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Dalai Lama’s Big Statement, Says ‘We’re Not Seeking Independence’

The sad story of Dalai Lama

Dalai Lama poor leadership has been the root cause of all of his problems.
Dalai Lama has been a opportunist from day one.

He signed a 17 point agreement with Mao and open the gates of Lhasa to the PLA when other Tibetans were still fighting.
The 17 points agreement had preserved his golden throne and position as leader of Tibet.

Then on a visit to India to a monastery he met with British and US intelligences which offer to support Tibet independence. So when he returned he started a rebellion with Indian, British and CIA support and lost resulting in his fleeing to India.

India then allowed its land to be used by Dalai Lama, with CIA support, launch coveted attacks against China.
Then United States established relationship with China and cut off all links with Dalai Lama.

In India in exile without US support, he started talks with CCP only to cut it off when the USSR collapses thinking China was next.
When China did not collapses, he restarted talks again but China now know better and no longer trust him.

Then in the run up to the 2008 Beijing Olympic, he again worked covertly with Western forces to gain advantage.

If Dalai Lama had not rebel, he would have everything that he is negotiating for now.

This the sad true story of Dalai Lama.
He betray his own people, betray China 3 times and got betray by United States...Twice.
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He tries to prove his relevance in today's time, but indeed he has been long irrelevant to Tibet anymore.
So Dalai is like Gordon Chang, too much brainwash and forever underestimate China. Sometime one has to wonder what exactly is the guy thinking??!!

I think the real problem is probably too optimistic about himself, that is the consequence of surrounding yourself with yes men.

I guess it is appropriate that he is in India, birds of the same feather.
Luckily China kick out this pedo. This guy is an excrement of humanity.

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