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Destruction of Pakistan Railways is an issue of national security.....


Sep 21, 2011
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Central Asian Khanates and states, rich in mineral deposits like oil, gas and uranium have always been a target of attention of the super powers. In the 19th century, Britain and Russia fought a war of shadows to extend their sphere of influence to this region. The war of shadows was later called as The Great Game by the British and Tournament of Shadows by Russia. It was the strategic rivalry and conflict between the British Empire and the Russian Empire for supremacy in Central Asia. The classic Great Game period is generally regarded as running approximately from the Russo-Persian Treaty of 1813 to the Anglo-Russian Convention of 1907. A second, less intensive phase followed the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917. The Great Game ended as the United Kingdom entered the post-WW2 post-colonial period.
The term "The Great Game" is usually attributed to Arthur Conolly (1807–1842), an intelligence officer of the British East India Company's Sixth Bengal Light Cavalry. It was introduced into mainstream consciousness by British novelist Rudyard Kipling in his novel Kim (1901).
The Russians won the first round of the tournament when they successfully brought their railroad system up to Central Asia and were practically threatening Afghanistan, the Northern access to British Empire in India. The railway line brought about a revolution in the Game and gave Russians a strategic advantage as they could transport massive bodies of troops into Central Asia. The Russian railroad system was, therefore, the major factor and force-multiplier for the Russians to occupy Central Asian states.
This advantage forced the British Empire to follow suit and reach Afghanistan through railroad system. The railway lines laid from rest of India up to Peshawar and Torkhum were, therefore, not for commercial purposes but for strategic compulsions. British decisions were not prompt and were driven by commercial gains as the purse in British India was in the hands of traders represented by East India Company. Apparently, the idea of a rail network was first conceived in 1847, with the possibility of Karachi becoming a major seaport. Sir Henry Edward Frere, who was appointed as the Commissioner of Sindh, sought permission from Lord Dalhousie to begin a survey for a Karachi Seaport and a survey for a railway line in 1858. The proposed railway line would be laid from Karachi (city) to Kotri. A steamboat service on the Indus and Chenab rivers would connect Kotri to Multan and from there another railway line would be laid to Lahore and beyond.
By 1886, there were four railway companies operating in what would become Pakistan. The Scinde (Sindh) Railways, Indian Flotilla Company, Punjab Railway and Delhi Railways. These were amalgamated into the Scinde, Punjab & Delhi Railways Company and purchased by the Secretary of State for India in 1885, and in January 1886 formed the North Western State Railways, which was later on renamed as North Western Railway (NWR). This would eventually become Pakistan Railways in 1947.
Long after Russian railroad network into Central Asia, it was the year 1857 when the idea was suggested by William Andrew (Chairman of Scinde, Punjab and Delhi Railway) that the railways to the Bolan Pass would have strategic role in responding to any threat by Russia. During the second Afghan War (1878–80) between Britain and Afghanistan, a new urgency was needed to construct a Railway line up to Quetta in order to get easier access to the frontier. On 18 September 1879, under the orders of Viceroy Council, work began on laying the railway tracks and after four months the first 215 km of line from Ruk to Sibi was completed and become operational in January 1880. Beyond Sibi the terrain was very difficult. After immense difficulties and harsh weather conditions, it was March 1887 when the railway line of over 320 km long finally reached Quetta.
By 1898, as the network began to grow, another proposed railway line was in the works from Peshawar to Karachi. It closely followed the route taken by Alexander The Great and his army while marching through the Hindu Kush to the Arabian Sea. During the early 20th century, railway lines were also laid down between Peshawar and Rawalpindi and Rawalpindi to Lahore. Different sections on the existing main line from Peshawar and branch lines were constructed in the last quarter of 19th century and early 20th century.
In 1947, at the time of independence, 3,133 route kilometers (1,947 mi) of North Western Railways were transferred to India, leaving 8,122 route kilometers (5,048 mi) to Pakistan. Of this 6,880 route kilometers (4,280 mi) were Broad gauge, 506 kilometers (314 mi) were Metre gauge, and 736 kilometers (457 mi) were Narrow gauge.
In 1954, the railway line was extended to Mardan and Charsada, and in 1956 the Jacobabad-Kashmore 2 ft 6 in (762 mm) gauge line was converted intobroad gauge. In 1961, the Pakistani portion of North Western Railways was renamed Pakistan Railways. The Kot Adu-Kashmore line was constructed between 1969 and 1973 providing an alternative route from Karachi to northern Pakistan.
Pakistan Railways of today is effectively a relic of The Great Game and is being treated as a colonial legacy notwithstanding the fact that it is the only railroad corporation operating under the government provides an important mode of transportation throughout Pakistan. It is commonly referred to as the "life line of the country", by aiding in large-scale movement of people and freight throughout Pakistan. It becomes a life line for the military in the event of a war. It is thus a very crucial defense infrastructure.
