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Devyani Khobragade case on backburner, US poised to irretrievably lose unilateral privileges

The problem is US law are created for corruption purpose. Everything is based on racial prejudice, power and money. Anyone can be jailed for obscure offenses especially when you are non white. As to your laughable suggestion of building US compounds in India :lol: ......no wonder you guys are considered stupid.

Total Nonsense :lol:

India will decide if our diplomat are entitled to maids of not. You get to have NO say in it. so STFU. LOL.

No need. Indian diplomatic muscle is good enough. We shall see, wont we ? :azn:

If Indian diplomat is going to hire a maid, the maid should be paid in accordance with the US law. And if we would easily let your criminal diplomat leave, we would not have arrested her in the first place. She can only leave if she is acquitted in our courts.

Also, you should check out our embassy in Saudi Arabia and Baghdad. We should build several of them in India, one in each major cities.

For a consul to have a maid is a privilege, not a right. If they are unwilling to dip into their own wealth they can employ a U.S. maid service part-time for the cleaning and "rough it" by buying pre-ground spices at the supermarket rather than expect freshly-ground every day.

these diplomats are living large. And I don't know why all the Indian members support that? Ok, I do. Any Indian that can afford to go on internet can afford a staff of maids.

I don't have a maid as I cannot afford one in America. I will charged and taken to jail if I import a maid and pay her slave wages. Just like the Indian diplomat.
If Indian diplomat is going to hire a maid, the maid should be paid in accordance with the US law. And if we would easily let your criminal diplomat leave, we would not have arrested her in the first place. She can only leave if she is acquitted in our courts.

Also, you should check out our embassy in Saudi Arabia and Baghdad. We should build several of them in India, one in each major cities.

these diplomats are living large. And I don't know why all the Indian members support that? Ok, I do. Any Indian that can afford to go on internet can afford a staff of maids.

I don't have a maid as I cannot afford one in America. I will charged and taken to jail if I import a maid and pay her slave wages. Just like the Indian diplomat.
the only problem here is that India is not like Saudi Arabia or Iraq.we have got a sovereign foreign policy,so we won't allow the U.S. to build special compounds for their people inside our major cities.it's our land and the U.S. has to obey our laws here in India......
@Solomon2 This practice of bringing maids from native country by developing and under-developed countries is going on for decades as local staffs in US is unaffordable for them. It might be illegal but was an acceptable norm in US for embassy/consulates of other countries.

Now if US decides not to allow this practice anymore, then what US could do is to send appropriate communication to other countries, to us, to either take back those maids or to restructure their salaries as per the US laws. This I think was the most suitable thing to do here.

Or if you wanted to react less diplomatically, then you could have send the deputy consul back home, maybe along with the maid also.

even harsher step would be to call her to visit the DA's office, or any other office and arrest her there, if you think arrest was the only option.

But under no circumstances a strip search and a cavity search was required in this case. Even US laws recommend such things only for violent criminals suspected to carry arms to cause harm to own or others, or in case of the accused suspected to carry drugs and contraband, etc. which was not the case here.

And please don't bring business and other obstacles we may face for our stand in this case, we already know that and consider it an acceptable price that we are ready to pay to protect our self-respect.

@faithfulguy This is for you also.
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the only problem here is that India is not like Saudi Arabia or Iraq.we have got a sovereign foreign policy,so we won't allow the U.S. to build special compounds for their people inside our major cities.it's our land and the U.S. has to obey our laws here in India......

In that case, than Americans are not safe in a dangerous India. I would suggest that US withdraw our diplomats from India.
In that case, than Americans are not safe in a dangerous India. I would suggest that US withdraw our diplomats from India.
well the U.S. Govt. thinks differently and hence even after this debacle hasn't withdrawn a single embassy staff from India......:coffee:
@Solomon2 This practice of bringing maids from native country by developing and under-developed countries is going on for decades as local staffs in US is unaffordable for them. It might be illegal but was an acceptable norm in US for embassy/consulates of other countries.
This Administration has signaled for some years now that this policy is changing. Diplomats were notified over two years ago that living expenses could no longer count towards a domestic's salary. Khobragade is not the first Indian diplomat to be pursued for this; a previous case agreed upon a cash settlement but when the dip returned to India he refused to pay - and India's courts, citing - incorrectly - only India's own laws, supported the diplomat.

