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Debate this : Obama fears Pakistan’s disintegration


Jun 4, 2012
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Source: Obama fears Pakistan

WASHINGTON: US President Barack Obama told his staff in late 2011 that Pakistan could ‘disintegrate’ and set off a scramble for its weapons, claims a new book by David E. Sanger, chief Washington correspondent of The New York Times.

Excerpts from the book, published earlier this month, were highlighted by the US media but it assumed an added importance when US officials started asking Pakistani diplomats, visiting officials, lawmakers and even journalists to read the book.

This forced senior Pakistani diplomats to have a second look at the book and some of them also asked Washington-based Pakistani journalists to read the book and share their views with them.

The book identifies Pakistan as President Obama’s “biggest single national security concern” and it quotes Mr Obama telling his senior aides that he had “the least power to prevent” a possible disintegration of this nuclear-armed country. And he also could not control the scramble for Pakistani nukes that this disintegration would cause.

The book — “Confront and Conceal: Obama’s Secret War and Surprising Use of American Power” — also claims that every three months or so, the Americans tried to meet the Pakistani nuclear establishment, as discreetly as possible.The United States was represented by Thomas D’Agostino, head of the National Nuclear Security Administration, and Robert Einhorn at the State Department. Gen. Khalid Kidwai and his senior staff at the Strategic Planning Director represented Pakistan.

Because of huge Pakistani sensitivities, the meetings were never announced, and to avoid discovery and the inevitable questions that would follow, they took place in cities where the participants could slip in and out unnoticed, from London to Abu Dhabi, the book claims.

One administration official told the author the process had impressed the White House with “how seriously the Pakistanis take nuclear security, perhaps more seriously than anyone else in the world”.

Nevertheless, US officials still feared things could rapidly spiral out of control if Pakistan ever imploded; an eventuality, he added, that “you can’t handle with better training and equipment”.

The book describes how in the first summer after he took office, President Obama was faced with the nightmarish scenario of having to hunt down a missing nuke in Pakistan. Mr Obama had been briefed about an “emerging intelligence picture” revealing that the Tehrik-i-Taliban may have gotten its hands on a nuclear weapon.

In a follow-up meeting, intelligence briefers told Mr Obama it was likely a “dirty bomb” — radioactive material that can be wrapped around conventional explosives that would cause low casualties but carry enormous psychological impact. The difference between a dirty bomb and a nuclear explosion were unbeknownst to most, including some of the American officials themselves, the book notes.

Mr Obama dispatched his senior officials to approach Pakistan on the issue, but they initially dismissed the report. Knowing he couldn’t afford to take any chances, Mr Obama ordered his nuclear detection and disablement team to travel to the region in case it needed to be searched.

Ultimately, Pakistani officials responded and said they conducted a search that decisively concluded nothing was missing from their arsenal. But peering into the nuclear abyss so early in Obama’s presidency, one official told the author, created “a lasting impression on all of us”.

I pose the following question to think tanks and mods here:

PART A) Assumptions & Scenarios:

i. Let's say what the article is insinuating comes true or partly true.
ii. There is a build up of American forces in the Persian Gulf and our Western borders.
ii. Nuclear containment and snatch teams are onboard USN carriers and heliborne teams are being prepped to come in via Western flank.

PART B) Questions

1. What options do we have?
a) Give them a free go to engage and snatch?
b) Engage them hand to hand and destroy all of our precious infrastructure?
c) Take the whole scenario a notch up and enter the dooms-day category for the region?

2. If the answer to question one is C, what are our realistic targets in our neighborhood.
a) Target India and invite complete annihilation?
b) Target Afghanistan and have no meaningful impact?
c) Target all of middle east and extract maximum leverage by making sure that the "warring party" understands in no uncertain terms that the payment for our disintegration would be so high that no one will be able to recover. (NOTE: NOT Israel, note that result would be the same as in article 2a)

3) This is for our indian visitors: What would India as a nation prefer?
a) Weak Pakistan?
b) No Pakistan and Uncle Sam in the region?
c) Status - Quo!
d) Better relations with a stable , mature state of Pakistan?

Question 2 part c, makes an assumption that there are 7 million foreign expats right in our neighborhood (Middle East). Additionally we have MNC's, Banks etc etc etc etc there, all ripe targets. Not to forget all the oil installations and related infrastructure.

Now keeping in mind all of the above. Under which circumstance DO you think that we will not be attacked? Meaning that, what will be the cost that would be unbearable for even to be considered by an western invading force.