Rest of the world has learned lessons that no land force can sustain the pressure of wars without a functional railway system. During the Great War, the US government established a Railway War Board, which later became the Railroad Administration, but so congested did the railroads become that the government eventually seized and ran them through the Railroad Administration.
Under its Railroads and Highways for National Defense program, DOD, with the support of the Department of Transportation (***), ensures the Nation's rail and highway infrastructure can support defense emergencies. The military places heavy and direct reliance on railroads to integrate bases and connect installations to predominantly maritime ports of embarkation. Mainlines, connectors, and clearance lines must all combine to support movement of heavy and/or oversized equipment. To ensure that military needs are factored into railroad industry decisions that may impact on national defense, the Department of Defense relies on the Military Traffic Management Command (MTMC). In this capacity, MTMC identifies facilities of the railroad infrastructure important to national defense, informs the commercial and civil sectors of Defense needs, and encourages the retention and upkeep of railroad assets vital to support military movements.
To ensure this continuity and coordination, MTMC has created the Strategic Rail Corridor Network (STRACNET). STRACNET has identified 32,500 miles of rail line critical for movement of essential military equipment to ports located around the country as well as another 5,000 miles of track essential to connect one facility to another.
In addition to identifying key lines and facilities, MTMC also conducts analysis of potential railroad industry construction, mergers, bankruptcies, and abandonments to determine how any of these actions may affect DOD mobility capabilities. Since 1976, MTMC has reviewed more than 2,100 abandonments affecting 33,000 miles of track, as well as eight bankruptcies affecting more 1/3 of the nation's railroad network. MTMC analysis and reviews are the main source of DOD input to the railroad industry in attempts to preclude the loss of a critical section of track or facility that is essential to effective movement of heavy military lift requirements.
The Railroads for National Defense Program (RND) ensures the readiness capability of the national railroad network to support defense deployment and peacetime needs. The Program works to integrate defense rail needs into civil sector planning affecting the Nation's railroad system. Rail transportation is extremely important to DOD since the predominance of our heavy and tracked vehicles will deploy by rail to seaports of embarkation. The RND Program in conjunction with the US Federal Railroad Administration (FRA), established the Strategic Rail Corridor Network (STRACNET) to ensure DOD's minimum rail needs are identified and coordinated with appropriate transportation authorities. STRACNET is an interconnected and continuous rail line network consisting of over 38,000 miles of track serving over 170 defense installations.
Indian Railways is another success story. Not only that it is a bread-winner for the national kitty, it keeps the country together. It is an instrument of national cohesion and a partner in the national defense.
Contrary to this, Pakistan, despite its moderate size, has a largely dysfunctional railway system. Its military establishment has grown to become a force to reckon with but its crucial support infrastructure of railways has been destroyed by the corrupt politicians. This strategic asset starting declining in 1985, when an immature railway minister of Gen Zia’s government decided to distribute jobs to his constituents and nearly 20,000 people were stuffed without vacancies. His successor, in 1988 government of BB followed his footsteps and again in 1993, the railway minister of Nawaz Sharif who is incidentally Zardari’s railway minister of today stuffed his own people. At one point in time, there were 39000 employees in PR whose only job was to receive salary and overtime allowance. It was as a result of these measures that PR got itself into a debt trap and could not come out of it.
The situation has come to pass that as of mid-2011, it was decided to stop all goods train haulage due to severe shortage of locomotives and fuel. The financially bankrupt organization, despite bailouts, has not been able to emerge out of its troubles leading to cancellation of as many as 115 railway services. The decision has left ordinary Pakistanis at the mercy of bus operators for long distance travel. As of 2011, the PR network cancelled many trains and AC services in many trains were stopped. On 29 December 2011, PR restored freight train service from Karachi to upcountry.
According to Pakistan Railways own statistics, track kilometers in 1950-55 were 12,000 which came down in 2010-11 to 11755; number of locomotives was reduced from 862 to 528, coaching vehicles from 2585 to 1774, and freight wagon from 24251 to 18468. Operating expenses in 1950-55 were 67% of revenues when PR was making profits, which is now 169% of the revenues.
The destruction of Pakistan’s strategic asset is not only bleeding the national resources, its present state is one of the serious threats to national security and national integrity. Its fall out on excessive overload on road network and damage to environment is incalculable. It is the time that the national security establishment takes notice of this situation and take the operations of this institution away from the blood-sucking politicos.
Destruction of Pakistan Railways is an issue of national security
Railway was well maintained and it was one of the profitable sector under the Ministry of Sheikh Rashid Ahmad.
We should learn from Him.
Completely agree , Pakistan Railways is a vital organization for Pakistan

