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Did Syria Sink an Israeli Submarine?

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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A story out of Syria claiming it sunk a German built nuclear armed submarine operated by the government of Israel has not only been partially confirmed, but that a fully confirmed nuclear attack on Syria is now believed to have been Israeli retaliation for that sinking.

It is reported that the Israeli Dolphin submarine, a German built diesel/electric craft, was attacked and sunk by a Syrian Navy torpedo boat at 2:30 AM, May 2, 2013 while at a depth of 150 meters. Prior to the sinking, a ship operated by Germany’s intelligence services had been in the area.

After the reported, or should we say “unreported” sinking of the Israeli submarine and the equally “unreported” nuclear attack on Syria, a large contingent of Russian naval vessels moved into area.

Evidence is piling up, backing this scenario as one where Russia was forced to use its military capabilities to stabilize the region and defuse a wider conflict.

Was the Nuke Attack of May 4/5 Retaliation?A story out of Syria claiming it sunk a German built nuclear armed submarine operated by the government of Israel has not only been partially confirmed, but that a fully confirmed nuclear attack on Syria is now believed to have been Israeli retaliation for that sinking.

It is reported that the Israeli Dolphin submarine, a German built diesel/electric craft, was attacked and sunk by a Syrian Navy torpedo boat at 2:30 AM, May 2, 2013 while at a depth of 150 meters. Prior to the sinking, a ship operated by Germany’s intelligence services had been in the area.

After the reported, or should we say “unreported” sinking of the Israeli submarine and the equally “unreported” nuclear attack on Syria, a large contingent of Russian naval vessels moved into area.

Evidence is piling up, backing this scenario as one where Russia was forced to use its military capabilities to stabilize the region and defuse a wider conflict.

The video analysis of the nuclear attack, two days after the reported sinking, is conclusive.

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What had been in question was the “why?” There was no evidence that Syria had a target that would justify the risk of Israel using a nuclear weapon. Initial assumptions were that Syria may have had an underground nuclear facility but that proved to be groundless.

What drove Israel then?

Now we may well have the answer. The report came from Syrianews. This is the publication that reported the use of chemical weapons by rebel forces on March 19 near Aleppo. They have legitimate sources, certainly more than any mainstream media, and report in a serious and credible manner.

There are also broad confirmations that Israel has lost an F 16 during the conflict.
Saturday, May 25th, 2013 | Posted by Gordon Duff
Did Syria Sink an Israeli Submarine?
Was the Nuke Attack of May 4/5 Retaliation?

A story out of Syria claiming it sunk a German built nuclear armed submarine operated by the government of Israel has not only been partially confirmed, but that a fully confirmed nuclear attack on Syria is now believed to have been Israeli retaliation for that sinking.

It is reported that the Israeli Dolphin submarine, a German built diesel/electric craft, was attacked and sunk by a Syrian Navy torpedo boat at 2:30 AM, May 2, 2013 while at a depth of 150 meters. Prior to the sinking, a ship operated by Germany’s intelligence services had been in the area.

After the reported, or should we say “unreported” sinking of the Israeli submarine and the equally “unreported” nuclear attack on Syria, a large contingent of Russian naval vessels moved into area.

Evidence is piling up, backing this scenario as one where Russia was forced to use its military capabilities to stabilize the region and defuse a wider conflict.

The video analysis of the nuclear attack, two days after the reported sinking, is conclusive.

YouTube - Veterans Today -

What had been in question was the “why?” There was no evidence that Syria had a target that would justify the risk of Israel using a nuclear weapon. Initial assumptions were that Syria may have had an underground nuclear facility but that proved to be groundless.

What drove Israel then?

Now we may well have the answer. The report came from Syrianews. This is the publication that reported the use of chemical weapons by rebel forces on March 19 near Aleppo. They have legitimate sources, certainly more than any mainstream media, and report in a serious and credible manner.

There are also broad confirmations that Israel has lost an F 16 during the conflict.

Nuclear Flash, Syria, May 4, 2013, Scale of Frame – 15 miles

This would be the second submarine Israel has lost. The former HMS Token, renamed the Dakar by Israel when it was given to them by Britain in 1967 “disappeared” with all hands. There has been broad speculation that the US Navy sunk the Dakar in retaliation for the Israeli attack that killed and wounded over 200 American sailors on the USS Liberty a year before. Israel now openly admits to attacking the Liberty, claiming that the United States was spying for Egypt during the 1967 Six Day War.


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Where do you guys get this shit ? And you believe it, too !!! GEEZ !!!
Did the Syrians swim down there and open a door ? I'll be diving next Saturday. I'll keep an eye out for it. HAHAHAHAHA !!!

Because of the credibility of the news source, it is questionable whether an incident like this happened or not.

BUT what's NOT questionable is your immaturity, insanity and USS Liberty!
This is coming from different sources, some might not be very credible, but the shear number of the sources indicates some truth.

Unlike the DEPKA files talking exclusively about a Ghadir submarine that has sinked in the strait of Hormuz while trying to mimic an attack on a American carrier replica ( that is still in a dry dock).
This is coming from different sources, some might not be very credible, but the shear number of the sources indicates some truth.

Unlike the DEPKA files talking exclusively about a Ghadir submarine that has sinked in the strait of Hormuz while trying to mimic an attack on a American carrier replica ( that is still in a dry dock).

Now wait for the loony brigade to show up!
It is reported that the Israeli Dolphin submarine, a German built diesel/electric craft, was attacked and sunk by a Syrian Navy torpedo boat

After the reported, or should we say “unreported” sinking of the Israeli submarine and the equally “unreported” nuclear attack on Syria

Was the Nuke Attack of May 4/5 Retaliation?
well it seems all the seismic station in Middle east and europe and north of Africa are worth shit and all surveiliance satelite around the world are just good for junk yard.

honestly an unreported nuclear attack ? you can hide the destruction of Eiffel tower you can destroy Liberty statue and hide it but a nuclear attack , no .
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