I would welcome an open debate between the think tanks. Keep it cold, emotionless, keep clear of false love of religion and justify only with science keeping in view national interests. (Either us or no one)

Note: People having cursory knowledge of weapon yields, non-ballistic targeting, fallout patterns, EMP warfare scenarios, need not participate.

This is a regional debate: Pakistanis and Indians welcome only.

Rules of engagement:

Pakistani Nationals: May comment on the who thread.
Indian Nationals: Please concentrate and elaborate on question 3 only.

The whole scenario is not about going to war or engaging the enemy. It's the opposite. It's about how to best avoid. Think of it as ADGE - Assured destruction of global economy.

Request to mods: Please trash all irrelevant and inflammatory comments devoid of logic with impunity. Let's at-least keep this important debate alive in a meaningful manner.
2. If the answer to question one is C, what are our realistic targets in our neighborhood.
a) Target India and invite complete annihilation?
b) Target Afghanistan and have no meaningful impact?
c) Target all of middle east and extract maximum leverage by making sure that the "warring party" understands in no uncertain terms that the payment for our disintegration would be so high that no one will be able to recover.

3) This is for our indian visitors: What would India as a nation prefer?
a) Weak Pakistan?
b) No Pakistan and Uncle Sam in the region?
c) Status - Quo!
d) Better relations with the State of Pakistan?
Question 2 part c, makes an assumption that there are 7 million foreign expats right in our neighborhood (Middle East). Additionally we have MNC's, Banks etc etc etc etc there, all ripe targets. Not to forget all the oil installations and related infrastructure.

Now keeping in mind all of the above. Under which circumstance DO you think that we will not be attacked? Meaning that the costs would be unbearable for even to be considered by an western invading force.

I would welcome an open debate between the think tanks. Keep it cold, emotionless, keep clear of false love of religion and justify only with science keeping in view national interests. (Either us or no one)

Note: People having cursory knowledge of weapon yields, non-ballistic targeting, fallout patterns, EMP warfare scenarios, need not participate.

This is a regional debate: Pakistanis and Indians welcome only.

Rules of engagement:

Pakistani Nationals: May comment on the who thread.
Indian Nationals: Please concentrate and elaborate on question 3 only.


Firstly, it is heartening to note that a realisation exists that attacking India would lead to complete anhilation which is correct.

Secondly, I would like to make a small amendment to point 3 d above( in blue). I would like it to read " Better relations with a stable , mature state of Pakistan whose writ runs throught out its borders and is in control of those who live within it". Better relations with Pak is its present state cannot happen as the state itself is on thin ice.

Next, the option suggested of targetting the middle east reminds me of Saddam's attempt to hit Israel . It shows shallowness of intellect and ensures that not only will there be no supporters for deceased Pak but no mourners too.
Hello Dear,
i think it will be better if this thread can be moved to:
Strategic & Geopolitical Issues

it have nothing to do with Pakistan's Strategic Weapons

MODS, can you help please!
this seems to be a nice mind engaging debate note but we need to keep this is relavant section.

Please be mature. A simple answer would have sufficed. Let's not inflame and for once get to a result to a very important question that will affect all of us.
I will prefer a disintegrated Pakistan which cannot provide a credible threat to India in the future. Balochistan should become free. Azad Kashmir & Gilgil-Balistan should come back to India. Rest of the pakistan, will be cut off from China and then the military threat will reduce significantly. Also nukes should go. They can keep their F-16s and other toys. Beautiful planes.
I will prefer a disintegrated Pakistan which cannot provide a credible threat to India in the future. Balochistan should become free. Azad Kashmir & Gilgil-Balistan should come back to India. Rest of the pakistan, will be cut off from China and then the military threat will reduce significantly. Also nukes should go. They can keep their F-16s and other toys. Beautiful planes.
o God save us from mighty India ahahahahahaha grow up kid we are a nuke state with a dozen type of missiles covering all of India so if any thing happen u will go with us for sure so go and pray that nothing can happen to us :devil:
Thanks for that. I've made the edit and please read question 2c again. There is an additional edit there.

Firstly, it is heartening to note that a realisation exists that attacking India would lead to complete anhilation which is correct.

Secondly, I would like to make a small amendment to point 3 d above( in blue). I would like it to read " Better relations with a stable , mature state of Pakistan whose writ runs throught out its borders and is in control of those who live within it". Better relations with Pak is its present state cannot happen as the state itself is on thin ice.

