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Dhaka rolls out red carpet for Sonia Gandhi

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i was speaking in the same context as you when you said Pakistan is run by Uncle Sam, but it seems you have a lack of comprehension.

No such thing exists (perhaps in your delusional mind), however their is something called a Obsessive Compulsive Disorder which you seem to have about Pakistan, perhaps your a B@stard born from a Bengali women who was raped by a Pakistani soldier and you can't get over that fact.

If your going to resort to personal attacks then expect the same from me.

Nothing unexpected from a P@kkii, I have not cursed your parents
although it seems that should have been better. Your verbal diarrhea shows how your parents bought you up. Rather it shows what kind of class they belong to.
Would not be surprised if they are from some red light district.

Haha Bangladeshis like you are just so confusing.
You hate Pakistan, You hate India.
But your friend China is best friends with Pakistan, so you become friends with Pakistan.
Or when Indian leader visits Bangladesh you guys don't forget to try ANYTHING to impress.

You separated with Pakistan because Pakistanis thought you guys weren't fit enough to protect the country so you were under represented in security forces and because you were imposed of false Arabian culture [Wearing Bengali saris, Doing Bindi, Speaking Bangla and reading Bengali literature was not encouraged.] And now you guys cry about how your country is heavily influenced with Indian culture. Seriously make up your mind!

Doesn't this kind of behaviour raise a question mark in Bangladeshi rationale?

Whats so confusing? Did we start the 26th march war?
Or the Farakka Barrage? Did I cry about Indian culture?
Bangalee saree, or literature is our mater not yours.

If some Mullahs on PDF cry about culture infiltration that does
not represent my country.

I don't hate anyone nor do I have to.

Being a civilized country we are supposed to treat anyone
with respect, even if your Italian Gandhi comes here
or a Pakistani Ambassador. We are unlike the two of you
now go sleep together.
Anyways, I don't know what others think or my country mates here.
Let me state some facts here................

We are doing fine, quite fine that is whatever PDF portrays here.

We are not run my Uncle Sam, Nor the Chinese gets their free lunch
or bases or whatever. Sorry no autocratic Italian runs our country.
No Indians nor Pakistan But only Bangladeshis. There is a reason
why we don't see an Indepndent Tamil, Punjab, Baloch, Bihar because
of that difference.

I thought that was supposed to be a good thing? :S It goes to show diversity. :)

Plus who wants to separate did you say? BIHAR??? looooooooooooooool
Really??!! Bihar and U.P. are the biggest states of India and since Hinduism was born there. there is NO WAY they'd want to seperate.

It's like saying Punjabis in Pakistan want to separate! loool :D Seriously mate who told you this? It's fine you said on this forum but don't say such things in publick you'll get p*ss taken out of. :) Just a friendly advise. :)
I thought that was supposed to be a good thing? :S It goes to show diversity. :)

Plus who wants to separate did you say? BIHAR??? looooooooooooooool
Really??!! Bihar and U.P. are the biggest states of India and since Hinduism was born there. there is NO WAY they'd want to seperate.

It's like saying Punjabis in Pakistan want to separate! loool :D Seriously mate who told you this? It's fine you said on this forum but don't say such things in publick you'll get p*ss taken out of. :) Just a friendly advise. :)

Seems you've failed to understand the context of ethnicity
and a country born out of that. Take my advice, don't
preach bullsh*t if you don't understand something.

I said there is a difference in Bangalis in BD
and other ethnic population adjacent to us.
Whats so confusing? Did we start the 26th march war?
Or the Farakka Barrage? Did I cry about Indian culture?
Bangalee saree, or literature is our mater not yours.

Not really mate.
I'm sorry but I don't know what 26th march war is so I googled it and I didn't find A SINGLE post. :)
So if you guys are mad at something that's so petty that google couldn't even find it then I'm sorry.

Btw now that I know what you meant by '26th march war'. I can reply properly. Who started it then? You think we started it?
'The war broke out on 26 March 1971 as army units directed by West Pakistan launched a military operation in East Pakistan against Bengali civilians, students, intelligentsia, and armed personnel who were demanding separation of the East from West Pakistan.'

So if you think we did something wrong then we're the biggest idiots of the world. After spilling blood of our 10,000 soldiers if you think it's out fault then I'm sorry no comment. :)
Seems you've failed to understand the context of ethnicity
and a country born out of that. Take my advice, don't
preach bullsh*t if you don't understand something.

I said there is a difference in Bangalis in BD
and other ethnic population adjacent to us.

