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Deoband fatwa: It's illegal for women to work, support family



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Mar 13, 2010
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Deoband fatwa: It's illegal for women to work, support family

LUCKNOW: Darul Uloom Deoband, the self-appointed guardian for Indian Muslims, in a Talibanesque fatwa that reeked of tribal patriarchy, has decreed that it is "haram" and illegal according to the Sharia for a family to accept a woman's earnings. Clerics at the largest Sunni Muslim seminary after Cairo's Al-Azhar said the decree flowed from the fact that the Sharia prohibited proximity of men and women in the workplace.

"It is unlawful (under the Sharia law) for Muslim women to work in the government or private sector where men and women work together and women have to talk with men frankly and without a veil," said the fatwa issued by a bench of three clerics. The decree was issued over the weekend, but became public late on Monday, seminary sources said.

At a time when there is a rising clamour for job quotas for Muslims in India and a yearning for progress in the community that sees itself as neglected, the fatwa, although unlikely to be heeded, is clearly detrimental.

Even the most conservative Islamic countries, which restrict activities of women, including preventing them from driving, do not bar women from working. At the peak of its power, the Taliban only barred women in professions like medicine from treating men and vice versa. But there was a never a blanket ban on working, although the mullahs made it amply clear that they would like to see the women confined to homes.

The fatwa, however, drew flak among other clerics.

"Men and women in Sharia are entitled to equal rights. If men follow the Sharia, there is no reason why women can't work with them," said Rasheed, the Naib Imam of Lucknow's main Eidgah Mosque in Aishbagh.

Mufti Maulana Khalid Rasheed of Darul Ifta Firangi Meheli -- another radical Islamic body which also issues fatwas -- criticized the Deoband fatwa as a retrograde restriction on Muslim women.

The fatwa was in response to a question whether Muslim women can take up government or private jobs and whether their salary should be termed as `halal' (permissible under the Sharia) or `haram' (forbidden).

Well-known Shia cleric Maulana Kalbe Jawwad, however, justified the fatwa. "Women in Islam are not supposed to go out and earn a living. It's the responsibility of the males in the family," he said. "If a woman has to go for a job, she must make sure that the Sharia restrictions are not compromised," he added, citing the example of Iran, where Muslim women work in offices but have separate seating areas, away from their male counterparts.

In Lucknow, a city with strong secular and progressive traditions, where Muslim families train their daughters to be doctors, engineers and executives, there was a sense of shocked disbelief even in conservative quarters that such a decree could come from those who consider themselves to be advocates of the community.

"I am also a working woman and also ensure that my Sharia is not compromised," said Rukhsana, a lecturer at a girl's college in Lucknow and a member of the executive committee of All India Muslim Personal Law Board (AIMPLB). "It's not necessary that one would have to go against the Sharia when going to work."

"Name one Islamic country which does not have a national airline and does not hire airhostesses? If I know correctly, even the Saudi Airlines has hostesses and they don't wear a veil," said Shabeena Parveen, a computer professional in the city.

Deoband fatwa: It's illegal for women to work, support family
This damn Darul uloom deoband does the devils work and is a scourge for humanity. It has spread nothing but misery all over. We owe terror in the subcontinent to the ideology of these idiotic scoundrels. They should be sent to the other world quickly so that God can shift them to the accommodation most suited for them... You know the one with brimstone and all..
This damn Darul uloom deoband does the devils work and is a scourge for humanity. It has spread nothing but misery all over. We owe terror in the subcontinent to the ideology of these idiotic scoundrels. They should be sent to the other world quickly so that God can shift them to the accommodation most suited for them... You know the one with brimstone and all..
Dar ul Uloom Deoband has produced a number of renowned and noted scholars, and freedom fighters that include Sayyed Ata-ullah Shah Bukhari , Moulana Shabbir Ahmad Usmani (among the staunchest supporters of Jinnah and Pakistan movement), Moulana Shabbir Ahmad Usmani, Moulana Ubaidullah Sindhi and many others. That is true that the present day Dar ul Uloom is nothing but a shadow of the Dar ul Uloom it used to be in the late 19th and the first half of the 20th century, still its contribution in the preservation of Islamic teaching during the time of the British Raj in India is notable. Only because Harvard has produced people like George W Bush who has blood of tens of thousands of innocent Muslims on his hands, Benazir Bhutto who was an alleged corruption Queen, and Amy Bishop a mass murderer, Harvard can not be and must not be blamed. Similarly, Dar ul Uloom Deoband must not be blamed for the intellectual drift of its students.

