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CPEC Projects in KPK: Where has it gone wrong ?

Feel free to discuss whether CPEC projects listed below are wrong and what needs to be added to remove concerns, if any.

Industrial and Economic Zones

Marble and Granite based industrial estate at Mansehra (80 acres, mining)

Industrial estate Nowshera (1,000 acres, manufacturing)

Expansion of Industrial Estate Hattar (424 acres, manufacturing)

Industrial estate at Chitral (80 acres, food processing)

Industrial Estate Ghazi (90 acres, manufacturing)

industrial estate Dera Ismail Khan (188 acres, manufacturing)

Industrial estate at border of Kohat and Karak and industrial

Economic zone at Bannu (400 acre) identified as sites for SEZs under the CPEC.

While Punjab is being blamed for getting the whole share, there will be 8 special economic zones in the KP while 7 such zones in Punjab.

Energy Projects:

870 MW Suki Kanari Hydropower Project

2,160 MW Dasu Hydropower Project

Dry Ports:

Havelian Dry Port

Highways / Expressways :

Thalkot - Havelian (KKH Phase 2) 120 Km

Mansehra - Hassanabdal Expressway (E-35) 110 Km

Nowshera - Chitral (N-45) 309 Km

Quetta - DI Khan (N-50) 531 Km


New Rail track Havelian - Khunjrab 682 Km

Upgrade and Electrification of Karachi-Peshawar Rail track (ML-1) 1,961 Km

New Rail track Quetta - DI Khan (Extension of ML-3) 560 Km

New Rail track Peshawar - Jalalabad 146 Km
it only went wrong after IK's "tour De Modi g " n Yahodi funding taken during dharna dayz ... (all PTI's funding details not disclosed to EC despite being asked by EC )........ despite giving them all evidence and assurances with actual work still IK is pulling all threads to derail the project .......
1. All three routes are being mergedin KPK
2. DI khan motor way section already started
3. Huwalian multan motor wasy already started
4. 4B$ set for Dasu dam

n still KPK is being deprived ????

this is a favorite statement of Potians these days...one doesnt need to go to a place to see developments, it speaks for itself.

If the meter to judge someone's performance is development, then i feel sorry for you and others like you. Other then development the common man needs lots of other things. If you are judging popularity by development then yeah the Nawazians are at the top even though people / children are dying at hospitals in Lhr due to non availability of basic necessities.

And i didn't ask u to come to Peshawar or KPK to see development, rather to interact with people and hear what they have to say.

Anyway arguing with people who judge popularity through development of billions of corruption filled projects is a waste of both persons time.
. .
Please dont use such uncivilised language as you are a moderator. I have my own opinion doesnt give you right to include others in your sarcasm full of Insult. I will just leave it at that as i could reply in kind but i wont.

There was nothing uncivilized in my remarks. Your comments and attitude deserved that. As in my and Hyperion discussion we never said or mentioned that CPEC should not be started or implemented, we argued that for personal needs and to focus on just one province, rights of other provinces should not be neglected / subdued, while you were constantly arguing that we don't want the project to happen. Your weren't reading what we were saying and posting as if you were .............................

So first see what the discussion is about, what we are trying to say and then argue with that instant of telling us that we don't want the project.

Bad luck of Pakistan is that you win elections in 1 province (that is Punjab) and you can rule whole of Pakistan. PMLN got hardly 10-15 MNAs from KPK, FATA, Sindh & Baluchistan combined and yet they are ruling whole of Pakistan and deciding the fate of these provinces where they have hardly any representation. What else are you gonna expect from them.
There was nothing uncivilized in my remarks. Your comments and attitude deserved that. As in my and Hyperion discussion we never said or mentioned that CPEC should not be started or implemented, we argued that for personal needs and to focus on just one province, rights of other provinces should not be neglected / subdued, while you were constantly arguing that we don't want the project to happen. Your weren't reading what we were saying and posting as if you were .............................

