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Delhi has the right to generate hydroelectricity ,In a first India has called on Pakistan to enter intergovernmental negotiations within 90days


Sep 20, 2014
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India has sent a notice to Pakistan calling for an amendment of the Indus Waters Treaty even as the dispute resolution mechanism of the treaty remains in a logjam for 5 years. This is for the first time New Delhi has called on Islamabad for the amendment of the treaty that was signed in 1960 in Karachi between the then-Indian PM Jawaharlal Nehru and then-Pakistani president Ayub Khan.

Sources told WION, "India has issued notice to Pakistan for modification of the Indus Waters Treaty (IWT) of September 1960. This is as per Article XII (3) of IWT...Pakistani intransigence on the Indus Waters Treaty forced India to issue a notice of modification to the Treaty."
Under the notice, India has called on Pakistan to enter into intergovernmental negotiations within 90 days to "rectify the material breach" of the treaty and also "update the treaty to incorporate the lessons learned over the last 62 years", sources explained.

Under the Indus water treaty of 1960, the waters of 3 Eastern Rivers - Sutlej, Beas, and Ravi are allocated to India for unrestricted use while the waters of 3 Western rivers - Indus, Jhelum, and Chenab go to Pakistan. Additionally, New Delhi has the right to generate hydroelectricity through the run of the river projects on the 3 Western rivers, subject to specific criteria for design. Pakistan can under the treaty raise technical objections to the design of Indian hydroelectric projects on Western rivers.

One of the key issues has been dispute resolution mechanisms that have led to India issuing the notice. For example, in 2015, Pakistan requested the appointment of a Neutral Expert to examine its technical objections to India’s Kishenganga and Ratle Hydro Electric Projects (HEPs).
The following year, that is 2016, Pakistan unilaterally retracted from the "neutral expert" mechanism and proposed that a "Court of Arbitration" decide on its objections. Meanwhile, India made a separate request for the matter to be referred to a Neutral Expert. The initiation of two simultaneous processes on the same issue essentially creates a legal issue.

Sources pointed out, "at Pakistan’s continuing insistence, the World Bank has recently initiated actions on both the Neutral Expert and Court of Arbitration processes. Such parallel consideration of the same issues is not covered under any provision" of the treaty, adding, " faced with such violation of the treaty provisions, India has been compelled to issue a notice of modification". In 2016, World Bank took a decision to “pause” the initiation of two parallel processes and request India and Pakistan to seek an amicable way out.
Despite repeated efforts by India to find a mutually agreeable way forward, Pakistan refused to discuss the issue during the five meetings of the Permanent Indus Commission from 2017 to 2022. The last Indus water talks took place in Delhi between India's Indus water commissioner AK Pal and Pakistani counterpart Mehr Ali Shah. The next meeting of the Indus water commission will take place in Pakistan.

Muhahahahaha ....... So the Screw turns.

This will be fun too.

Imagine asking "butcher" Modi not to do this. :lol:

India is using water as a weapon. The unilateral actions of India in disputed Kashmir territory have further muddied the water and laid bare the nefarious Indian agenda.

Don't worry, just a "treaty" your FM will have to negotiate on u'r behalf. :D

Don't you want to incorporate the lessons of 62 years ? :agree:

And you have a full 90 days to comply. Cheers.
Don't worry, just a "treaty" your FM will have to negotiate on u'r behalf. :D

Don't you want to incorporate the lessons of 62 years ? :agree:

And you have a full 90 days to comply. Cheers.

Pakistan has no intentions of giving up on her rightful share of water. Right to water supersedes any other right.

The negotiations are a non-starter as far as Pakistan is concerned.

If India breaks the treaty, the responsibility will solely lie with India.
Pakistan has no intentions of giving up on her rightful share of water. Right to water supersedes any other right.

The negotiations are a non-starter as far as Pakistan is concerned.

If India breaks the treaty, the responsibility will solely lie with India.
Sure. Then let both countries live with the consequences. Do you think Pakistan will launch nuclear strikes? Lol.
Sure. Then let both countries live with the consequences. Do you think Pakistan will launch nuclear strikes? Lol.
People without water are driven to extreme measures.
If you allege India broke the treaty, the arbiter is going to be the IMF. What do you think they are going to say ? :angel:

Either way we have nothing to lose and Everything to gain.

IMF has no standing in the IWT.
Just in time. You have a business-friendly govt and a peace-loving army leadership in Pakistan at the moment. Why not seize the opportunity.
Muhahahahaha ....... So the Screw turns.

This will be fun too.

Imagine asking "butcher" Modi not to do this. :lol:

Don't worry, just a "treaty" your FM will have to negotiate on u'r behalf. :D

Don't you want to incorporate the lessons of 62 years ? :agree:

And you have a full 90 days to comply. Cheers.

Is pajeet ka aaj ki masturbation ka samaan mil gaya

Gaya lux soap
Modi has power to band karofy the nalka

Pakistan ban jayega ek registan

Finally a pretext I was praying for... I have told you hindustan is the answer.. We need it and I mean all of it
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