a) Transporting food and trade goods via train means Pakistani people will pay less for Food items
b) Train can move abundant supplies at relative cheap price
c) Trade to Iran - Turkey - China - Gwadar is only possible with Pakistan railways

The organization needs 5-7 Billion Dollars not rupees intervention
Completely agree , Pakistan Railways is a vital organization for Pakistan

a) Transporting food and trade goods via train means Pakistani people will pay less for Food items
b) Train can move abundant supplies at relative cheap price
c) Trade to Iran - Turkey - China - Gwadar is only possible with Pakistan railways

The organization needs 5-7 Billion Dollars not rupees intervention

The organization dont need 5-7 bn $, it just need some credible Minister and managers, They should immediately kick that Bilour train Chor Out or its gonna be worst.
Sick Railway system
I want to share why Pakistan Railway system is sick and so backward. If we compare it with only Asian countries like Iran, India and Japan, etc. we would realize how their Railway systems are organized and giving facilities to their people.
But shame on Pakistan Railways as due to corrupt, dishonest staff plus those who are responsible for running the Railway misuse the funds allocated for development or upgrade of the Railway.
According to a news report six trains have no lights and no fans which include: 1) Bahauddin Zakariya Express; 2) Khawaja Farid Express; 3) Khushal Khan Khattak Express; 4) Bolan Express; 5) Pakistan Express and 6) Allama Iqbal Express.
More painful; one passenger died last month who was travelling by Awam Express which was 16 hours late. The train had no water in its tanks and interestingly its fans were switched off? Any action taken against loss of innocent passenger's life? No.
Perhaps Pakistan Railways only knows how to charge the fare but in return fails to provide basic facilities which can only be felt by those travelling by the trains.
One wonders how Indian railways has made remarkable progress. I would like to talk about Mumbai where the Indian Railway is running local trains of two types; Slow Train and Fast Train. Those who travel by Mumbai local trains can't forgt the Indian Railways services which it is providing to its travellers.
One more interesting thing is that every station has its electric indicator that shows the trains' timetable and destination of every train. Majority of Indians prefer to travel by train instead of their cars, taxis or buses because they are not sure to reach their destination in time despite waste of time and money but they are sure to reach their destination in time by trains and it saves their time and extra use of money.
The Up Cities train system is also good and most of time reaches the destination on time. On the other hand Pakistan Railways has no concept of reaching the destinaton in time.
One wonders that why the Railway Minister was not sincere to improve the system and what he has done to improve the working of the Railways.
Ashfaq Sharif
Sick Railway system