So first see what the discussion is about, what we are trying to say and then argue with that instant of telling us that we don't want the project.

Bad luck of Pakistan is that you win elections in 1 province (that is Punjab) and you can rule whole of Pakistan. PMLN got hardly 10-15 MNAs from KPK, FATA, Sindh & Baluchistan combined and yet they are ruling whole of Pakistan and deciding the fate of these provinces where they have hardly any representation. What else are you gonna expect from them.

One doesnt need to throw abusive words to insult others. Sarcasim is worst kind of insult you can give to a person.

He clearly mentioned No CPEC repeatedly throughout his discussion. I dont care if i get reply from him as i started this discussion with him. If he has no problem with my comment then why a third party has a problem. Like i said you are a moderator but that doesnt give a right to randomly use abusive sarcasim towards others just because they have difference of opinion. I would rather have moderators who know how to keep their cool rather than loosing it themselves. I have no interest in holding discussion with someone like you who opens his discussion with no manners. I have no interest in this thread anymore do whatever you want or say whatever you want its none of my concern.
Bad luck of Pakistan is that you win elections in 1 province (that is Punjab) and you can rule whole of Pakistan. PMLN got hardly 10-15 MNAs from KPK, FATA, Sindh & Baluchistan combined and yet they are ruling whole of Pakistan and deciding the fate of these provinces where they have hardly any representation. What else are you gonna expect from them.

PMLN wins election in 3 provinces out of 5 including GB & Baluchistan.

Twisting open facts undrstands everyone how biased you people have becomes in share hatered towards anything related to Punjab.

Only God can help you now.

CPEC will materialize, weather you people like it or not.

Let me state my extreme views on this matter as well like 12 year old hyperion.....

"PMLN exclude KPK from this CPEC project altogether once and for all...by just making Hazara a province in itself.
Link should be from punjab to hazara to GB to China. No needs to divulge in kpk anymore and expells all hyperion cousines from punjab to bsck in KPK as well"
The problem is simple. Most 'early harvest' Chinese projects are being carried out on the eastern side. Read this:

[The meeting was apprised that the priority energy projects under the CPEC included the Port Qasim Electric Company, Coal-Fired Plant (1,320 MW), Sahiwal, Coal-fired Power Plant (1,320MW) Engro, Thar, Coal-fired Power Plant (1,320 MW) Surface Mine in Block II of Thar Coalfield, 6.5 mtpa Gwadar Coal Power Project (300 MW), Hubco Coal Power Plant (660 MW), Rahimyar Khan Coal Power Project (1,320 MW), SSRL, Thar Coal Block, 6.5mpta and CPIH Mine Mouth Power Plant, Thar, Sindh Coal Fired Power Project Thar Block I (1,320 MW), Quaid-i-Azam Solar Park, Bahawalpur, (1,000 MW), Dawood Wind Farm Bhambore Sindh (50MW) UEP, 100MW Wind Farm Jhimpir, Sindh, Sachal, 50MW Wind Farm Jhimpir ,Sindh, Sunnec and 50MW Wind Farm, Nooriabad, Thatta Sindh.

Initial work on CPEC economic zones starts | Top Story | thenews.com.pk ]

Except for 2 projects in balochistan, all of the remaining 'priority energy projects' are for the Eastern side.

Also note, KPK and Balochistan are getting only $2.5bn and $1.5bn, respectively, out of the $28bn of signed agreements.
I have made this point many times.


Now lets talk about what the government is saying. Government is giving the numbers which also include those projects on which no agreement has been signed. If nothing else, this indicates that the government priority is to invest on the eastern side first. Western projects are postponed to the future.

Government is also making another claim. That govt has set asides funds from her own pocket for the so called 'western route.' This is true. But the government has also set aside funds for the 'eastern route' which are three times that for 'western route.' So the government cannot claim that they are compensating the small provinces for the unfair treatment they are getting under the Chinese investment.

