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Dam Construction in Pakistan

I don't find words to thank you Mr X. I believe we have a lot of hydro power potential. if we could utilize it we cannot only be self sufficient in electricity but can even export it. I would love to see more projects. Besides big dams i am for small dams both for irrigation and hydro power generation.

no no you can thank me with your own words :lol:

Check out the site that i shared in post 2 (last one) its not working for now but its really good it has got really good information about hydropower potential in Pakistan
no no you can thank me with your own words :lol:

Check out the site that i shared in post 2 (last one) its not working for now but its really good it has got really good information about hydropower potential in Pakistan

ya i have checked it. all the links are not working now but will keep checking it. i hope you would also have information about 32 irrigation dams that Punjab government is building in Jehlum area to harvest rain water. i couldn't find its details.
I am a bit confused on Bunji dam project now. In your post its capacity is 5400 mw, in pakistanhydro site its 1500 and according to a news about president zardari sighning MoU with China its 7000. what can be the exact capacity.
I am a bit confused on Bunji dam project now. In your post its capacity is 5400 mw, in pakistanhydro site its 1500 and according to a news about president zardari sighning MoU with China its 7000. what can be the exact capacity.

Its simple according to Wapda Bunji dam's capacity is 7000MW but they have planned to design a project having 6000MW of electricity and in future if they want they can expand it upto 7000MW but current project will remain 6000MW.

Couple of months ago it was supposed to be 5400MW but i think they revised the plan and now its generation capacity is 6000MW and if they want they can still design a bigger project and increase their capacity upto 7000MW

I hope this post was helpful :cheers:


@ your previous post

No those 32 dams are not only in Punjab in all Pakistan If you go to Wapda website you will find details about most of the projects from those 32 projects


This is just my own opinion and i could also be wrong

The project is located on Indus River near Gilit. Power House and Dam sites are 560 km & 610 km, respectively from Islamabad.

Scope of Work
Feasibility Study, Detailed Engineering Design and Preparation of Tender Documents.
To Design a 7100 MW Hydropower Project to produce mean annual electricity of 24 billion KWh.
Date of Commencement
Detailed studies and design started in May 2007.
Date of Completion
Studies are scheduled to be completed by April 2010.
Project Cost As Per PC-I/PC-II
PC-II of the Project approved on 14-12-2005 by ECNEC for Rs. 832.716 Million with FEC of Rs. 232.733 Million.
Installed Capacity MW 7100
Annual Energy (GWh) 24000
Design Discharge m3/sec 1900
Design Head M 428
Tunnel Length KM 8.5
Height of Dam M 200

- PreFeasibility study of the Project was completed in March 2005.
- Contract Agreement for Feasibility Study, Detailed Engineering Design and Tender Documents was signed on 25-04-2007 between WAPDA and Joint Venture of Mott MacDonald Ltd (Lead Partner) Sogreah Consultants SAS, Nippon Koei Co Ltd MM Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd DMC Consultants. Consultants Mobilized on 09-05-2007.
-Work on Feasibility study and detailed Engineering Design and Tender documents is underway. Topographic Survery, Geological Investigation, Drilling and Geophysical Survey in progress.
-Draft Feasibility has been submitted by the Consultants on March 31 2009 and will be finalized after incorporation of comments from different formations.

- Contract for 4 No. Exploratory Adits at Dam has been awarded to M/s High Technology Engineering company, Islamabad on 12-06-09. Contractor has been mobilized at site on 29-06-2009. Contract for exploratory adits at power house and through fault zone area is in process.

Incharge of the Project
Engr. Maqsood Shafiq Qureshi
General Manager (Hydro) Planning
WAPDA Sunny View Lahore.
Contact No. 9202717
Mobile No. 0333-4691464

Updated 31-07-2009
Wow This will be largest dam of Pakistan whem completed. Tarbela has installed capacity of 2100MW and 7100MW for Bunji really incredible:pakistan:. Any body can tell when the work will start and when it will be completed?
The Hindu : Front Page : Pakistan rejects India’s protests

Pakistan rejects India’s protests

Nirupama Subramanian

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan summoned an official from the Indian High Commission on Friday and told him New Delhi had no “locus standi” to protest against either its recently announced package of measures for Gilgit-Baltistan or against the construction of a dam on its side of Kashmir.

Pakistan’s protest came a few hours after India made its own two protests: the first, over the Gilgit-Baltistan Empowerment and Self-Governance Order 2009 as a “cosmetic exercise intended to camouflage Pakistan’s illegal occupation” of parts of the Jammu and Kashmir State; and the second, against the construction of the Bunji dam in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir.