Or if you wanted to react less diplomatically, then you could have send the deputy consul back home, maybe along with the maid also.
The maid was entitled to worker protection under U.S. laws. I'm not sure why the U.S. didn't ask Khobragade to go home. I know the U.S. was under no obligation to do so, rather than seek Khobragade's arrest.

even harsher step would be to call her to visit the DA's office, or any other office and arrest her there, if you think arrest was the only option.
Voluntary cooperation was requested. There was no answer. link

But under no circumstances a strip search and a cavity search was required in this case. Even US laws recommend such things only for violent criminals suspected to carry arms to cause harm to own or others, or in case of the accused suspected to carry drugs and contraband, etc. which was not the case here.
See here.

we already know that and consider it an acceptable price that we are ready to pay to protect our self-respect.
Outside of India, this is causing India to lose respect: you're all fools for being manipulated by a tiny class of people - who themselves should be your country's servants! - for their own selfish purposes.
The problem is that Indian laws are created for corruption purposes. Everything is base on relationship and money. Anyone can be taken to jail or obscure offenses. I would suggest that America build compounds in major Indian cities under US jurisdiction for Americans. Just like the one we have in Saudi Arabia.

And US has absolutely no right to undermine judiciary of another sovereign democratic country.

And for your information, many filthy rich and powerful politicians ended up in our jails once their crimes were proven.

And your compounds depend upon our permission, hence, not happening.
Americans think that it will be India's loss... lets be clear on this... America was not an ally of India till 1990's...we survived then and we will survive now...It is going to be America's loss...another country added to the list of countries disliking americans....
And US has absolutely no right to undermine judiciary of another sovereign democratic country.
Indian diplomats know that their consuls were obliged, by treaty, to follow U.S. law in this matter, not Indian. I suppose that to protect their colleague they neglected to tell this to their courts. And I presume not many Indian courts are prepared to judge cases by non-Indian laws. Even here in the U.S., a judge will recess for weeks or months to do necessary research when such rare circumstances are encountered.
Keep waiting. I'm getting tired of doing all the work - not just for you. You're not a stupid person and can google it up, research it, etc. Remember, this is all for your edification, not mine.
I have already read it mate.
I came to the conclusion only after reading the background both by the Treaty and including the US consular dispute on wages in Japan.

It is a wage dispute, nothing more, nothing less. Using terms like slave labour are nothing but slander and without a basis.
It is a wage dispute, nothing more, nothing less. Using terms like slave labour are nothing but slander and without a basis.
"Everyone's entitled to their own opinion, but not their own facts." - Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan.
If Indian diplomat is going to hire a maid, the maid should be paid in accordance with the US law. And if we would easily let your criminal diplomat leave, we would not have arrested her in the first place. She can only leave if she is acquitted in our courts.Vienna Convention on Consular Relations

WRONG. Read Vienna Convention on Consular Relations before showcasing your stupidity.

All the Indian diplomat needs to do is comply with INDIAN Laws. Period.

Also, you should check out our embassy in Saudi Arabia and Baghdad. We should build several of them in India, one in each major cities.

LOL. Why ?

What do we care what you do in SA ? :lol: In India you do as we tell you.

these diplomats are living large. And I don't know why all the Indian members support that? Ok, I do. Any Indian that can afford to go on internet can afford a staff of maids.

I don't have a maid as I cannot afford one in America. I will charged and taken to jail if I import a maid and pay her slave wages. Just like the Indian diplomat.

Then better get educated about India and Indians before commenting on something you know nothing about.

Who the FCUK cares if you have a maid of not. Why are you sharing your personal details with us ? You are not an Indian diplomat so you better follow Indian laws since you are NOT covered by Vienna Convention treaty. What an idiot.
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