Following are the snapshots of the 2015-16 PSDP document. I have underlined new projects (i.e. 2014 and onwards) for both eastern and western. Red line are the projects for east (i.e. Punjab & Sindh) and green line are the projects for the west (i.e. KPK and Balochistan)


Note that some of these projects are still to be approved for both Eastern and Western side. But lets ignore this. Now If you sum these up, government spending on the eastern side is 3 times that of on the western side. However, this ratio is much better and somewhat justified because of the population difference.

But the fair treatment in the PSDP does not compensate for the poor treatment small provinces are getting when it comes to Chinese investment. Government has essentially diverted almost all of the 'confirmed' Chinese investment to the Eastern side. Western projects are left at the mercy of future times to come.
PMLN wins election in 3 provinces out of 5 including GB & Baluchistan.

Twisting open facts undrstands everyone how biased you people have becomes in share hatered towards anything related to Punjab.

Only God can help you now.

CPEC will materialize, weather you people like it or not.

Let me state my extreme views on this matter as well like 12 year old hyperion.....

"PMLN exclude KPK from this CPEC project altogether once and for all...by just making Hazara a province in itself.
Link should be from punjab to hazara to GB to China. No needs to divulge in kpk anymore and expells all hyperion cousines from punjab to bsck in KPK as well"

Hazara province won't happen not for a while if you are basing it on ethnic grounds then there is a major pukhtoon population in Baluchistan that can throw the spanner in the work, plus don't forget Baluch are our racial cousins, so if you want to go down the ethnic route then you will loose badly and achieve nothing.

All we ask if for our equal share, not fare share but equal share, it is no concern to us that Punjab has large population we are a federation and by that we should get equal share.

Voting system is designed to have Punjab win always it shouldn't be like that all provinces should get equal amount of seats, it's not our fault their is population explosion in Punjab they should have listened to old adverts chota khandan zindagi Asan.
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Hazara province won't happen not for a while if you are basing it on ethnic grounds then there is a major pukhtoon population in Baluchistan that can throw the spanner in the work, plus don't forget Baluch are our racial cousins, so if you want to go down the tonic route then you will loose badly and achieve nothing.

All we ask if for our equal share, not fare share but equal share, it is no concern to us that Punjab has large population we are a federation and by that we should get equal share.

Voting system is designed to have Punjab win always it shouldn't be like that all provinces should get equal amount of seats, it's not our fault their is population explosion in Punjab they should have listened to old adverts chota khandan zindagi Asan.

:cuckoo: It will only be equal based on population. Otherwise there needs to be more provinces.
No more size of population bullshit. I feel as if the time has passed on that cheat. Provinces should get their full share of royalties on resources, no more bullshit of distributing it to the more populated provinces. Let's start from water rights to electricity and then work down from there to oil, gas and minerals. No more CPEC, let's solve other rights first and then talk about CPEC MEEEPEC.

Please cancel CPEC, XX billions $ saved!!!
:cuckoo: It will only be equal based on population. Otherwise there needs to be more provinces.

Three things:

1. No more of population density game.
2. No more 'future muture' projects for KPK and Baluchistan.
3. All resource rich provinces need to be compensated 100%, this will usher in more investment.

People talk about Bangladesh etc, they are right. Look at Bangladesh minus Pakistan right now. Do you see them complaining?

Regarding CPEC, yes you got it, our way or no way!

The problem is simple. Most 'early harvest' Chinese projects are being carried out on the eastern side. Read this:

[The meeting was apprised that the priority energy projects under the CPEC included the Port Qasim Electric Company, Coal-Fired Plant (1,320 MW), Sahiwal, Coal-fired Power Plant (1,320MW) Engro, Thar, Coal-fired Power Plant (1,320 MW) Surface Mine in Block II of Thar Coalfield, 6.5 mtpa Gwadar Coal Power Project (300 MW), Hubco Coal Power Plant (660 MW), Rahimyar Khan Coal Power Project (1,320 MW), SSRL, Thar Coal Block, 6.5mpta and CPIH Mine Mouth Power Plant, Thar, Sindh Coal Fired Power Project Thar Block I (1,320 MW), Quaid-i-Azam Solar Park, Bahawalpur, (1,000 MW), Dawood Wind Farm Bhambore Sindh (50MW) UEP, 100MW Wind Farm Jhimpir, Sindh, Sachal, 50MW Wind Farm Jhimpir ,Sindh, Sunnec and 50MW Wind Farm, Nooriabad, Thatta Sindh.

