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Danish cartoonist whose image of the Prophet Mohammed sparked outrage that culminated in the Charlie Hebdo massacre dies aged 86 after long illness


Sep 15, 2006
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United Kingdom
The Danish cartoonist whose depiction of the Prophet Mohammed sparked outrage around the Muslim world has died aged 86.

Kurt Westergaard passed away in his sleep after a long period of ill health, his family told newspaper Berlingske.

The illustrator was behind 12 drawings published by conservative daily newspaper Jyllands-Posten under the headline 'The Face of Mohammed', one of which sparked particular anger.

The cartoons went almost unnoticed initially, but after two weeks, a demonstration against them was held in Copenhagen, and then ambassadors from Muslim countries in Denmark lodged a protest.

The anger then escalated into anti-Danish violence across the Muslim world in February 2006.

The violence linked to the cartoons culminated in a 2015 massacre that left 12 people dead at the Charlie Hebdo satirical weekly in Paris, which had reprinted the cartoons in 2012.

Westergaard had been working at Jyllands-Posten since the mid-1980s as an illustrator, and according to Berlingske the drawing in question had actually been printed once before but without sparking much controversy.

During the last years of his life Westergaard, like a number of others associated with the cartoons, had to live under police protection at a secret address.

In early 2010, Danish police caught a 28-year-old Somalian armed with a knife in Westergaard's house, where he was planning to kill him.

The Danish cartoonist whose depiction of the Prophet Mohammed sparked outrage around the Muslim world has died aged 86.

Kurt Westergaard passed away in his sleep after a long period of ill health, his family told newspaper Berlingske.

The illustrator was behind 12 drawings published by conservative daily newspaper Jyllands-Posten under the headline 'The Face of Mohammed', one of which sparked particular anger.

The cartoons went almost unnoticed initially, but after two weeks, a demonstration against them was held in Copenhagen, and then ambassadors from Muslim countries in Denmark lodged a protest.

The anger then escalated into anti-Danish violence across the Muslim world in February 2006.

The violence linked to the cartoons culminated in a 2015 massacre that left 12 people dead at the Charlie Hebdo satirical weekly in Paris, which had reprinted the cartoons in 2012.

Westergaard had been working at Jyllands-Posten since the mid-1980s as an illustrator, and according to Berlingske the drawing in question had actually been printed once before but without sparking much controversy.

During the last years of his life Westergaard, like a number of others associated with the cartoons, had to live under police protection at a secret address.

In early 2010, Danish police caught a 28-year-old Somalian armed with a knife in Westergaard's house, where he was planning to kill him.

Burn in Hell!

The Prophet you tried to insult, Nabi Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam was sent as a mercy from Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah, to all mankind!
What happen to that cartoonists I asked...

Meanwhile Angels of Hell Fire be Like...

Some say he might be spared...

His torment already begins, Muslims be like...
May god place him in highest of heavens...RIP

Today people insult the final Prophet of God, Nabi Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam .... but tomorrow no matter how hard one tries or no matter what power one may seem to possess, there wouldn't be anyone or anything that would come to help those who insulted the Prophet of Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah. On that day, there shall be no mercy, no second chances, no ifs nor buts .... On that day, Truth shall vanquish falsehood and all those who peddled it.
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Grow up, the thread is about a serious issue.

I don't take matters of a person who insult my Prophet seriously, Actually the thought of him actually gotten his torment is something I laugh, its like seeing Mussilima Kazzab dying via the spear of Wahsi RA.
So relax, and enjoy the justice of Allah which is for everyone :)
Secular People may insult religion in secular nations...but they should not be allowed to insult religion in religious nations...and I donot think religious devotees should judge where a man ends up in afterlife..Leave that to God...He is perfectly capable of doing His own job without taking unsolicited advice
The Danish cartoonist whose depiction of the Prophet Mohammed sparked outrage around the Muslim world has died aged 86.

Kurt Westergaard passed away in his sleep after a long period of ill health, his family told newspaper Berlingske.

The illustrator was behind 12 drawings published by conservative daily newspaper Jyllands-Posten under the headline 'The Face of Mohammed', one of which sparked particular anger.

The cartoons went almost unnoticed initially, but after two weeks, a demonstration against them was held in Copenhagen, and then ambassadors from Muslim countries in Denmark lodged a protest.

The anger then escalated into anti-Danish violence across the Muslim world in February 2006.

The violence linked to the cartoons culminated in a 2015 massacre that left 12 people dead at the Charlie Hebdo satirical weekly in Paris, which had reprinted the cartoons in 2012.

Westergaard had been working at Jyllands-Posten since the mid-1980s as an illustrator, and according to Berlingske the drawing in question had actually been printed once before but without sparking much controversy.

During the last years of his life Westergaard, like a number of others associated with the cartoons, had to live under police protection at a secret address.

In early 2010, Danish police caught a 28-year-old Somalian armed with a knife in Westergaard's house, where he was planning to kill him.

one less trouble maker on this planet.

where will be his and his western masters selected freedom of speech? will it also go to his grave with him and save him from whatever he did in his miserable life while he hurt 2 billions humans feelings?
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