By the way, I belong to the Deobandi Hanafi School of thought but according to my study of Quran, Hadith and Fiqah, I do not find this fatwa correct.
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^^ The massive difference between the two, of course, is that there are a handful of Harvard graduates who are deviants. The bulk of what this place produces are categorized by any reasonable measure as nothing less than raving lunatics. The teachings of this institution are responsible, under Zia's sponsorship, for destroying the very fabric of Pakistani society. Once again, let us agree to disagree.
^^ The massive difference in the two, of course, is that there are a handful of Harvard graduates who are deviants. The bulk of what this place produces are categorized by any reasonable measure as nothing less than raving lunatics. The teachings of this institution are responsible, under Zia's sponsorship, for destroying the very fabric of Pakistani society. Once again, let us agree to disagree.
The history and teachings of Dar ul Uloom is much older than what you have referred as "The teachings of this institution are responsible, under Zia's sponsorship. ...". If it were the teachings of this Institution that were wrong, why all that happened during Zia's time but did not happen before him? why the teachers and students of Dar ul Uloom were not involved in all those wrongdoings during the British Raj when perhaps those kind of activities were acceptable as India was under occupation? Why India is safe from the 'scourge' of these 'raving lunatics'? If this is only happening in Pakistan than perhaps something is not right with us and before putting all the blame on a religious philosophy of a Schools, we should try to analyze ourselves and our own circumstances.
The history and teachings of Dar ul Uloom is much older than what you have referred as "The teachings of this institution are responsible, under Zia's sponsorship. ...". If it were the teachings of this Institution that were wrong, why all that happened during Zia's time but did not happen before him? why the teachers and students of Dar ul Uloom were not involved in all those wrongdoings during the British Raj when perhaps those kind of activities were acceptable as India was under occupation? Why India is safe from the 'scourge' of these 'raving lunatics'? If this is only happening in Pakistan than perhaps something is not right with us and before putting all the blame on a religious philosophy of a Schools, we should try to analyze ourselves and our own circumstances.

As the history of Islam goes, the dar ul uloom and its teachings are a recent innovation. Shabbir Usmani, ah yes, the founder of JUI. I leave it to readers here to decide whether this has been a positive contribution for our country or otherwise.

The fact is that the fatwas of this institution have empowered right-wing hardliners. That is a fact. So while we should improve ourselves, we should also destroy sources of ideological support for the worst tendencies amongst us. This institution certainly qualifies as such as source.

As these fatwas demonstrate, it would basically be living hell trying to exist in an environment that actually implemented these nonsensical rulings... voila... instant Talibanization!

Life insurance haraam

Darul-Uloom Deoband Fatwa against life insurance - Oneindia News

Acting in movies not allowed in Islam

Acting in movies un-Islamic: Darul Uloom Deoband: Rediff.com India News

Not permissible to marry a Shia

islamiccentre.org - Permissible to marry a Shia, a Wahhabi or a Deobandi?

Beauty parlours, cologne, music all haram - also, IVF treatments and surrogate mothers haram

Blog of Cyber Brahma — Stone age Islamic Deobandi fatwa

Rapid fire fatwa of Kufr against Nanotvee

Takfir --- Deobandi Aalim doing Takfir on another Deobandi aalim.

