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Dear India, you have been warned.


May 3, 2009
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If Indian leadership can see the writing on the wall or not will make the difference between the age of peace or war. It's time, Pakistan will have to take the battle to enemy's bedroom.


Warning ain't going to do anything . They will continue doing what they are . I mean who wouldn't continue destabilizing their enemy , in anyway one can . Best thing would be to make this evidence public and go to UN , international courts , whatever .
If Indian leadership can see the writing on the wall or not will make the difference between the age of peace or war. It's time, Pakistan will have to take the battle to enemy's bedroom.

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What is this? Really I have say childish.

If you people want to take the battle into India. You are free to do it. But let me tell you this too...See your economy and resources, you guys are in no position to take on India
With JPEG and GIF pics of statements.

Be afraid................. be very very afraid.

All of them are from newspaper reporting done over last two months unless you are visually impaired.

Purpose of this thread?????????????

There is already several threads on all the attachment posted in OP,

To visualize the sentiment developing in Pakistan over past few months in the highest circles of the govt and military?
Purpose of this thread?????????????

There is already several threads on all the attachment posted in OP,

But they were not warnings...

These are larger JPEGs and GIFs... hence the amount of warning and the expected scariness should have to hit atleast room roof high.

Then Thread starter will bring more pics and it hits sky high.

Indian better be safe, disable graphics in web browser so that you dont get afraid.

Its very graphical for feeble minds.
If Indian leadership can see the writing on the wall or not will make the difference between the age of peace or war. It's time, Pakistan will have to take the battle to enemy's bedroom.

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View attachment 219581 View attachment 219580
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