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Demolition of the Babri Mosque

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Do these people deserve it.

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We should thank Allah for Pakistan. It is Pakistan where the rights of minorities are fully protected as in our flag the White color (representation for minorities) is with Green color (representation for Muslims) to show the equality. It is Pakistan which gave shelter to millions of Muslims migrated from India in 1947.

Pakistan Zindabad :pakistan:

Instead of blaming back. It would have been a good idea to accept it.

The reality of India is that it is not a secular country no matter how many Indians cry that it is.

Pakistan is not a secular country, neither is Saudi Arabia.

The behaviour of fanatic hindus can be seen in the video clearly, while the second video clearly shows how the sub-continental Muslims kept India together, until there was no hope.

Indeed, it is a bad thing, even if it occurs in Pakistan, but such acts of the public dont occur. I hope you have seen the video.

Instead of blaming back. It would have been a good idea to accept it.

The reality of India is that it is not a secular country no matter how many Indians cry that it is.

Pakistan is not a secular country, neither is Saudi Arabia.

The behaviour of fanatic hindus can be seen in the video clearly, while the second video clearly shows how the sub-continental Muslims kept India together, until there was no hope.

Indeed, it is a bad thing, even if it occurs in Pakistan, but such acts of the public dont occur. I hope you have seen the video.

By your stating that India is not secular, you are getting consolation that inspite of the Qaid Jinnah desiring Pakistan to be a secular state, your successive govt failed to implement his desire and finally gave way to become what it actually was, an Islamic State and official claimed so!

Would the behaviour of the mobs during the Shia -Sunni riots be representative of Pakistan?

If my comments are deleted for reasons as general as "not related to the thread", when it becomes inconvenient, then where is the debate?

You win, since this will also be deleted leaving your post in the limelight as the Gospel Truth!

Would it not be better to counter what I have said? That is, if there was enough facts to do so!
India was secular, maybe still in books. The truth is systamatically the establishment (read Brahmin/bania) have conner all the resources and pushed all other in the backdrop. The licence permit raj is one where participation was limited to the new rulers. The riot is another invention to marginalize Muslims, economically as well as politically.

Babri Masjid is one more instrument of the same brahmin/bania establishment to supress Muslims and now we have Blast in more Mosques and Dargah.

I wonder how history will view the Brahmin/bania rule of 60 years?
India was secular, maybe still in books. The truth is systamatically the establishment (read Brahmin/bania) have conner all the resources and pushed all other in the backdrop. The licence permit raj is one where participation was limited to the new rulers. The riot is another invention to marginalize Muslims, economically as well as politically.

Lol...you are funny man!! Nice to see a real conspiracy nut on defence.pk.

Adds to the variety!!

Babri Masjid is one more instrument of the same brahmin/bania establishment to supress Muslims and now we have Blast in more Mosques and Dargah.

I wonder how history will view the Brahmin/bania rule of 60 years?

Of course...how could we miss something so obvious!! The masjid blast was supposed to supress muslims!!

Sheesh....If they wanted to suppress muslims, trust me, they would have used something that actually does that. Random blasts don't suppress muslims, they make them angry and agitate against the so called "brahmin rulers". Totally opposite effect.

Let me put it this way....India is as secular as it is possible to be, given the thinking and attitudes of the people of the subcontinent.
Let me put it this way....India is as secular as it is possible to be, given the thinking and attitudes of the people of the subcontinent.

Very true... India is Secular in the books and name .......which is as much as possible, given the thinking of the establishment and their attitute today.
Sheesh....If they wanted to suppress muslims, trust me, they would have used something that actually does that. Random blasts don't suppress muslims, they make them angry and agitate against the so called "brahmin rulers". Totally opposite effect.[/B]

I know what you mean, The thinking is very different here. Through these engineering of Babri Masjid and Blast they want to make Muslims angry and agitate, then you have the cocktail to implement your agenda.
Very true... India is Secular in the books and name .......which is as much as possible, given the thinking of the establishment and their attitute today.

Er....its a little more than that i'm afraid.

India is secular by law, and these laws are implemented as much as possible given the current attitudes.

The establishment, by which I mean the bureaucracy, is slow and corrupt, but secular. The judiciary is secular.

Unfortunately, some politicians aren't very secular. This is an unfortunate outcome of votebank politics...which in turn is a consequence of the attitude of the majority.

The situation differs from state to state. Most states have secular politicians, except a few exceptions, which I think you will know already.

Fortunately, as time has progressed, people, especially the middle class (300mn people) have become mostly secular. Thankfully, this population is increasing rapidly.

So, look at he bright side :cheers: India is moving towards her ideals!!
I know what you mean, The thinking is very different here. Through these engineering of Babri Masjid and Blast they want to make Muslims angry and agitate, then you have the cocktail to implement your agenda.

...and what agenda what that might be?

I can understand vote bank politics, but there is no "brahminical conspiracy" being hatched here.

Also, the muslims too are at fault. There are very few secular muslims in India. Most are extremely backward and have 17th century attitudes. They are equally, if not more, guilty of vote-bank politics and religious division.

In addition, kindly isolate the Babri Mazjid incident from the Ajmer blast.
The Babri mazjid demolition was dirty politics.
The ajmer blast was terrorism meant to alienate the muslims and hindus and encourage extremism, done by anti-India elements.

The ajmer dargah was a sufi shrine, one of the few places where both hindus and muslims prayed. This was an obvious attempt to divide the country by terrorists.

Furthermore, please look at situation in other parts of the subcontinent, including your own country, the middle east, and the world before accusing Indians of conspiracy.
I can understand vote bank politics, but there is no "brahminical conspiracy" being hatched here.
Oh boy! Discussion forum does bring out innocet souls:partay:

Also, the muslims too are at fault.

Must be, 60 years and still suffering silently
There are very few secular muslims in India.

How did you come to conclusion, Aaj tak poll or an RSS Study?

Most are extremely backward and have 17th century attitudes.
Well thanks to Licence permit raj, even to open a shop you need 10 licence, to operate a bus you need all the political clout...no doubt Muslim are backward.

They are equally, if not more, guilty of vote-bank politics and religious division.
What must the poor soul do, they ran after whoever promised their protection, Indra, Mulayam, laloo, mayawati etc. from the genocide program of RSS and its gang. Read Hedgawar and his view on Muslims. The spanish case study and all. If you still want to deny it is also okay, after all you knew all b4 I listed.

In addition, kindly isolate the Babri Mazjid incident from the Ajmer blast.
The Babri mazjid demolition was dirty politics.
The ajmer blast was terrorism meant to alienate the muslims and hindus and encourage extremism, done by anti-India elements.

They are all dirty and continuation of the same but different way.
The ajmer dargah was a sufi shrine, one of the few places where both hindus and muslims prayed. This was an obvious attempt to divide the country by terrorists.
Ajmer Dargah no doubt visited by both hindus and Muslims, but for the RSS inspired establishment and agencies, it matter least.
Furthermore, please look at situation in other parts of the subcontinent, including your own country, the middle east, and the world before accusing Indians of conspiracy.

So all are doing, we are also killing some Muslims what a big deal?
You finally shed your skin.......Welcome.
LOL....I'm not shedding my skin or anything like that.

I have made my views clear....kindly make whatever you want of them..

I'm afraid its you who is pretending to be someone else, by trying to prove that all Indian muslims are innocent lambs.
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