Sick Railway system
I want to share why Pakistan Railway system is sick and so backward. If we compare it with only Asian countries like Iran, India and Japan, etc. we would realize how their Railway systems are organized and giving facilities to their people.
But shame on Pakistan Railways as due to corrupt, dishonest staff plus those who are responsible for running the Railway misuse the funds allocated for development or upgrade of the Railway.
According to a news report six trains have no lights and no fans which include: 1) Bahauddin Zakariya Express; 2) Khawaja Farid Express; 3) Khushal Khan Khattak Express; 4) Bolan Express; 5) Pakistan Express and 6) Allama Iqbal Express.
More painful; one passenger died last month who was travelling by Awam Express which was 16 hours late. The train had no water in its tanks and interestingly its fans were switched off? Any action taken against loss of innocent passenger's life? No.
Perhaps Pakistan Railways only knows how to charge the fare but in return fails to provide basic facilities which can only be felt by those travelling by the trains.
One wonders how Indian railways has made remarkable progress. I would like to talk about Mumbai where the Indian Railway is running local trains of two types; Slow Train and Fast Train. Those who travel by Mumbai local trains can't forgt the Indian Railways services which it is providing to its travellers.
One more interesting thing is that every station has its electric indicator that shows the trains' timetable and destination of every train. Majority of Indians prefer to travel by train instead of their cars, taxis or buses because they are not sure to reach their destination in time despite waste of time and money but they are sure to reach their destination in time by trains and it saves their time and extra use of money.
The Up Cities train system is also good and most of time reaches the destination on time. On the other hand Pakistan Railways has no concept of reaching the destinaton in time.
One wonders that why the Railway Minister was not sincere to improve the system and what he has done to improve the working of the Railways.
Ashfaq Sharif
Sick Railway system

Sick Railway system
I want to share why Pakistan Railway system is sick and so backward. If we compare it with only Asian countries like Iran, India and Japan, etc. we would realize how their Railway systems are organized and giving facilities to their people.
But shame on Pakistan Railways as due to corrupt, dishonest staff plus those who are responsible for running the Railway misuse the funds allocated for development or upgrade of the Railway.
According to a news report six trains have no lights and no fans which include: 1) Bahauddin Zakariya Express; 2) Khawaja Farid Express; 3) Khushal Khan Khattak Express; 4) Bolan Express; 5) Pakistan Express and 6) Allama Iqbal Express.
More painful; one passenger died last month who was travelling by Awam Express which was 16 hours late. The train had no water in its tanks and interestingly its fans were switched off? Any action taken against loss of innocent passenger's life? No.
Perhaps Pakistan Railways only knows how to charge the fare but in return fails to provide basic facilities which can only be felt by those travelling by the trains.
One wonders how Indian railways has made remarkable progress. I would like to talk about Mumbai where the Indian Railway is running local trains of two types; Slow Train and Fast Train. Those who travel by Mumbai local trains can't forgt the Indian Railways services which it is providing to its travellers.
One more interesting thing is that every station has its electric indicator that shows the trains' timetable and destination of every train. Majority of Indians prefer to travel by train instead of their cars, taxis or buses because they are not sure to reach their destination in time despite waste of time and money but they are sure to reach their destination in time by trains and it saves their time and extra use of money.
The Up Cities train system is also good and most of time reaches the destination on time. On the other hand Pakistan Railways has no concept of reaching the destinaton in time.
One wonders that why the Railway Minister was not sincere to improve the system and what he has done to improve the working of the Railways.
Ashfaq Sharif
Sick Railway system
How may engines does the Pakistan Locomotive Factory in Risalpur produce?

The factory can produce two diesel-electric locomotives per month on single-shift basis, but this can be doubled by introducing a second working shift. The factory is equipped with the state-of-the-art equipment which can be employed in the building of diesel-electric locomotives of suitable horsepower, as well as electric locomotives with minor adjustments.
File:Pakistan Railways Network Map.png - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
If we analyze the map,there are many points by using which PR can earn a lot if used well.
I will some here.
1-connect Gwadar with Larkana/Jacobabad/Sibi(If I am spelling it right) and extend it to Iran. Dedicated freight route.
2-Chaman-Kandahar, Afghanistan,
3-Torkham-Jalalabad, Afghanistan,
4-direct rout to China, dedicated fright route.
5-connect with India dedicated fright route.
1st connecting northern areas and 2nd connecting southern areas,
In most of the cases (if I am right) Pakistan will be exporting while other countries would like to get overland access to other countries for more exports. Because they may have much more capacity to export than the importing capacity of Pakistan.
Iran would like to export oil to not only Pakistan but also to other south Asian countries+China. Afghanistan would like to import food material & export minerals in bulk. China would like to get a corridor for faster access to middle-east & west Asia. For India & Bangladesh it may provide shorter route to middle east,west Asia,Europe & central Asia.
Even it may get rights to overland access from these countries in return for fright train.
If Pakistan uses its strategic position economically,it may not have to depend on aid from western countries & IMF.
Just my thoughts.

