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Delhi Gang Rape - coverage by the western media:The guardian

Actually you are calling commenting on Pot calling kettle black as bad mentality. While I am all for publicizing this issue as much as possible to give the necessary push to the lethargic Indian political system to start solving for it, I can surely see some Pakistani members getting their daily dose of jollies by scoring cheap shots at the back of this tragedy.

For them (and only them), it is necessary to point out that Pakistan has 22% more rapes per capita than India

i say let everyone gets scoring points over our issues when we do have issues.

its not pot calling kettle black. we all are kettles dont persume you are a pot.

i dont see any reason for comparison. rather is no second object for comparison. this is a crime by all of us and we must OWN IT.

NO escapism. being an Indian you are feeling left out and banished by the publicity the weight this case has gained due to right reasons. I say we rather every country including Pakistan needs a DENT every now and then to be jolted enough to bring reforms.

we had been feeling the same in the past over such issues and in the process we realised that we need to be subjected to such shame to get ourself knocked towards right direction.
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Where is the escapism? The only escapism i see here is from your side trying hard not to discuss the same issue in Pakistan. Pakistanis have been trying to use this incident as a tool to take a dig on India where as they don't want to talk about themselves.
If you are serious about women safety then talk about it with no boundaries.. There are worst of worse incidents that has had happened in Pakistan. Why should not we talk about such incidents in general everywhere? Other as I said you people are desperately using this incident as a tool to take on your sworn enemy.

Such crimes gives more of cities in Pakistan than in Delhi.. Its a shame people like you are trying to use such incident as a tool to help propagate your propaganda and use it as a tool against your so called enemy state. You people also started blaming it on religion and that is so typical of people from your side of sub continent.

1. if that is the case please open a thread about such crimes in Pakistan i will be happy to discuss it as well . we did in the past too.

2. as far as mention of religion. Pakistanis dint it was one of your own Indians. anyway if she is wrong then counter the argument dont attack the messanger.

3. this incident is a reality and NO propaganda. such crimes had been repaviailent in your and mine society before too this incident only has opened a window to see the mounds of such crimes. Thats the good thing.

if you are feeling the heat then you must check your own perception
Yes thats why we subcintinentis should not bring in the west to compare and feel superior that look they also has same crime because victims there still can bank on laws there whereas in India and Pakistan laws are just piece of trash paper

Of course, whatever happens in the west does not become a benchmark. However, if they do anything that is better than what we do, then we ought to learn from them. They learn from us as well, just that we do not notice it as often.

The emancipation of females in the US took great many sacrifices there... The society there was no less biased, women were called what not when they went to the beaches in swimsuits and were manhandled by the police, even the media was eager to plaster their images taken from obscene angles... For over 5 years, women, esp white women, had almost lost their position in the society. And now we see that their sacrifices paid.

I can only hope that to achieve their level of moral emancipation, similar level of sacrifice is not required here.
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Of course, whatever happens in the west does not become a benchmark. However, if they do anything that is better than what we do, then we ought to learn from them. They learn from us as well, just that we do not notice it as often.

The emancipation of females in the US took great many sacrifices there... The society there was no less biased, women were called what not when they went to the beaches in swimsuits and were manhandled by the police, even the media was eager to plaster their images taken from obscene angles... For over 5 years, women, esp white women, had almost lost their position in the society. And now we see that their sacrifices paid.

I can only hope that to achieve their level of moral emancipation, similar level of sacrifice is not required here.

i feel you want more sacrifices from women than accepting that you men need to change yourself.

The West has come a long way to reform even if you look at the dresses although i consider it silly when subcontinentis consider abolishing of dress as sign of "liberation" anyway still if take this into cosideration their acceptance of right to a woman and ours even in this field well we want to see women naked but also want to rape them on the same pretext.
1. if that is the case please open a thread about such crimes in Pakistan i will be happy to discuss it as well . we did in the past too.

2. as far as mention of religion. Pakistanis dint it was one of your own Indians. anyway if she is wrong then counter the argument dont attack the messanger.