India is Dar-ul-Amaan (land of Islam) but still ok to pursue shia heretics

Let us build Pakistan (LUBP): Deobandi fatwa declaring India "Dar al-Aman'

Salafis are fine, but Shias are not

Deobandi fatwa on Salafis

Organizations following the Darul Uloom

  1. Laal Masjid of Islamabad
  2. Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan
  3. Sipah-e-Sahaba
  4. Taliban of Afghanistan
  5. Lashkar-e-Jhangvi
  6. Jamiat-e-Ulema Islam (JUI) also known as the ideological leaders of the Taliban

The genesis of Sunni Tehreek (dealing with Deoband terrorism in Pakistan which resulted in the takeover and capture of a large number of mosques in Pakistan)

Sunni Tehreek - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

These are the curses this so called Darul Uloom has wrought upon us. Where there might be one or two things right, there are thousands wrong. But like I said earlier, let people decide for themselves. You and I hardly see eye to eye on anything, so the fact that we disagree here comes as no surprise.

Women work illegal? :angry:

If i am not wrong the wife of Hazrat Abdullah ibn-e-Masu'd R.A. used to work because they were very poor and in order to run a household both husband and wife used to work.

Shukr hai time per hi woh wafat paa gaye warna aaj in maulvi saab ki bari bisti honi thee unse
You and I hardly see eye to eye on anything, so the fact that we disagree here comes as no surprise.
This is the real problem; you have developed a personal dis-likeness for me and no matter how logical I talk, you would always try to find a hole in it.

Anyway, your long post is still unable to answer the questions I asked in my earlier message? Why the ills of the teachings of Dar ul Uloom became evident only after 1980s? Why not during the British Raj and why not before Zia's time? Why India is not suffering from the alleged teachings of Dar ul Uloom and why Saudi Arabi is safe from the ills of Wahabi movement that we see in Pakistan? I know the answer, but I want to see how deep you can go.

It is always very easy to put a blame but blame is only a blame till it is proven with evidence. Fatawa are meaningless as Dar ul Uloom also issued a fatwa against the use of violence against the civilians, what happened? Those who are blamed to be the result of the teachings of Dar ul Uloom basically give a damn to these fatawa because had they had any clue of the teachings of ulema such as Moulana Yaqoob, Moulana Syed Ahmed Dehlawi, Moulana Fakhar uddin Ahmed and others, they were not spreading terror in the world especially in Pakistan.
Wow, didn't realize India had its own set of Talibanesque Morons announcing dictates to their Muslim population. This kind of mirrors Wahabbist/Salafist thinking.

Won't be surprised if their Muslim Women start appearing in those Burkha Bee Keeper Suits soon.
This is the real problem; you have developed a personal dis-likeness for me and no matter how logical I talk, you would always try to find a hole in it.

For the love of God, you think I am out to make "enemies" on an online forum :-) We just think differently... it doesn't mean I dislike you personally... please...

Also, if you think Saudi Arabia is "safe" from the ills of such thinking, then that's a pretty unique perspective. I can't imagine a more repressive environment than the one they have over there. They're just richer, so it's a little more tolerable than say, a Talibanized Afghanistan. But they're as mentally and ideologically backward as their Afghan brethren.
Wow, didn't realize India had its own set of Talibanesque Morons announcing dictates to their Muslim population. This kind of mirrors Wahabbist/Salafist thinking.

Won't be surprised if their Muslim Women start appearing in those Burkha Bee Keeper Suits soon.
Are you not surprised that not a single 'extremist' or 'terrorist' who either taught or was taught in this School was ever prosecuted by the British and the School was never raided or closed down between 1866 and 1947? Even after the British left, the successive Indian governments also patronized this 'extremist/terrorist' School and never took any action against the 'extremists/terrorists', the 'propaganda' and 'extremist literature' it was cranking out? Something is not right here isn't it? Either the School is not involved in the activities it is being blamed for or the British and Indians are involved in some grand conspiracy against Pakistan in the form of supporting a Deobandi School.

JunooN Ka Naam Khirad rakh Diya Khirad Ka JunooN
Jo Chahey Aap Ka Husn e Krishma saaz Karey
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Fatwas have become AAM these days...every now and then a new fatwa dictating the rules by which muslims should live...
can any guy who knows islam,holy kuran and sharia law care to explain abt this??? i mean is it really true that a women's earning is haram under sharia law??? and if it is why is it coming out now when most women in the cities r working irrespective of the religion??:what:
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