File:Pakistan Railways Network Map.png - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
If we analyze the map,there are many points by using which PR can earn a lot if used well.
I will some here.
1-connect Gwadar with Larkana/Jacobabad/Sibi(If I am spelling it right) and extend it to Iran. Dedicated freight route.
2-Chaman-Kandahar, Afghanistan,
3-Torkham-Jalalabad, Afghanistan,
4-direct rout to China, dedicated fright route.
5-connect with India dedicated fright route.
1st connecting northern areas and 2nd connecting southern areas,
In most of the cases (if I am right) Pakistan will be exporting while other countries would like to get overland access to other countries for more exports. Because they may have much more capacity to export than the importing capacity of Pakistan.
Iran would like to export oil to not only Pakistan but also to other south Asian countries+China. Afghanistan would like to import food material & export minerals in bulk. China would like to get a corridor for faster access to middle-east & west Asia. For India & Bangladesh it may provide shorter route to middle east,west Asia,Europe & central Asia.
Even it may get rights to overland access from these countries in return for fright train.
If Pakistan uses its strategic position economically,it may not have to depend on aid from western countries & IMF.
Just my thoughts.
Why there is tongue coming in my post,I am trying to edit it but there is nothing. Why is this thing coming in my post?
I caculated that for 250 Million USD , a modest amount , a price close to cost of F22P frigate
Pakistan I believe has 20 Billion in Reserves

Pakistan can lease 500 Locomotives for 7 year
that is five hundred Locomotives BRAND new ..

Brand New modesl 500 Locomotives , lease for 7 years and make 3-4 Billion dollars in revenue per year

But becasue , we are stuck with idiots ...

They keep haggling over ... 2 locomotive purchase , 3 locomotive purchase ... 1 parts upgrade .. crap talk

if you put DUCT TAPE OVER SHIAAAAT .. it will still be shiaaat .. the Pakistani Locomotives are from 60's and 70's .. they need COMPLETE OVER HAUL 100% not worth the time and effort

For goddd sakes , take 250 Million USD from Pakistan State Bank , go to a Locomotive company and say GIVE US 500 Locomotives lease for 7 years !!!! CASH .. upfront ...

and BAMMMMMM ...

3 Billion dollars / year revenue to pay salaries , and save money to buy 1000 Locmotives CASH ... from General Motors , USA

If you buy you might get may be 200 Locomotives , but if you Lease 500 Locomotives its better option
MORE REVEUE for railways

But if only ... we had HUMANS in pakistan and not Monkeys running trains


2012 : Pakistan Railways Leases 500 Locomotives , not 1 , not 2 , not 3 .. GET 500 - five hundred

2013-2018 : Pakistan Railways Earn 3 Billion x 7 = 24 Billion Dollars Revenue

Take 1 Billion from that Money earned in 7 years and then buy 1500 Locomotives PURCHASE

This plan will ensure that , Pakistan Railway gets good quality GM locomotives for 30 years service

Right now Pakistan Railways is making


i cant imagine india without railways it would come to a standstill........... for freight transport railways is cheaper and by using electric locomotives dependence on fossil fuels can be reduced drastically and as a spin off pollution too can be reduced, lets hope GOI realizes this ,may be it can allow private companies to own locomotives and operate them while providing money to the govt for building and maintaining rail routes.........

I caculated that for 250 Million USD , a modest amount , a price close to cost of F22P frigate

Pakistan can lease 500 Locomotives for 7 year

Brand New modesl 500 Locomotives , lease for 7 years and make 3-4 Billion dollars in revenue per year

But becasue , we are stuck with idiots ...

They keep haggling over ... 2 locomotive purchase , 3 locomotive purchase ... 1 parts upgrade .. crap talk

For got sakes , take 250 Million USD from Pakistan State Bank , go to a Locomotive company and say GIVE US 500 Locomotives lease for 7 years !!!! CASH .. upfront ...

and BAMMMMMM ...

