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Daring reply of Pakistani officer to Indian Brigadier during 1971 war


Aug 26, 2007
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Brigadier Kler called in his units to move closer to Jamalpur and establish road blocks. Starting yesterday morning, a number of sorties were flown by the IAF against the Jamalpur garrison.

Brig Kler's troops were preparing for an attack on the Jamalpur garrision when the Pakistani commander, now identified as Lt Col Sultan Ahmed attempted a breakout. Faced with a cordon, Ahmed's troops tried frontal assault to break up the encirclement and were cut down by murderous fire by our troops belonging to 13 Guards and 6 Sikh LI.

By today morning, A number of Pakistanis had been rounded up as Prisoners of War and at last count it was more than 350. The Pakistani Commander Sultan seemed to have given us the slip , albiet at the cost of his other troops.

It seems that the Pakistanis have continously underestimated the troops in the cordon, and attempted multiple frontal assualts. The Pakistani Commander would have been better off if he had heeded the advise of Brig Kler in his letter. Ultimately his show of Bravado with words failed to translate into proper action on the ground!

Now there are no hurdles for Brig Kler or his troops in travessing the 50 miles or so distance and link up with the Parachute Brigade's troops who have landed at Tangail. The noose around Dacca is tightning as days go by.
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Words don't speak, dids do speak a lot...
Rest is history, no need to reply further...
It seems this Pakistani officer was unaware of the famous phrase of Falstaff: discretion is the better part of valor.

Here was a situation where there was less than zero chances of breaking out from the cordon.

His bluster and false sense of bravado (that 40 sorties are inadequate etc) had resulted in getting his troops needlessly killed for which he is squarely responsible. Period.
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literally typical army brigadier can't win any war by writing letters to their officers.:pop::omghaha:
I think the Pakistani commander made a good reply. He certainly was in a precarious position on the ground and he did not want to surrender without a fight, something I guess almost all professional soldiers would do.

Indian commander's offer came from a position of strength, Pakistani's from a position of weakness. The choice of words is accordingly appropriate.

Indian's have never dissed the individual courage of pakistanis. We have no fake sense of martial or religious superiority and our conduct has been professional. Even during the bitter Kargil war we honored Pakistani individual courage.

Thats our idea of courage, and I'm proud of it, just the way Pakistanis are of theirs.
Bravery should be appreciated.. But I guess Indians as afridi said are small hearted insecure people .. Not surprised.
So you feel Indian people should celebrate pakistani officer response instead of Indian army victory over pakistan. Don't fool yourself, Indian people are for their country and for their army not for cheering pak army BS reply.:sniper::taz:
As far as afridi is concerned his comment itself shows how large hearted pakistanis are(only complaining and whining). what did he expected, hindustani aarti utare uski instead of celebrating the victory of their team over their arch rivals. :devil::devil:
It has been in this forum like a gazillion times already.... people, please check old threads before you post some facebook or email forwards..... in all likelihood somebody already posted it here...
Bravery should be appreciated.. But I guess Indians as afridi said are small hearted insecure people .. Not surprised.
You mean the Indian Brigadier should have had a big heart and allowed the Pakistani commander and his troops safe passage out of the cordon? Probably invited him for a chicken biryani lunch too! :woot: :omghaha:

Damn heartless Yindoo banyas!! Jeeez! :pissed: :lol:
Bravery should be appreciated.. But I guess Indians as afridi said are small hearted insecure people .. Not surprised.

Afridi should be last person you should take as an example.. He was here praising Indians and just as he crossed the border he changed the tune.. He is just an opportunistic guy!! He shouldnt be your role model..
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