Initial work on CPEC economic zones starts | Top Story | thenews.com.pk ]

Except for 2 projects in balochistan, all of the remaining 'priority energy projects' are for the Eastern side.

Also note, KPK and Balochistan are getting only $2.5bn and $1.5bn, respectively, out of the $28bn of signed agreements.
I have made this point many times.


Now lets talk about what the government is saying. Government is giving the numbers which also include those projects on which no agreement has been signed. If nothing else, this indicates that the government priority is to invest on the eastern side first. Western projects are postponed to the future.

Government is also making another claim. That govt has set asides funds from her own pocket for the so called 'western route.' This is true. But the government has also set aside funds for the 'eastern route' which are three times that for 'western route.' So the government cannot claim that they are compensating the small provinces for the unfair treatment they are getting under the Chinese investment.

Following are the snapshots of the 2015-16 PSDP document. I have underlined new projects (i.e. 2014 and onwards) for both eastern and western. Red line are the projects for east (i.e. Punjab & Sindh) and green line are the projects for the west (i.e. KPK and Balochistan)

View attachment 286641 View attachment 286642 View attachment 286643

Note that some of these projects are still to be approved for both Eastern and Western side. But lets ignore this. Now If you sum these up, government spending on the eastern side is 3 times that of on the western side. However, this ratio is much better and somewhat justified because of the population difference.

But the fair treatment in the PSDP does not compensate for the poor treatment small provinces are getting when it comes to Chinese investment. Government has essentially diverted almost all of the 'confirmed' Chinese investment to the Eastern side. Western projects are left at the mercy of future times to come.
If the meter to judge someone's performance is development, then i feel sorry for you and others like you. Other then development the common man needs lots of other things. If you are judging popularity by development then yeah the Nawazians are at the top even though people / children are dying at hospitals in Lhr due to non availability of basic necessities.

And i didn't ask u to come to Peshawar or KPK to see development, rather to interact with people and hear what they have to say.

Anyway arguing with people who judge popularity through development of billions of corruption filled projects is a waste of both persons time.

my origin is 100 km from Peshawar one would think I speak to people in Peshawar
:cuckoo: It will only be equal based on population. Otherwise there needs to be more provinces.

We won't fall for population density no more, it's a an old method to cheat us out of our resources.

We should be the masters of our own resources, once our need is met then we can share the rest.

We been defrauded too many times and as @Hyperion said let's start with the basics like electric, gas, water and then we can work out the CPEC.
The problem is simple. Most 'early harvest' Chinese projects are being carried out on the eastern side. Read this:

[The meeting was apprised that the priority energy projects under the CPEC included the Port Qasim Electric Company, Coal-Fired Plant (1,320 MW), Sahiwal, Coal-fired Power Plant (1,320MW) Engro, Thar, Coal-fired Power Plant (1,320 MW) Surface Mine in Block II of Thar Coalfield, 6.5 mtpa Gwadar Coal Power Project (300 MW), Hubco Coal Power Plant (660 MW), Rahimyar Khan Coal Power Project (1,320 MW), SSRL, Thar Coal Block, 6.5mpta and CPIH Mine Mouth Power Plant, Thar, Sindh Coal Fired Power Project Thar Block I (1,320 MW), Quaid-i-Azam Solar Park, Bahawalpur, (1,000 MW), Dawood Wind Farm Bhambore Sindh (50MW) UEP, 100MW Wind Farm Jhimpir, Sindh, Sachal, 50MW Wind Farm Jhimpir ,Sindh, Sunnec and 50MW Wind Farm, Nooriabad, Thatta Sindh.

