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Debate this : Obama fears Pakistan’s disintegration

I think Hyperion himself didnt read the article and dictating every member to leave.
3) This is for our indian visitors: What would India as a nation prefer?
a) Weak Pakistan?
b) No Pakistan and Uncle Sam in the region?
c) Status - Quo!
d) Better relations with a stable , mature state of Pakistan?

Order of priority
D -- C -- B -- A
The Title is an embarrassingly stupid joke.

Obama doesn't know what he is talking about. The Pakistan army will take over if there is any problems.

but ofcourse Bharatis constantly have wet dreams about Pakistan breaking up.

If Pakistan breaks up then prepare for nuclear war.

Its as simple as that.
The ability to flatten Tel Aviv completely.

Surely you jest.. Unless you want to take out tens of thousands of your Palestinian Muslim brothers along with Tel aviv as a part of your testosterone induced boast of attacking Israel.

Kind of a bad trade too.. Killing a million jews at the cost of 180 million Pakistani Muslims :)
The Title is an embarrassingly stupid joke.

Obama doesn't know what he is talking about. The Pakistan army will take over if there is any problems.

but ofcourse Bharatis constantly have wet dreams about Pakistan breaking up.

If Pakistan breaks up then prepare for nuclear war.

Its as simple as that.

I dont know why paksitnais always end up with nuke war :blink:
if not having enough money in country,nuke war
if having political instability,nuke war
if having skirmish with afgan,nuke war
if getting soldiers killed,nuke war
if some bomb blast happened,nuke war
if some political party do blunder,nuke war..

The American plan all along has been to insist on policies which damage the stability of Pakistan. This instability will then represent an opportunity to create scare mongering and therefore a reason to perhaps cease pakistans nukes.

You cannot have it both ways; create instability via drones and then complain about the subsequent instability created by the drones.
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