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Dhaka rolls out red carpet for Sonia Gandhi

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First of all she is not a girl but a grown woman with two 40+ children.

Indians who love their democratic set up cannot be in any sense in tune with the dynasty based politics that she and her party represents. India is not a kingdom where leadership is only expected out of a particular family. The current tenure will be the last one for MMS as a PM and Ms.Ghandhi and Congresswallahs are hell bent on making Rahul Gandhi the next PM of life as if there are no other capable leaders in Congress.

What about Dikvijay Singh? He seems to be spokesperson for Congress recently :D
Pakistan army's name also there many times, you know for what. :P

We don't care that whether they take name of PA or not. What matters is that we are proud of the sacrifices of all the PA, PAF and PN officers who laid down their lives for our country in that war and that what matter for us. Rest they are independent sovereign nation and they can give awards to anyone they want. We don't have any issue with that. Apnai kharchai par jo chahai kar satai hain. :)
We don't care that whether they take name of PA or not. What matters is that we are proud of the sacrifices of all the PA, PAF and PN officers who laid down their lives for our country in that war and that what matter for us. Rest they are independent sovereign nation and they can give awards to anyone they want. We don't have any issue with that. Apnai kharchai par jo chahai kar satai hain. :)

You call it a war, but if you observe some of the Bangladeshi's comment on that war, it appears that you were defeated only by some untrained lungi clad rabble.

If one goes by what they say, then there is nothing to be proud of since battle hardened soldiers were defeated by a lungi clad motley crowd of untrained mish mash!

They don't even acknowledge that India Army was anywhere around!
You call it a war, but if you observe some of the Bangladeshi's comment on that war, it appears that you were defeated only by some untrained lungi clad rabble.

If one goes by what they say, then there is nothing to be proud of since battle hardened soldiers were defeated by a lungi clad motley crowd of untrained mish mash!

They don't even acknowledge that India Army was anywhere around!

Well everyone has the right to have it's own set of delusions. We aren't obliged to rectify them though.:)
Irrelevant question , why the hatred among many of you guys regarding that girl?

She is just one of the many who were there before her in her married family. Check out the Swiss banks and tell me. It is an open secret..

I am a BJP supporter but please address the leader of the ruling Congress party with respect. She is a guest in your country.

Respect? My ***. If Banglas could get rid of this two-timing vermin, we should offer them a weapon platform of their choice for free. That swindler ruined our country in the last 8 years and you're talking about respect?! I can't believe this.
Well everyone has the right to have it's own set of delusions. We aren't obliged to rectify them though.:)

Hardly delusion as per the Bangladeshis.

They are convinced that the lungi clad defeated a seasoned, battle hardened Pakistan Army.

In fact, this thread itself is indicative of that fact and they do not even have the temper for history to recognise a historical fact!
I am not enamoured by Sonia Gandhi.

But to feel that the Bangladesh Liberation came about merely by the Civil Disobedience of the people of East Pakistan is a bit too thick!

Indira Gandhi played the major role.

If it were the East Pakistani Mukti Bahini alone, Nixon and Kissinger would not have been so riled up. He would have merely given the nod and the Pakistani Army would have ensured that things were all wiped up!

Do you really think that the Pakistani Army was so weak and incompetent that it could not trod underfoot a civilian rebellion?

And there were many Razakars and Biharis who were just waiting to massacre the Bengalis and were doing so.

How many of you have actually seen the Liberation as children with awareness of the times?

It reminds me of the saying - An ungrateful man is like a hog under a tree eating acorns, but never looking up to see where they come from.

Very True Indeed!! I too just can't understands the behaviour of most of the BD members (secular one's) here towards India...for whatever reason....without active India's help Bangladesh can never becomes a reality...they should accepts this universal truth by the core of their hearts because hating Pakistan and Pakistanis is understandable...but its a foolishness on the part of (those) BDs to hate India at the same level and ferocity.

For me..There are only two type of BDs who are seems genuine at PDF;
first the one's whose believe in AL philosphy and teachings and the
2nd one's who believe in Two Nation theory and Philosphy and believe me i see very rare of those people here....majority of BDs in PDF belongs to the 3rd group who don't believe in anything except Anarchy, agitation, protests....these are the people who have real inferiority complex in their minds and soul in every sense...They are just Good for Nothing...God help them...i can only pray!!
Very True Indeed!! I too just can't understands the behaviour of most of the BD members (secular one's) here towards India...for whatever reason....without active India's help Bangladesh can never becomes a reality...they should accepts this universal truth by the core of their hearts because hating Pakistan and Pakistanis is understandable...but its a foolishness on the part of (those) BDs to hate India at the same level and ferocity.

For me..There are only two type of BDs who are seems genuine at PDF;
first the one's whose believe in AL philosphy and teachings and the
2nd one's who believe in Two Nation theory and Philosphy and believe me i see very rare of those people here....majority of BDs in PDF belongs to the 3rd group who don't believe in anything except Anarchy, agitation, protests....these are the people who have real inferiority complex in their minds and soul in every sense...They are just Good for Nothing...God help them...i can only pray!!

My theory, and I may be wrong here is that the 3rd category you mentioned are really not Bangladeshis. Its internet you know and Hide My IP kind of tools are 4 dollars a month.. If you know what I mean :)
My theory, and I may be wrong here is that the 3rd category you mentioned are really not Bangladeshis. Its internet you know and Hide My IP kind of tools are 4 dollars a month.. If you know what I mean :)

:rofl: :rofl:

:rofl: :rofl:

I agree with your that some do display an acute sense of inferiority.

Actually, if one see the posts one sense and deep sense of fear (of what, heaven knows).

Notice their fear at that anarchy prevailing in their nation and to which they themselves are contributing enthusiastically and when they are confused at their insanity, they find it soothing to blame India for it! Why? They fear India? But why?

Fear is the thought of admitted inferiority.
Very True Indeed!! I too just can't understands the behaviour of most of the BD members (secular one's) here towards India...for whatever reason....without active India's help Bangladesh can never becomes a reality...they should accepts this universal truth by the core of their hearts because hating Pakistan and Pakistanis is understandable...but its a foolishness on the part of (those) BDs to hate India at the same level and ferocity.

For me..There are only two type of BDs who are seems genuine at PDF;
first the one's whose believe in AL philosphy and teachings and the
2nd one's who believe in Two Nation theory and Philosphy and believe me i see very rare of those people here....majority of BDs in PDF belongs to the 3rd group who don't believe in anything except Anarchy, agitation, protests....these are the people who have real inferiority complex in their minds and soul in every sense...They are just Good for Nothing...God help them...i can only pray!!

nice to see indo-pak love relation :smitten:

without active India's help Bangladesh can never becomes a reality

with out india there would be no 1971...... it was her long term dream to break you down...... and the best thing happened in their history till today.....
For me..There are only two type of BDs who are seems genuine at PDF;
first the one's whose believe in AL philosphy and teachings and the
2nd one's who believe in Two Nation theory and Philosphy and believe me i see very rare of those people here....
the genuine Bangladeshis are nationalist and do not consider pakistan india big brothers like nepal bhutan......... they dont like pakistan for past , india for present!
nice to see indo-pak love relation :smitten:

with out india there would be no 1971...... it was her long term dream to break you down...... and the best thing happened in their history till today.....
Nah! not too sure of that.. There are a bunch of other events that rank much higher.
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