Initial work on CPEC economic zones starts | Top Story | thenews.com.pk ]

Except for 2 projects in balochistan, all of the remaining 'priority energy projects' are for the Eastern side.

Also note, KPK and Balochistan are getting only $2.5bn and $1.5bn, respectively, out of the $28bn of signed agreements.
I have made this point many times.


Now lets talk about what the government is saying. Government is giving the numbers which also include those projects on which no agreement has been signed. If nothing else, this indicates that the government priority is to invest on the eastern side first. Western projects are postponed to the future.

Government is also making another claim. That govt has set asides funds from her own pocket for the so called 'western route.' This is true. But the government has also set aside funds for the 'eastern route' which are three times that for 'western route.' So the government cannot claim that they are compensating the small provinces for the unfair treatment they are getting under the Chinese investment.

Following are the snapshots of the 2015-16 PSDP document. I have underlined new projects (i.e. 2014 and onwards) for both eastern and western. Red line are the projects for east (i.e. Punjab & Sindh) and green line are the projects for the west (i.e. KPK and Balochistan)

View attachment 286641 View attachment 286642 View attachment 286643

Note that some of these projects are still to be approved for both Eastern and Western side. But lets ignore this. Now If you sum these up, government spending on the eastern side is 3 times that of on the western side. However, this ratio is much better and somewhat justified because of the population difference.

But the fair treatment in the PSDP does not compensate for the poor treatment small provinces are getting when it comes to Chinese investment. Government has essentially diverted almost all of the 'confirmed' Chinese investment to the Eastern side. Western projects are left at the mercy of future times to come.
The money is that of Chinese investors, not GoP's so they want to invest in places where the return and security is highest.
Power plants
1-Punjab has huge demand deficit means sustained demand
2-Lesser Transmission network requirements than setting up these in remote regions and then connecting them to national grid.
3-Lesser theft, lesser threat of stuck payable.
Except from power projects and LNG, there nothing significant coming towards Punjab because
Punjab is a energy and gas deficient province so to keep the industrial infrastructure running, she needs them on consistent basis.
And most importantly, Russia is funding the LNG pipeline not China so I don't know why this project is a part of china funded CPEC.

KPK's major economic driver is the dominance of transport sector. Build a railway and they will be affected negatively. The main reason for Bilor's systematic destruction of Railways was to benefit the Transporters. And CPEC's main transit route being western would add more $$$ to Pukhtoon pockets than anything else.

For attracting industry, KPK government would have to revamp the whole security infrastructure and make the route more secure and ultimately investment friendly. But I am yet to see any serious steps from KPK CM to address this issue. KPK government hasn't been able to bring anything other in the real economy of KPK and instead hellbent on destroying the biggest source of their income.

KPK government knows deep inside that they are the only ones to be blamed. If KPK's transporters are deprived of huge Chinese cargo carrying who would they be answerable to?
it only went wrong after IK's "tour De Modi g " n Yahodi funding taken during dharna dayz ... (all PTI's funding details not disclosed to EC despite being asked by EC )........ despite giving them all evidence and assurances with actual work still IK is pulling all threads to derail the project .......
1. All three routes are being mergedin KPK
2. DI khan motor way section already started
3. Huwalian multan motor wasy already started
4. 4B$ set for Dasu dam

n still KPK is being deprived ????


What will it take to make you understand, me and my fellow pukhtoons have said it here many times it's not about PTI, it's about us Pukhtoons, our province and its future.

People of KPK support khattaks stance along with other provincial parties such JUI F, ANP, Qaumi Watan and so on.

People like you don't even know where we are coming from as a community, you still dwell in your lala land with conspiracy theories.

These are just China's oil imports, about 1.500,000 barrels/day can pass through CPEC's western route. Let alone other imports and exports.
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