Next, the option suggested of targetting the middle east reminds me of Saddam's attempt to hit Israel . It shows shallowness of intellect and ensures that not only will there be no supporters for deceased Pak but no mourners too.

Please stay away. Didn't you read the note?
o God save us from mighty India ahahahahahaha grow up kid we are a nuke state with a dozen type of missiles covering all of India so if any thing happen u will go with us for sure so go and pray that nothing can happen to us :devil:
First, we have to see that what is Pakistan's Strategy for the usage of nuclear weapons. The general policy is "If we are going down, we are taking down everyone (our enemies) we can with us."

However, Pakistan's nuclear threshold limits (according to a source in PAF) are as follows:

1. Penetration of foreign forces beyond a certain defined line or crossing of a river.

2. Imminent capture of an important Pakistani city like Lahore, Sialkot or the capital city Islamabad

3.Destruction of Pakistan's conventional armed forces or other assets beyond an unacceptable level. This includes if the Pakistan Army is unable to halt an invasion or can no longer conduct offensive operations to push the invaders back to the international border. Also, if the Pakistan Air Force is destroyed or crippled to an extent where it can no longer conduct aerial operations such as no longer maintaining air superiority, cannot strike enemy targets or can no longer be able to provide air cover to the troops on the ground.

4.An attack on any of Pakistan's strategic targets such as dams, bridges, military industries or nuclear installations like Tarbela, Mangla, Kahuta, Chashma, Taxila etc.

5. Imposition of a naval blockade on Pakistan to an extent that it strangulates the continued transportation of vital supplies and adversely affects the war-waging stamina of the country. Pakistan's southern port cities of Karachi and Gwadar are blockaded and the Pakistan Navy is either destroyed to crippled to an extent where it cannot break the blockade or can no longer destroy enemy warships or conduct sea operations.

6. Indian crossing of the Line of Control to a level that it threatens Pakistan's control over Pakistani-Administered Kashmir.

7. Chemical or Biological weapons are used against Pakistan.

So according to 4th point Pakistan has a nuclear retaliation option in response to a foreign attack.

I would suggest :
1. What options do we have?
c) Take the whole scenario a notch up and enter the dooms-day category for the region?
Because if the Americans sense that Pakistan is going to take things to the ultimate level, they will back off. Only concrete preparations can convey this message.

2. If the answer to question one is C, what are our realistic targets in our neighborhood.
b) Target Afghanistan and have no meaningful impact?
This is for sure. Take out all the US/NATO bases in Afghanistan with tactical nukes. Keep the US bases in middle east as potential targets on the list. DO NOT engage India.

Now keeping in mind all of the above. Under which circumstance DO you think that we will not be attacked? Meaning that, what will be the cost that would be unbearable for even to be considered by an western invading force.

As I said, only concrete and full preparations and expressions of the intent to take extreme military action can assure US that engaging Pakistan's nuclear assets actively is a doomsday scenario.
Source: Obama fears Pakistan

WASHINGTON: US President Barack Obama told his staff in late 2011 that Pakistan could ‘disintegrate’ and set off a scramble for its weapons, claims a new book by David E. Sanger, chief Washington correspondent of The New York Times.

Excerpts from the book, published earlier this month, were highlighted by the US media but it assumed an added importance when US officials started asking Pakistani diplomats, visiting officials, lawmakers and even journalists to read the book.

This forced senior Pakistani diplomats to have a second look at the book and some of them also asked Washington-based Pakistani journalists to read the book and share their views with them.

The book identifies Pakistan as President Obama’s “biggest single national security concern” and it quotes Mr Obama telling his senior aides that he had “the least power to prevent” a possible disintegration of this nuclear-armed country. And he also could not control the scramble for Pakistani nukes that this disintegration would cause.

The book — “Confront and Conceal: Obama’s Secret War and Surprising Use of American Power” — also claims that every three months or so, the Americans tried to meet the Pakistani nuclear establishment, as discreetly as possible.The United States was represented by Thomas D’Agostino, head of the National Nuclear Security Administration, and Robert Einhorn at the State Department. Gen. Khalid Kidwai and his senior staff at the Strategic Planning Director represented Pakistan.

Because of huge Pakistani sensitivities, the meetings were never announced, and to avoid discovery and the inevitable questions that would follow, they took place in cities where the participants could slip in and out unnoticed, from London to Abu Dhabi, the book claims.

One administration official told the author the process had impressed the White House with “how seriously the Pakistanis take nuclear security, perhaps more seriously than anyone else in the world”.

