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Deal between PA & Qatar Government

Details of a new proposed deal between the Pakistan Army and Qatar Government

The federal cabinet in its last week meeting presided over by Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani was said to have been given the secret details of a new proposed deal between the Pakistan Army and Qatar Government for deputation of unknown number of soldiers with the Qatar Amiri Guard.This new deal between Qatar and Pakistan — to be inked soon after getting the required nod from the cabinet — would be effective for five years, and may be renewed, as and when both the parties agree. But this agreement can also be terminated on a six-month notice from any of the two parties — Pakistan and Qatar.Under this new deal, the Pakistani soldiers would be required to wear the uniform of Qatar Army as their salaries and other expenditures would be paid by the host government during the period of stay for two years.The details of this agreement were placed before the cabinet in its meeting on Wednesday by Secretary Ministry of Defence Lt Gen (retd) Syed Athar Ali.


The cabinet was requested to allow the Defence Ministry to start negotiations for the deal to be inked soon between the two countries. The cabinet was informed that the purpose of this agreement was to enhance and strengthen the existing bilateral relationship through defence cooperation between the two countries. DG ISPR Major General Athar said he would be required to consult the concerned branch before making any comment on this development.According to the details placed before the cabinet, the Government of Pakistan will provide specialized officers, technicians and other military personnel to work for Qatar Amiri Guard in various military domains such as equipment, arms maintenance and ammunition.The officers to be sent there would be selected by the GHQ according to the ranks, profession, qualifications and physical fitness required by the Qatar government. The Qatar government would also have the right to conduct a medical examination of deputationists within a month from the date of arrival in Qatar.


The soldiers would be deputed there for a period of two years and may be extended by one year at the request of Qatar government and with the approval of GHQ. The deputations would be subject to the rules, and orders applicable in the Amiri Guard with regards to the rank hierarchy, military orders and discipline. The deputationists shall carry out the orders and instructions issued by the commander of the Amiri Guard or his deputy or their immediate commanders in accordance with the provisions of this agreement.The Qatar government will pay salaries to the deputationist as per the salary scale of the Amiri Guard and the deputationists’ salary will start with the basic salary of their ranks and from the date of deputation. These salaries and allowances would not be subject to any kind of taxes applicable in the Qatar, and Pakistani soldiers would have the right to transfer their complete salary to their country.


The deputationist would also be provided with furnished accommodation, with free water and electricity in accordance with the regulation as applicable to the Amiri Guard. The families of the officers would also be allowed to stay with the deputed officer with similar facilities. But the officers would be allowed to bring their families only after staying three months in the Guard.Qatar government would have the right to terminate the services of deputationist if the later commits any action that violates the laws and regulations applicable in the state of Qatar and accordingly necessitate termination of his deputation. This will be done after conducting an investigation attended by head of Pakistani military mission of defence adviser of Pakistan at Doha. Qatar would also have the right to terminate the contract of any deputationist even before expiry of the deputation period.


looks like the Qatari Emirs dont trust their own people! typical of arabs!
If pakistani soilders want to become mercenaries of qatar govt. who is to stop them.
Then where are the ethics of a stong disciplined army.

Many military professionals take up work as security consultants after retirement.

Think of this as a two-year sabbatical leave of absence from the Pak Army.
I don't understand why everyone is making a mess out of such a small issue.

Qatar is a very small country with a population of around 1.4 Million, in which nearly 800,000 to 900,000 are non-citizens, its own population would be around 400,000 to 500,000. It has oil reserves & gas, so for an army u need people from ur own nation, but due to their limited population and due to huge reserves of oil & gas, the preference of the population would be to work in a lucrative industry which becomes the petrochemical & gas. It has just an army of 11,800 people. Already retired pakistani armed forces officers had been re-employed by them, but if this news is true it means serving officers & ORs would be send to help them not in fighting but helping them in the supporting arms category. The article clearly said that, i don't understand from where u guys started to discuss that the nation needs protection, they have much bigger nations to protect them.
Why does Egypt need no deputations from other armed forces ?? becoz their army is professional and they don't have the wealth of oil.
All the arab nations with oil prefer more attractive professions, the armed forces to be the least of them. So when u have such attractive industry then the bright minded ones and less bright minded would go for the oil & gas sector. Qatar needs to have a minimal defensive forces, they may have the manpower but may need little help in absorbing new technologies or train the army by having better trained soldiers from friendly nations. they can't get westerners as it will create trouble, so muslim nations would be preferred.