3 Billion dollars / year revenue to pay salaries , and save money to buy 1000 Locmotives CASH ... from General Motors , USA

If you buy you might get may be 200 Locomotives , but if you Lease 500 Locomotives its better option
MORE REVEUE for railways

But if only ... we had HUMANS in pakistan and not Monkeys running trains

it can be difficult for pakistan to do it alone, it must invite other countries to invest(may be muslim ones like turkey,SA) and also seek technical help from US,china in sorting out issues and if they are willing from india also because india and paksitan are so similar.........
I caculated that for 250 Million USD , a modest amount , a price close to cost of F22P frigate

Pakistan can lease 500 Locomotives for 7 year
that is five hundred Locomotives BRAND new ..

Brand New modesl 500 Locomotives , lease for 7 years and make 3-4 Billion dollars in revenue per year

But becasue , we are stuck with idiots ...

They keep haggling over ... 2 locomotive purchase , 3 locomotive purchase ... 1 parts upgrade .. crap talk

For got sakes , take 250 Million USD from Pakistan State Bank , go to a Locomotive company and say GIVE US 500 Locomotives lease for 7 years !!!! CASH .. upfront ...

and BAMMMMMM ...

3 Billion dollars / year revenue to pay salaries , and save money to buy 1000 Locmotives CASH ... from General Motors , USA

If you buy you might get may be 200 Locomotives , but if you Lease 500 Locomotives its better option
MORE REVEUE for railways

But if only ... we had HUMANS in pakistan and not Monkeys running trains


2012 : Pakistan Railways Leases 500 Locomotives

2013-2018 : Pakistan Railways Earn 3 Billion x 7 = 24 Billion Dollars Revenue

Take 1 Billion from that Money earned in 7 years and then buy 1000 Locomotives PURCHASE
Buddy it is confusing me what was your calculation per train? Will please post detail how you calculated it.
And 2nd thing if India provides WDM class locomotive in more cheaper rates,will it not be much more economical for Pakistan to go for it if we lay aside our differences. WDM can be used for passenger as well as for goods trains. Your opinion?
Its not confusing @ all Very Simple

Leasing rate for Locomotive 900 Rupees / HR = 7.8 Million Ruppes per year 1 Locomotive

500 Locomotives will cost 3,900,000,000 Rupees i.e 3.9 Bllion Rupees

3.9 Billion Rupees , over 7 years 27 Billion Rupees

Conversion of 27 Billion Ruppes to USD = 285,353,490.47 USD

Again 7 years , project 500 Locomotives Leased ... cost is aroun 250-280 USD Million for 7 years

With no 10% middle man ... DIRECT ROUTE .. someone who takes initiative .. CAN DO PERSON

If we can get 500 Locomotives from India why not or USA or China , provided there is full agreement for repairs for leased items

Pakistan could use that money and buy 200 Locomotive FULL cash .. or I personally favor lease it from USA (Reliable 10 year warrenty) or via India or China provided there is proper paperwork

Revenue Structure for Pakistan Railways

Year 2012 : 0$ failed company borrowing cash no Locomotives

Assume they get 500 locomotives by 2013

2013-2014 : Income : 3 Billion USD ~ 280 Billion Rupees with 500 locomotives
2014-2015 : Income : 3 Billion USD ~ 280 Billion Rupees with 500 locomotives + 50 repaired
2015-2016: Income : 3 Billion USD ~ 280 Billion Rupees with 500 locomotives + 100 repaired
2016-2017: Income : 3 Billion USD ~ 280 Billion Rupees with 500 locomotives + 150 repaired
2017-2018: Income : 3 Billion USD ~ 280 Billion Rupees with 500 locomotives + 200 repaired
2018-2019: Income : 3 Billion USD ~ 280 Billion Rupees with 500 Locomotives + 250 repaired
2019-2020 : Income : 3 Billion USD ~ 280 Billion Rupees with 500 locomotives + 300 repaired

End of 7th year as you can see 21 Billion USD can be made by Pakistan Railways
out of which 285 Million only USD will be cost oof Lease !!!

20 Billion is profit for Pakistan Railways , and for purchasing new Locomotives instead of making no revenue ... which is shiaaaat standard ...

For country size of Pakistan 3 Billion USD in yearly sales is possible
Why ?