Nevertheless, US officials still feared things could rapidly spiral out of control if Pakistan ever imploded; an eventuality, he added, that “you can’t handle with better training and equipment”.

The book describes how in the first summer after he took office, President Obama was faced with the nightmarish scenario of having to hunt down a missing nuke in Pakistan. Mr Obama had been briefed about an “emerging intelligence picture” revealing that the Tehrik-i-Taliban may have gotten its hands on a nuclear weapon.

In a follow-up meeting, intelligence briefers told Mr Obama it was likely a “dirty bomb” — radioactive material that can be wrapped around conventional explosives that would cause low casualties but carry enormous psychological impact. The difference between a dirty bomb and a nuclear explosion were unbeknownst to most, including some of the American officials themselves, the book notes.

Mr Obama dispatched his senior officials to approach Pakistan on the issue, but they initially dismissed the report. Knowing he couldn’t afford to take any chances, Mr Obama ordered his nuclear detection and disablement team to travel to the region in case it needed to be searched.

Ultimately, Pakistani officials responded and said they conducted a search that decisively concluded nothing was missing from their arsenal. But peering into the nuclear abyss so early in Obama’s presidency, one official told the author, created “a lasting impression on all of us”.

I pose the following question to think tanks and mods here:

PART A) Assumptions & Scenarios:

i. Let's say what the article is insinuating comes true or partly true.
ii. There is a build up of American forces in the Persian Gulf and our Western borders.
ii. Nuclear containment and snatch teams are onboard USN carriers and heliborne teams are being prepped to come in via Western flank.

PART B) Questions

1. What options do we have?
a) Give them a free go to engage and snatch?
b) Engage them hand to hand and destroy all of our precious infrastructure?
c) Take the whole scenario a notch up and enter the dooms-day category for the region?

2. If the answer to question one is C, what are our realistic targets in our neighborhood.
a) Target India and invite complete annihilation?
b) Target Afghanistan and have no meaningful impact?
c) Target all of middle east and extract maximum leverage by making sure that the "warring party" understands in no uncertain terms that the payment for our disintegration would be so high that no one will be able to recover. (NOTE: NOT Israel, note that result would be the same as in article 2a)

3) This is for our indian visitors: What would India as a nation prefer?
a) Weak Pakistan?
b) No Pakistan and Uncle Sam in the region?
c) Status - Quo!
d) Better relations with a stable , mature state of Pakistan?

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/pakist...-pakistan-s-disintegration.html#ixzz1ytZXRFeU

Question 2 part c, makes an assumption that there are 7 million foreign expats right in our neighborhood (Middle East). Additionally we have MNC's, Banks etc etc etc etc there, all ripe targets. Not to forget all the oil installations and related infrastructure.

Now keeping in mind all of the above. Under which circumstance DO you think that we will not be attacked? Meaning that, what will be the cost that would be unbearable for even to be considered by an western invading force.

I would welcome an open debate between the think tanks. Keep it cold, emotionless, keep clear of false love of religion and justify only with science keeping in view national interests. (Either us or no one)

Note: People having cursory knowledge of weapon yields, non-ballistic targeting, fallout patterns, EMP warfare scenarios, need not participate.

This is a regional debate: Pakistanis and Indians welcome only.

Rules of engagement:

Pakistani Nationals: May comment on the who thread.
Indian Nationals: Please concentrate and elaborate on question 3 only.


1) Answer depends on the scenario detail, any action should invite an appropriate reaction and no more no less, consider:
1a) If we do have a broken arrow, we invite all the help we need to locate the warhead.
1b) We take on the invading forces if they try to take more then what we allowed and our response should be appropriate as to the action and no less no more.

2) If the appropriate response moves to 1c then:
a+b+c) If we have to take on India for any reason, the targets should be predetermined military bases, Missile silos and storages etc. which minimize casualty but deal critical blows to any Indian ability to respond similarly. The strikes should be preemtive and final. This would discourage India from retaliating on our Cities as we would have spared their cities.

We annihilate all US bases in Afghanistan, in the middle east and at sea, using non Nuclear weapons including Israel. Lets test the *****, finally!
The question was, what is this ultimate level?

Note: We don't have enough 'high yield' weapons in stock. Your sources are half baked. Trust me.

First, we have to see that what is Pakistan's Strategy for the usage of nuclear weapons. The general policy is "If we are going down, we are taking down everyone (our enemies) we can with us."

