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Crypto Jew Generals of Turkish Army

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This is not about ethnicity... Actually racism is forbidden in İslam... This is about attitude of their minds... Their belief... For example they believe that you and me, we created for them, all other people who are not jew are created for them... Pure racism is their belief... Judaism is based on racism without any doubt... For sure there are people who are jew and they are not judaist... I am not talking about them...
If you make that clear before posting,people will not ask those questions(Hinduguy asked because it wasnt clear).
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Depends on whome you asking.
Some hate Jews and some dont.
There shouldnt be an ethinicity problem,there wasnt before but this governent has strengthened the hate against Jews(Flottila incident,Palestinian cause).
As you can see,one calls him a jew and the other says the opposite.
Either way they hate jews.
For me,i dont care about ethnicity as long he works for the good of my country(he could be from Mars).

We have other plans for you:smokin:

Do you believe Judaism is an ethnicity?
Sorry for that but i thought people have some knowledge about jews & their belief judaism which is a belief that, it is special for their race... BTW i add another information.. I see it is needed... According to the judaism noone can be judaist except jews... Judaism doesn't accept other people from other races to convert to judaism... Because judaism is for jews only...
Do you believe Judaism is an ethnicity?

For me personaly its a religion,but you tell that to the others.
Many people think of jews as a race which is bs,there are jews from many races.
Im sure some guys here dont want to see that.



Im not defending him, he planned a coup that true, but you cant judge someone because of photos.
Sorry for that but i thought people have some knowledge about jews & their belief judaism which is a belief that, it is special for their race... BTW i add another information.. I see it is needed... According to the judaism noone can be judaist except jews... Judaism doesn't accept other people from other races to convert to judaism... Because judaism is for jews only...
We should ask a jew if thats true: @500 ,could you answer that or any other Israeli member?
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Let me be honest here if I ever visited the West Wall I would touch it too....I am not a jew(there isn't any in Bangladesh)!
Sorry for that but i thought people have some knowledge about jews & their belief judaism which is a belief that, it is special for their race... BTW i add another information.. I see it is needed... According to the judaism noone can be judaist except jews... Judaism doesn't accept other people from other races to convert to judaism... Because judaism is for jews only...
You should check out the Khazars,look at their ethnicity.
Let me be honest here if I ever visited the West Wall I would touch it too....I am not a jew(there isn't any in Bangladesh)!
Ohh nooo dont do that, you automatically turn into a Jew, omg. :lol:
Im sure some guys here dont want to see that.



Im not defending him, he planned a coup that true, but you cant judge someone because of photos.
Looks like he has only got one raincoat,he used it in both pictures in Jerusalem to.:rofl:
As i predicted at the start of the topic this discussion going in a wrong way.

The problem here is not being Jew. It's not about race or religion. As all the Turkish citizens are equal on the face of law regardless of their race or religion.

What OP and these photos implies are, they are serving Jewish interests not Turkish. And this makes them traitor to the country. A traitor in Turkey is the worst possible outcome, that no one will approach these generals with any tiny bit of sympathy.

That said i do believe, these photos proves nothing.
Well, for me this is just an anti-jewish propaganda. Yes, we do have a very very large amount of jewish officers at our armed forces but like all other ethnic groups of our nation, (Circassians, Kurds, Alawites, Lazs...etc.) They do proudly serve in our armed forces. I once knew a jewish navy cadet, he is probly 22 now. And he was the one that I'd put him on my six rather than most of the other cadets. For ex: General Basbug is a Turkish-jew. So what's wrong with that? In deed, they all were the greatest general officers among with others. As said, this is just an anti-jewish propaganda launched by a criminal deep state group called cemaat, trying to infiltrate into TAF's command structure. Simply, this is racism against the jewish community.

All members, this topic will have very hot arguments in It's future. I do recommend you to stick on the rules. Thank you for your attention.

@RiasatKhan That's my opinion mate.
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This photo you posted doesn't clears previous photos.... He is just praying infront of the wall... He is making jewish prayer...
Also about this issue some people show Emine Erdoğan's photo but this is not same... All media is there... Emine Erdoğan's situation is something like Queen Elizabeth enters a mosque with headscarf... BTW also the photo you posted is many years after the jew photo... In jew photo he is younger... You can clearly see that... Photo in mosque would be so normal for me and actually i would like İlker Başbuğ for that but other photo explains everything... Anyways... Many times i discussed this subject... These are the things i can say.. Nothing more needed... If someone honestly want to understand he/she can understand this desperate situation without any doubt.... Jews seeped into our army and maybe even more dangerous... Maybe most of them are jews because if they were not that much İlker Başbuğ couldn't be at the top... As you know TSK search every single thing of all sergeants and officers... Anyways people can think whatever they want...
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