So guys this is not a big issue, neither are we renting our army nor Qatar needs a protector. And if someone has an issue of renting our army to a friendly muslims nation, then be it, this does proofs that our army is capable enough to be asked for help not the other way around.
Its nothing new,Eric Margolis the author of the book American Raj once told on CNN that Pakistanis also protect the Saudi Royal family.
Its nothing new,Eric Margolis the author of the book American Raj once told on CNN that Pakistanis also protect the Saudi Royal family.

Yes, PA has some strength in Saudi Arabia, specially SSG guys are also stationed there. One theory was that they are there for protecting the saudi royal family, but another theory is that they are there to protect the nuclear weaponry stationed at the saudi arabia, as we have listened a lot that there is a secret pact between the two countries for a nuclear umbrella.

The credibility to all this discussion comes from a fact that Saudi Arabia bought around a dozen or so Chinese CSS-2 missile.

"In March 1988, two years after the deal was struck, it was discovered that Saudi Arabia had bought an undisclosed number of CSS-2 "East Wind" intermediate range missiles from China. The number was later put at 50 missiles and nine launchers. According to Assistant Secretary of State Richard Clarke, the missiles were still not operational in late 1989. However, in early June 1990, Flight International reported that, according to Israeli intelligence, the CSS-2 missiles were deployed and operational at two sites: al-Sulaiyil, about 500 km south of Riyadh and al-Joffer, 100 km south of Riyadh. According to the article, each site houses four to six concrete launch pads and stores approximately 60 missiles"
In his 2003 Naval Post graduate thesis titled "Is Saudi Arabia a Nuclear Threat?" Steven R. McDowell writes:

Now that the CSS-2 missiles are nearing the end of their lifecycle, the Saudi regime may choose to replace them. During a March 11, 1997 interview with Defense News, Saudi military chief of staff, Lt Gen. Saleh Mohaya stated , “The oil kingdom is now considering replacing or refurbishing the desert missile force.”

Early in 2006, the German periodical Cicero reported that satellite imagery obtained by Germany's secret service indicated that Saudi Arabia has set up in Al-Sulaiyil, south of Riyadh, a new secret underground city and dozens of underground silos for missiles. TPMcafe has also picked up on this item.

According to some Western security services, long-range Ghauri-type missiles of Pakistani-origin are housed inside the silos.

The Ghauri missile has a range of 1,500 kilometers, while the CSS-2.
missile has a longer 2500km range.

The East Wind's modified range/payload (5) of 2,500 km/2,000 kg (conventional load) brings many countries within striking range, including Israel, the former Soviet Union, and Iran, though the missiles are said to be targeted on Tehran and other Iranian population centers, rather than Israel.

It seems that Saudi Arabia has replaced its aging Chinese missiles with North Korean/Pakistani "Ghauri" missiles, albeit with 1000km less range, they have essentially modernized their missile fleet.
This is a great news which shows the confidence of Qatar in PA.

There is no shame in that as it si not the first time an army is going to wear uniform of the other army.

By the way, what happened to Libya giving up nuclear saying Pakistan was involved in developing nuclear bombs and materials in their country, so Saudi Arabia nothing suspect from international especially CIA agents? When did Saudi receive from Pakistan's Ghauri? Please provide link I could appreciate to read.

I would say that Saudi Arabia shouldn't focus on other enemy Muslim country (i.e Iran)for no good reasons. It is our responsible as Muslim to group together in arm-to-arm in order to protect from cowardly foreign aggressions.

Bro, sometimes a little self finding spree is good, as a person gets a lot of other information what would have never been seen.

Google is there, just type in the words and u will get thousands of links to study from.

Don't take it negatively, its just an advice. However the links are below.

Missile Proliferation - Saudi Arabia

China's Missile Exports and Assistance to Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia & its ICBM program, designed for nukes? - Democratic Underground

Saudi Arabia Special Weapons

WMD Insights

By the way, its western countries who say that SA is having nukes for Iran, but reality would be that they are for Israel, as at the time SA bought those missiles, Iran had no nuclear ambitions, Israel was the only country having nuclear capability & a threat for muslim nations. Iran no matter whatever kind of Islamic views they have, is still a muslim country and would be a fool to attack SA, which also houses the most sacred places for muslims.
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