3. this incident is a reality and NO propaganda. such crimes had been repaviailent in your and mine society before too this incident only has opened a window to see the mounds of such crimes. Thats the good thing.

if you are feeling the heat then you must check your own perception

Why not here ? A crime against women is a common cause so why should we have multiple threads. Lets rename this thread and make it a sticky and post the crimes of respective countries there. I know who the pervert lady is and what kind of $hit can be expected from her. Anyways, more than any one else Pakistanis are just trying to use this incident out of their love for India and may be helping their terrorism tarnished image world wide.
Why not here ? A crime against women is a common cause so why should we have multiple threads. Lets rename this thread and make it a sticky and post the crimes of respective countries there. I know who the pervert lady is and what kind of $hit can be expected from her. Anyways, more than any one else Pakistanis are just trying to use this incident out of their love for India and may be helping their terrorism tarnished image world wide.

:) you can assume anything you want i really dont care.

as far as terrorism and image is concerned we are learning through hardway and we dont indulge in escapism.

3. personal attacks against ajtr or in general personal attacks are always sign of lack of reasonable arguments on the part of the attacker.

4. i dont need to attack India in a serious thread over a serious issue to get solace for our terrorism related issues. i can not make laws but i can play my little role in debating comenting on such crimes in India and Pakistan rather in the world
i feel you want more sacrifices from women than accepting that you men need to change yourself.

The West has come a long way to reform even if you look at the dresses although i consider it silly when subcontinentis consider abolishing of dress as sign of "liberation" anyway still if take this into cosideration their acceptance of right to a woman and ours even in this field well we want to see women naked but also want to rape them on the same pretext.

Why do you feel I would want more sacrifices from women?

And there is no such thing as 'abolition of dress'. No one is asked to shed their piece of clothing. However, if they want to do so, no one should be there to make them feel uncomfortable.

I have a sister, if she wants to go to the beach in bikini, I would want her to feel free to do so without any hesitation about what people might think.

It is not liberation from clothes, it is freedom from fear.

No one can ask any woman to shed her clothes, and similarly, no one can ask a woman to dress up when she does not want to.

People think women who dress provocatively are more susceptible to molestation/rape. Nothing could be further from truth. Women who appear weak, esp those who fear the society, are the ones most susceptible to rape.

I may have been groomed in a liberal fashion, but lived in a very orthodox society. And without exception, I noticed that the boys/men wouldn't dare tease the girls that wore jeans or other clothes that could be considered modern in the area simply because they knew those girls would fight back.

Their favorite prey were the ones dressing up in the most traditional ways, for the men knew that such girls wouldn't pursue the case out of shame.
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Why do you feel I would want more sacrifices from women?

And there is no such thing as 'abolition of dress'. No one is asked to shed their piece of clothing. However, if they want to do so, no one should be there to make them feel uncomfortable.

I have a sister, if she wants to go to the beach in bikini, I would want her to feel free to do so without any hesitation about what people might think.

It is not liberation from clothes, it is freedom from fear.

No one can ask any woman to shed her clothes, and similarly, no one can ask a woman to dress up when she does not want to.

People think women who dress provocatively are more susceptible to molestation/rape. Nothing could be further from truth. Women who appear weak, esp those who fear the society, are the ones most susceptible to rape.

I may have been groomed in a liberal fashion, but lived in a very orthodox society. And without exception, I noticed that the boys/men wouldn't dare tease the girls that wore jeans or other clothes that could be considered modern in the area simply because they knew those girls would fight back.

Their favorite prey were the ones dressing up in the most traditional ways, for the men knew that such girls wouldn't pursue the case out of shame.

agreed on your dress freedom comment

dont agree on the last line since its male mentality not the dress that lead to such actions
agreed on your dress freedom comment
dont agree on the last line since its male mentality not the dress that lead to such actions
Already told this what affects men. Its about social conditioning. The environment a guys is brought up.

If an Indian go to US or Europe, he will experience cultural shock. It will take time to adjust according to the surrounding.
Already told this what affects men. Its about social conditioning. The environment a guys is brought up.

If an Indian go to US or Europe, he will experience cultural shock. It will take time to adjust according to the surrounding.

i always sum it up that "West had come a long way to accpet change whereas we subcontinentis love sudden change which is always short-lived"
agreed on your dress freedom comment

dont agree on the last line since its male mentality not the dress that lead to such actions

That's exactly what I meant in my last line too... lekin aapse ek jagah agree karwa liya meri aaj ki yahi achievement hai :)
Condolence to the effected family.
May Allah give them strength and amy the victim rest in peace.

NO MERCY for the accused, they should be hanged, surely there is no point in "No death Penalties" when people go around carrying out such barbarian acts, these are not humans, must be punished and made an example of fear!
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