This BS about scientific proofs regarding things which cannot be proven under our knowledge and laws which govern us, a three dimensional being. Can you prove, by science and its methods, the existence of God? Is there any formula like a+b = God, a being which is above the laws of science or what not?
Remember this, we humans are locked into our three dimensional realm and the laws that govern it. Allah challanged both Humans and Jinns in Surah Rehman to break these laws. Creation of Adam (AS) the first human , an event that happened up in the heavens. Beyond our capacity and capability to understand the dynamics of that time and space/realm.
We reject all the self concocted ideas and theories by so called scientists which goes against what the creator himself has mentioned in his own word in Holy Quran.
And We have certainly created you, [O Mankind], and given you [human] form. Then We said to the angels, "Prostrate to Adam"; so they prostrated, except for Iblees. He was not of those who prostrated.
[Allah] said, "What prevented you from prostrating when I commanded you?" [Satan] said, "I am better than him. You created me from fire and created him from clay."
[Allah] said, "Descend from Paradise, for it is not for you to be arrogant therein. So get out; indeed, you are of the debased.
[Satan] said, "Reprieve me until the Day they are resurrected."
[Allah] said, "Indeed, you are of those reprieved."
[Satan] said, "Because You have put me in error, I will surely sit in wait for them on Your straight path.
Then I will come to them from before them and from behind them and on their right and on their left, and You will not find most of them grateful [to You]."
[Allah] said, "Get out of Paradise, reproached and expelled. Whoever follows you among them - I will surely fill Hell with you, all together."
And "O Adam, dwell, you and your wife, in Paradise and eat from wherever you will but do not approach this tree, lest you be among the wrongdoers."
But Satan whispered to them to make apparent to them that which was concealed from them of their private parts. He said, "Your Lord did not forbid you this tree except that you become angels or become of the immortal."
Good luck in proving above by the "scientific means" and massage the egos of the scientific communities or the so called Allamas as we say. Its not scientific proofs but common sense which needs to be exercise here. Without going to much into detail, one this is very clear, very basic fundamental fact, that first human was created up in heavens while the evolution, if there was such thing, was happening right here down in the planet Earth. Unless science can proof that there was a ape taken up in heaven and allowed to transform in to "recognisable" Human, that we refer to Baba Adam (AS). Are we effectively telling our kids that Baba Adam (AS) came out of the womb of female Ape, if the evolution theory is followed in its letter and spirit?
And if "Islamic republic of Pakistan" aka "second riyasat-e-Madina" is teaching its kids that we came from ape , at early age of their development and intellectual capacity, we are indulging in a great sin as a state. That are many hidden agendas in propagating this BS, as I already mentioned, the rejection of existence of Satan and its fall from grace. Otherwise, how would you know the satan and his minions are there, if we reject what Quran tell us and follow the Darwin theory of evolution?
We dont need to prove anything to anyone. There are no ifs and buts. Turkey has already thrown this garbage out of its curriculum. About time we do the same.