Lmao it's funny how you said I failed to understand something when you failed to explain what I failed to understand. :)

And I'd like to know what's the 'difference'? :)
Not really mate.
I'm sorry but I don't know what 26th march war is so I googled it and I didn't find A SINGLE post. :)
So if you guys are mad at something that's so petty that google couldn't even find it then I'm sorry.

opppppppppps i am really shocked they red carpet for you ppl and you piss on carpet haahhahahahahahhaha shame for whom? :rofl:
Bangladeshi desperately want to be a part of Pakistan again. its funny how they behave online..but in reality they are just jealous of our influence in international politics and want to be one of us


Bangladesh is Bangladesh

Pakistan is Pakistan.

they always were seperate people. Doesnt mean we can't be friendly now. Despite bad history, we still have a very respectable and dignified relationship with Bengalis.....we may not agree with the way Bengalis are being taken for a ride by their spineless government, but that's more their internal affair and less of our concern.
opppppppppps i am really shocked they red carpet for you ppl and you piss on carpet haahhahahahahahhaha shame for whom? :rofl:

hahaha but who calls it '26th march war' anyway? It's called 'Bangladesh Liberation war'! or 1971 war! Who addresses a war by the date it started on? It's the year that counts but when you're discussing a topic with such people it usually becomes an argument rather than informative discussion.
BTW what was doing this BD air force transport bird in lahore before few days.


Seems like I've done a good job at making
a pact out of Indo-Pak members. :tup:

Keep on with the friendship!
Seems like I've done a good job at making
a pact out of Indo-Pak members. :tup:

Keep on with the friendship!

loool Trust me people to people contact between India-Pakistan are stronger than UK-US.

But unfortunately in a negative way.
Cheers for the help. :P
Haha Bangladeshis like you are just so confusing.
You hate Pakistan, You hate India.
But your friend China is best friends with Pakistan, so you become friends with Pakistan.
Or when Indian leader visits Bangladesh you guys don't forget to try ANYTHING to impress.

You separated with Pakistan because Pakistanis thought you guys weren't fit enough to protect the country so you were under represented in security forces and because you were imposed of false Arabian culture [Wearing Bengali saris, Doing Bindi, Speaking Bangla and reading Bengali literature was not encouraged.] And now you guys cry about how your country is heavily influenced with Indian culture. Seriously make up your mind!

Doesn't this kind of behaviour raise a question mark in Bangladeshi rationale?

It’s a problem of every non-Arab Muslim state. The only solution is to make them more absolute (Wahhabi) as a religious state and this is what Arab money and resources are trying to do. It’s a transition in progress and my theory is that these states will be more easy to be friend (Geo-Political) when they will be able to jettisoned their previous historic cultural practises or way of life causing confusion not only at the level of an ordinary Joe interacting with non-Muslims in this information age of other states but at the level of their state functioning as well.

There are few examples like Turkey or Malaysia who may inspire them to be as a state like.

For Malaysia this transition was quick and then honesty to recognise prosperity in co-existence with neighbours was paramount and using previous cultural values, language (non-Arab) was worked out to be preserved as ornamental value; not hated. Turkey has no desire of to become Arab as they themselves were the part of very Islamic history of those so called golden times of Islam. They have seen or been part of that glorious history in action.

For countries like BD and Pakistan and for an Islamic scholar who is spreading Islamic absolutism, there is a real traction between Muslims to tackle with. Furthermore we as Indians (non-Muslims) have a job to pull them towards recognizing their previous roots (which they have already started to recognise after a long pause of Zia ul experiment) to make them more confused or more obliged to do so ;) . Interestingly the treatment of Arabs irrespective of what they are funding to make them practise the religion they want is too racists to discourage them be part their history, way of life and heritage. The confusion is going to prevail for long as transition will take time. Till then we as non-Muslims will observe such confused rational from our Muslim neighbours. Zia ul Haq was doing well but he underestimated India factor. The transition of BD Muslims could have been easier if he could have done it slow like Chinese are doing in Tibet. But his sheer stupidity brought his own nation separated and left the other state in confusion.

As far as the behaviour of BD members in this particular thread is concerned then there is nothing to worry about. People should value how states interact, not ordinary civilians. The whole troll feast started when a Pakistani poster (shokha, as we say in Punjabi) with sheer innocence asked what BDs think about Indians. His racist undertone and question was good enough for BD members to show their frustration and nationalism because BDs are killed by Indian forces quite frequently at border. Why they should listen to India perspective of defending their nation against illegal cross border smuggling/infiltration?

Things could have been easier if BD members could have used some maturity without making juvenile statements like see other threads etc. But that wasn't the fate of this thread now they have ended up trading some very blunt slogans from Pakistanis as well.
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