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Delhi wary of Hasina's 'pro-India-slant'

Yup! Unfortunately for you , your elected leaders don't share your point of view.:D

People did not vote Awami League to work against Bangladesh interest and become an indian stooge. That was not the mandate. But that just passed by indian deception and sharp tongue.
What do you know about the muslims in India? You can hate India if you want but stop spreading BS please.

So, open a thread somewhere and send some posts on how humanely the Muslims are treated in India. Start from the exact number of their population. Some people say it is 20% of the total.
People did not vote Awami League to work against Bangladesh interest and become an indian stooge. That was not the mandate. But that just passed by indian deception and sharp tongue.

And what is Bangladesh interest?...hating India?
And what is Bangladesh interest?...hating India?

Talking about indian hegemonic agenda in Bangladesh, looting and interfering in Bangladesh using a stooge regime is NOT “hate”. Its rather way of EXPOSING indian nefarious agenda in Bangladesh and make people aware of indian threat. You should go back to GOI and ask why indian policy and activities designed to undermine Bangladesh sovereignty, development and directed for looting. Labeling exposition of indian nefarious activities as “hate” is nice indian ploy but does not hold water outside indian propaganda realm.
Every Bangladeshi wish a good relation with India but this relation must be based on mutual interest. Trade only. Don't try to be big dada and tell us how to live our life or give us lecture on how Bangladesh should be secular nation, Bangla culture nation and all the other garbage. We Bangladeshi are proud of our Islamic heritage so we would like keep it this way. :tup:

Bangladesh is predominantly a Muslim majority nation so it's obvious that we will have closer relation with Islamic nations including Pakistan. Bangladesh makes it foreign policy decision based on it's need. You should not have any concern about our policy making. If you can bring Zionist enemy in our back yard to keep bend eye on us(Pakistan included) then what makes you think Bangladesh care about your well being? ;)

If we can come back from a hell bent broken nation with $36 foregn exchange to billions in 39 years without any help from you then I think we will do just fine in future Insh'Allah. :tup:

Right answer. I told before that Bharaties are so-called friendly until you we agree with them. I mean serving their interests only. They are trying to divide us furthermore by calling us anti-Indian, Jamaties and .........

I wondered what is the benefit of Bharaties whether BD is secular or not. Now got it. Actually, they are using this tool to divide us. Did Bangladeshis feel before AL came that we need to change our constitutions? No! Didn't we live peacefully last 35 years without so-called secular BD? Yes!

Today Bharaties' desperation to see our positive gesture to Pk is proving that how desperately Bharat worked behind 71.
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I hope the Bangladeshis realize that if they think they have been cheated, they could nationalize or take back what they have sold or given away to Bharti Airtel. Corporates routinely bribe the top politicians across the world to get favorable terms. From what I understand, the rot in USA runs so deep that for certain firms the American Govt. is in on it and agrees to process "green cards" faster for family members of the bribe takers. But blaming Hindus or Indians for it is a tad silly. How is the average Hindu going to benefit from this?
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"Excerpt from "Bangladesh: An Unfinished Indian Agenda"

By G.H. Niaz

"In 1975 three helicopters carrying four Indian Generals landed in Dacca, their mission "To escort Mujib-ur-Rehman to Delhi for installation as Vice President of India". Mrs. Indra Gandhi had decided for annexation of Bangladesh, but this mission proved abortive. On this very same day middle ranking officers of Bangladesh Army removed Mujib-ur-Rehman for his pro-Indian crimes, Indian helicopters were burned and charred bodies of four Indian Generals were quietly sent to India.

Khandokar Mustaque Ahmed who took over the charge hushed up this Indian affair. Unfortunately few people in Pakistan and Bangladesh are aware of this incident. Within next three months Brig Khaled Musharaf a known Indian agent led a coup which also proved to be abortive with General Zia-ur-Rehman taking over. Mrs. Gandhi got frustrated and ordered RAW to assassinate the new Bangladesh leader.

This mission also got delayed with Mrs. Gandhi temporarily out from power, however soon after her return General Zia-ur-Rehman was assassinated at the behest of RAW. "

@ Is it true ? I know one Indian helicopter was crushed some where in Commilla due to clash with birds while it was on the way to Dacca from Chittagong Hill Tracts on 15 August 1975 and all the people on helicopter were killed.

@ What the Indian helicopter was doing in Bangladesh ? People says this helicopter was stationed in Bangladesh to oversee the sitution of Chittagong Hill Tract !!! Was General Oban used to stay in Bangladesh as military adviser to Sk Mujib till 15 August 1975 ?

@ I would request all Bangladeshi and Pakistani members to anwser these querries.
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