“No locus standi”

A statement from the Foreign Ministry said the Deputy High Commissioner of India, Rahul Kulshreshth, was called in “to emphasise that Pakistan rejects the Indian protest, as the Government of India has no locus standi in the matter. The Government of Pakistan also rejects the Indian claim that Jammu and Kashmir is an integral part of India. Pakistan’s position on the Jammu and Kashmir dispute is based on relevant UN resolutions.”
Why do they protest when they are also building Kishinganga dam in INDIAN OCCUPIED KASHMIR:what:.
Wow This will be largest dam of Pakistan whem completed. Tarbela has installed capacity of 2100MW and 7100MW for Bunji really incredible:pakistan:. Any body can tell when the work will start and when it will be completed?

Size of the dam is determined by the size and capacity of the lake not by electric power generating capacity. Tarbela has a reservoir with 17 million cubic meter capacity and covers 260 square kilometer area making it the largest earth filled dam in the world. Total volumer of earth and rock used for Tarbela construction was 153 million cubic meters!

How big the Bunji dam reservoir is going to be?
Why do they protest when they are also building Kishinganga dam in INDIAN OCCUPIED KASHMIR:what:.

Dint pakistan protest the building of this dam ?

Any dam you build in *** we protest , any dam we build in kashmir pakistan protests.

It all part of the game.

Friday, October 16, 2009


The approval of the project of building 16 small dams on rain waterways in Gadap Town by the Sindh government has brought hope for the residents. The project sites have been identified and the authorities hope the work will start soon, The News has learnt.

Gadap Town Municipal Officer (TMO), Gul Hassan Kalmati told The News that the dams construction project has been approved by Sindh Chief Minister (CM) Syed Qaim Ali Shah on the request of the Gadap Town Nazim. The CM issued directives to the secretary of the irrigation department, who has assured that the project would be initiated soon after a feasibility survey is conducted.

Kalmati said that the cost and capacity of the dams would vary, depending upon their location. The Town official told The News that the provision of water is the main problem for the communities living at far off areas, and hoped that the dams would provide water to the communities for domestic need and would facilitate small growers and herders. He said that these projects would aid the process of recharging wells and underground water as well.

Once the most prosperous area for farmers and herders, Gadap Town is now beset with numerous problems. The area used to contribute enough stock of vegetables and fruits to the markets of Karachi. After the excavation of gravel for construction purposes, the land gradually lost its fertility, compelling herders and farmers to migrate to other areas.

The TMO said that the irrigation department had already launched work to build two dams prior to this project. After the construction of 16 dams, he said, around 75 per cent of the town’s population would have access to safe drinking water. Out of these 16 dams, four will be built in Moidan Union Council, the most remote mountainous area, along the Hub River near the Sindh-Balochistan border. These four dams in Moidan will benefit the dwellers of all 75 small and scattered villages surrounding the area.

Residents of Moidan meanwhile told The News that there is a popular saying in the neighbourhood, saying that “in Moidan every thing can be borrowed except water.” They said that that since underground water is contaminated in the entire area, they have to fetch water from far-off areas.

Another problem pointed out by Kalmati was that as a result of the activities of land grabbers, new villages had been built and the local communities had been disturbed. He said that the Gadap Town Nazim, after consultation with the local communities, has suggested to the provincial government that the process of village regularisation be made transparent, especially in the suburbs of Karachi.

The Gadap Town official said despite the government’s assurances, residents of several far-off villages have still not got lease documents, and people feel unsafe there as the land grabbers continue to occupy the land. The residents of Karachi suburbs had expected more from the current government in terms of development. However, little uplift activity has left many annoyed with legislators, he added.

Karachi Rural Network (KRN) Chairman Salim Memon told The News that sincerity is lacking on the part of the government. It is for this reason, he alleged, announcements of new uplift schemes are only for purposes of paperwork, while there is no sign of these projects being implemented. He said that the most urgent need is to implement the ban on excavation of gravel from the natural river bed.

Memon also said that some influential people are involved in this business, which has almost destroyed agriculture, orchards, and greenery. He also pointed out that the entire livestock and dairy industry has been shifted to the city suburbs, where water supply is mostly contaminated due to the flow of waste from the city centre to the suburbs.

—By Jan Khashkeli
I wish to study the Mangla raising project as a part of my PhD study and meet with some of the people involved in the project... does anyone have any contacts working on the project? I've already acquired permission from NESPAK but a personal contact on the inside is much more helpful.

please reply s.gul (at) imsciences.edu.pk

i want to gets some design info about bhsaha dam..... i have a preseentation about bhasha dam to present in next week....
Are they even going on with the construction, last time heard there were a lot of protests going on in gilgit, if so whens the completion date??
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