Passenger Service 1.5 Billion USD
Freight Service 1.5 Billion USD

Can Pakistan Railways make 3 Billion USD per year in Sales why not

Population of Pakistan 180 Million People, and majority of them inside Pakistan love to trave

Suppose that 40 Million Pakistanis Used Train Service in 2013-2014
Ticket Price of modest 5,000 Rupees ...one way trip

So for 2 Way return ticket ...
That is 400 Billion Rupees almost 422,762,349.58 USD

How much does Airplanes Charge one way trip ? 30,000 Rupees or 45,000 Rupees .. you do the math Pakistanis will travel on Trains or Planes

5,000 ticket vs 30,000 rupee ticket

Business is very simple we are just stuck with these POLITICIANS and farmers running the country to ground

Can you imagine how much prices for food will drop in Pakistan ???
if goods are shipped 90% by train ...

Almost 20-40 % price reduction for food items and cows and cattle etc because since Pakistan produces food items , these commodites should be cheapest inside pakistan ..
PR should take a tie up with IR...... Since geographical and econmical condition must mbe the most similar.

i moved my stuff ..around 450 kilos from Delhi to Trivandrum ..around 2100 km for around 2000 rupees....the boxes were torn due to poor handling...but other than that....and the ''tips'' you have to give....it was bloody cheap .whats the cheapest way in Pakistan for transporting cargo ??

it can be difficult for pakistan to do it alone, it must invite other countries to invest(may be muslim ones like turkey,SA) and also seek technical help from US,china in sorting out issues and if they are willing from india also because india and paksitan are so similar.........

You mean BOT ?? built operate transfer ??
Its not confusing @ all Very Simple

Leasing rate for Locomotive 900 Rupees / HR = 7.8 Million Ruppes per year 1 Locomotive

500 Locomotives will cost 3,900,000,000 Rupees i.e 3.9 Bllion Rupees

3.9 Billion Rupees , over 7 years 27 Billion Rupees

Conversion of 27 Billion Ruppes to USD = 285,353,490.47 USD

Again 7 years , project 500 Locomotives Leased ... cost is aroun 250-280 USD Million

With no 10% middle man ... DIRECT ROUTE .. someone who takes initiative .. CAN DO PERSON

If we can get 500 Locomotives from India why not or USA or China , provided there is full agreement for repairs for leased items

Pakistan could use that money and buy 200 Locomotive FULL cash .. or I personally favor lease it from USA (Reliable 10 year warrenty) or via India or China provided there is proper paperwork
Rs10 billion for 100 diesel locomotives. I got this information from Pakistan news site. They are talking about BHEL independent offer. it means 500 diesel locomotive for 50 billion Rs. which stands for 1 billion $. I think it's selling price for life time,no idea about lease price. So it might be to test locomotive & if it seems good,purchase it directly. Some times leasing also creates scams as we have seen in our commonwealth games. Compare 500 locos for 7 years at 27 billion Rs with 50 billion Rs for total purchase with facilities.
In another offer Indian Railways is likely to give at an approximate rate of Rs1,500 per hour per locomotive of 3,000 HP to Pakistan for leasing purpose as per the plan, reported Press Trust of India on Wednesday.Besides leasing out, India will also provide training facilities for Pakistan railwaymen to run Indian locomotives.
And I think these are included in the price. Not bad if I am right.
I think , there is no harm in giving India 285 Million Dollars for 500 locomotives if that can be done due to already train route to move any over haul locomotive projects , or servicing of engines every 2-3 months etc

What we should not do is dumb stuff like get 2 engines here get 4 engines there no ... make a big order like boss... 500 engines lease , and go with one company , get some discounts on over all price ...


Bread cost , that costs 40 rupees due to freight by trucks , would be only costing 22 rupees if such things were shipped by Train

And think about all the Oil/Petrol saved , by train usage ..

Its so stupid that , people are travellling on Airplanes , where air ticket costs 60,000 Rupees
Karachi to Islamabad ?

You can easily travel for 5,000 Rupees Train ticket

And think of all the fun in trip if our idiots can put their act together ...

Sight seeing , the views of local country side ... and food vendors in train ...

They have ruined the fun in train travel in Pakistan ...

I have travellled 1-2 on Trains and it was fantastic experience... and cost effective ..
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