.

Muslim Pakistan has never accepted this. Since the partition, the entire state has been organized around the idea of fighting a war with India over Kashmir.

Democracy and the economy are subservient to the army, which has fought several wars against India since 1967, twice taking the world to the brink of nuclear war in the past decade.

On constant war footing, Pakistan’s military and intelligence agencies funneled cash and manpower to Islamic militants in Kashmir, India proper and also neighboring Afghanistan. Pakistan incubated and unleashed the Taliban in Afghanistan to ensure, among other things, that Afghanistan remained an ally of Pakistan.

It’s part principle, part practical hedge. Many in Pakistan are pro-Taliban. Others simply want to make sure that whoever rules neighboring Afghanistan is friendly. Because they were clients, the Taliban were friendly to Pakistan.

So how did the Indian Partition of 1947 lead to 9/11? Without the partition, there would not have been a paranoid, militant Pakistan on a constant, religiously fueled war footing with India. No war footing with India, no existential urge to support the Taliban. No Taliban, no al-Qaeda.

I’m not saying there wouldn’t be militant Islam, just that events would have transpired very differently.

Nouraee is a senior writer for Creative Loafing in Atlanta. He has been voted Readers Pick for Best Columnist in Atlanta since 2002 and was a finalist for a Green Eyeshade Excellence in Journalism Award in 2004.
This is a interesting but ultimately daft article as it conveniently forgets the other inputs. And if you don't use ALL the data you can come up with all kinds of weird theories.
Clearly its a POV from a ringside observer who is analyzing the fallout of the events in 1947 outside the subcontinent. He might be correct in his limited observation but the important fact is that there was no choice for the people of subcontinent. Had there been no partition, hindus & muslims in subcontinent would've finished eachother to the last man. But the fallout might not have have triggered a global Domino's effect of jehad.
What a load of crap! What if there wasnt any india, no BD liberation stunt, no more Supporting of the BLA terrorist group, no RAW attacks in neighbouring countries, no more arms race and finaly neighbours in peace.
If the humans werent there, the world would have been a better place...
What role did the partition play in your life?

An estimated half million people were killed in communal violence
The 60th anniversary of the partition of India in 1947 and the creation of Pakistan was a momentous event in this region. Hundreds of thousands of Muslims and Hindus died in the widespread communal bloodshed that followed the partition and many left their homes never to go back.

The BBC is interested in hearing from people in both India and Pakistan whose lives have been affected by the events of 60 years ago.

What is the legacy of the partition? How has it shaped your life? Did you live through the traumatic events of 1947? What are your memories of that time?

Send us your stories and experiences using the form below:
You can also send pictures to: yourpics@bbc.co.uk.

Click here for terms and conditions on sending photos and video http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/talking_point/2780295.stm#yourpics
Its quite saddening that Mods are turning a blind eye to trolling and thread hijacking. Especially for members who keeps posting articles in multiple threads and dont add any contribution. You have been reported
Question is where do you start ? Sure the article makes sense, if seen in a limited time frame. But why start from 1947, why not go back even further ? If there had been no British rule in India, there would have not been any partition, thus no 9/11. So does that mean British empire building caused the Partition ? If there had been no Muslim invasion in India, there would be no Pakistan, so does this mean Babur caused 9/11. If there had been no Islam, there would be no 9/11. So does it mean Prophet Muhammad caused 9/11 ? If America had not been discovered, there would be no 9/11, so does it mean Columbus caused 9/11 ?

There is no end to it really.
9/11 has nothing whatsoever to do with the partition. The argument is similar to theorizing that if Khomeni's father would have died in infancy, Khomeni wouldnt have been born, thus no Iranian revolution, no Iran - Iraq war, no Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, no need of US attack on Iraq and thus no second Iraq war. Thus the man responsible for conditons in Iraq today is Khomeni's father.

9/11 event was carried out by Saudi Arabain youths not a single Pakistani among them.
The original Al Qaeda was formed because Osama bin Laden argued that presence of US troops on the soil where the Harmain Sharifain ( Kaaba and Masjid ul Haraam) exist is un Islamic. No non muslim army was permanently stationed in the land comprising KSA since the time of the holy Prohet ( PBUH). Thus muslims of the world should carry out a jehad against US and rid the holy land from the infidels. Osama was provided safe haven in Afghanistan only after thrown out of Sudan.

Talibaan came into existence in the aftermath of Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Even if there was no partition and USSR invaded Aghanistan, refugees would still have found shelter in NWFP, most logical place. This event is no different than India providing shelter to Bengalis in 1971 as the only other alternative would be to shoot at them. How would that look to the world community?.

IMO, 9/11 can be construed to be a result of combination of factors. Mainly Saddam's invasion of Kuwait ( Saddam thought that US had given him a nod) which resulted in stationing of US forces permanently on Saudi soil. Palestinian problem; which provided Osama with the sympathetic ear of Arab youth. Soviet invasion of Afghanistan; wherein Arab youth such as Osama could receive guerrilla training. And the fact that Bin Laden family was extremely wealthy, enabling Osama to finance the movement from personal funds. Partition has nothing whatsoever to do it.

Sometimes I wonder why my perspective of events is so different from some people. It could be that I am not given to the flight of fancy.
To be fair, it is too far fetched.

That way all the ills of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and the whole world can be attributed to the Partition and also to the creation of the Earth!

Please blame God instead!

Leave us Pakistanis, Bangladeshi and Indians to our ways, even if they are miserable. We will manage on our own.
What a load of crap! What if there wasnt any india, no BD liberation stunt, no more Supporting of the BLA terrorist group, no RAW attacks in neighbouring countries, no more arms race and finaly neighbours in peace.

This is exactly what the author spoke about, the hatred.
who say this, the main purpose of partition is to give Muslims the freedom from the cruel hands so that they can live and fallow their religion freely....

Oh you muslims arent that important, even we are also living in this world!!! so live by adjusting and accomdating like we do.
who say this, the main purpose of partition is to give Muslims the freedom from the cruel hands so that they can live and fallow their religion freely....

bullshit.Muslims can liver freely. At present they are more safer is secular countries than in Mulsims countries where they are blown up in the name of jihad/shia/sunni and what not.
This is like saying that my fart is responsible for hurricane Kathrina
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