However, Pakistan's nuclear threshold limits (according to a source in PAF) are as follows:

1. Penetration of foreign forces beyond a certain defined line or crossing of a river.

2. Imminent capture of an important Pakistani city like Lahore, Sialkot or the capital city Islamabad

3.Destruction of Pakistan's conventional armed forces or other assets beyond an unacceptable level. This includes if the Pakistan Army is unable to halt an invasion or can no longer conduct offensive operations to push the invaders back to the international border. Also, if the Pakistan Air Force is destroyed or crippled to an extent where it can no longer conduct aerial operations such as no longer maintaining air superiority, cannot strike enemy targets or can no longer be able to provide air cover to the troops on the ground.

4.An attack on any of Pakistan's strategic targets such as dams, bridges, military industries or nuclear installations like Tarbela, Mangla, Kahuta, Chashma, Taxila etc.

5. Imposition of a naval blockade on Pakistan to an extent that it strangulates the continued transportation of vital supplies and adversely affects the war-waging stamina of the country. Pakistan's southern port cities of Karachi and Gwadar are blockaded and the Pakistan Navy is either destroyed to crippled to an extent where it cannot break the blockade or can no longer destroy enemy warships or conduct sea operations.

6. Indian crossing of the Line of Control to a level that it threatens Pakistan's control over Pakistani-Administered Kashmir.

7. Chemical or Biological weapons are used against Pakistan.

So according to 4th point Pakistan has a nuclear retaliation option in response to a foreign attack.

I would suggest :
1. What options do we have?
c) Take the whole scenario a notch up and enter the dooms-day category for the region?
Because if the Americans sense that Pakistan is going to take things to the ultimate level, they will back off. Only concrete preparations can convey this message.

2. If the answer to question one is C, what are our realistic targets in our neighborhood.
b) Target Afghanistan and have no meaningful impact?
This is for sure. Take out all the US/NATO bases in Afghanistan with tactical nukes. Keep the US bases in middle east as potential targets on the list. DO NOT engage India.

As I said, only concrete and full preparations and expressions of the intent to take extreme military action can assure US that engaging Pakistan's nuclear assets actively is a doomsday scenario.
First, we have to see that what is Pakistan's Strategy for the usage of nuclear weapons. The general policy is "If we are going down, we are taking down everyone (our enemies) we can with us."

However, Pakistan's nuclear threshold limits (according to a source in PAF) are as follows:

1. Penetration of foreign forces beyond a certain defined line or crossing of a river.

2. Imminent capture of an important Pakistani city like Lahore, Sialkot or the capital city Islamabad

This sounds like a bad idea.
Sorry, the question wasn't going to war. It's about how to best avoid the scenario.


1) Answer depends on the scenario detail, any action should invite an appropriate reaction and no more no less, consider:
1a) If we do have a broken arrow, we invite all the help we need to locate the warhead.
1b) We take on the invading forces if they try to take more then what we allowed and our response should be appropriate as to the action and no less no more.

2) If the appropriate response moves to 1c then:
a+b+c) If we have to take on India for any reason, the targets should be predetermined military bases, Missile silos and storages etc. which minimize casualty but deal critical blows to any Indian ability to respond similarly. The strikes should be preemtive and final. This would discourage India from retaliating on our Cities as we would have spared their cities.

We annihilate all US bases in Afghanistan, in the middle east and at sea, using non Nuclear weapons including Israel. Lets test the *****, finally!
Option : D is first choice. C is not too bad compared to disintegration and chaos.Weak Pakistan leads to disintegrated Pakistan not in India's interests.

Finally Uncle Sam.Their actions in A'stan i partly the reason Pakistan is as messed up as it is .We would never support such a thing on a larger scale with A'stan replaces by P'stan and India being put in the place P'stan was in the 80's-90's and it is now.
Though I would personally like Pakistan to be divided into a few stable nations. However, this will lead to a scenario where there MAY be a division of nuclear arsenal and this would be a bigger threat to India.

So, if Pakistan can control the terrorist elements inside its areas, a stable Pakistan would be beneficial to India.
Let Imran Khan come to power and we can see what he has to offer as right now things in Pakistan is like a circus parade. Pakistan will protect it's nuke assets as that is the ace in the deck of cards but the real nightmare is if jihadis infiltrate the places where the nukes are stored that would be Obama's concern. We saw with the PNS Mehran attack that the army also does have it's share of militants that could help it gain access to places it would not be possible otherwise.
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