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Countering terrorism: 500-strong rapid reaction force to be formed

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Countering terrorism: 500-strong rapid reaction force to be formed
By Web Desk
Published: January 27, 2014

Express News screengrab.

ISLAMABAD: A Federal Rapid Reaction Force will be formed to counter terrorism in the country, Express News correspondent Sohail Chaudhry reported on Monday.

The 500-strong force will consist of Rangers personnel, Frontier Corps (FC), Pakistani soldiers and around 300 police officers. It will have a maximum reaction time of two to three hours.

With its headquarters in Islamabad, the force will respond to threats throughout the country when it is called in by the police.

Officers in the rapid reaction force will receive training from the army’s Special Services Group. They will also be equipped with the latest of weapons and will have access to helicopters as well.
We are facing terrorism since decade but the status of Anti-Terrorism Force & Anti-Terrorism Laws is still "to be" & "will be" - Make these dam things and put them into action.
anti terror rapid response force

500 is a very low number btw, how will they counter any threat from any part of the country sitting in federal?

500 man should be small units dedicated to every district with high terror ratio
I hope it doesn't meet the same fate as Elite force
I hope it doesn't meet the same fate as Elite force

Oh you pervert, who will guard the Holy Rabwa should the Elite Force start guarding the public instead of the Amir ul Momineen
we must have blackwater like private mercenaries specially in karachi under the supervision of Pakistan army ... armoured 4X4 fully geared troops to patrol at night ... at least 1000s of them ... day should be given to rangers and police ... but night for those night hunters...
I read the article a couple times.

A QRF made of 800 men? or 500 of which 300 are police? Anyways.

I think its obvious that the government cant organize a policy on how to combat terrorism. They have no idea, but cant let the Army dictate a policy so the government will create another force, that on paper can do this and that, but in reality will just be on 24/7 guard duty around government buildings and 'VVIPs'.

Why not create a unit of ex-military with no restrictive rules of engagement? Let them loose in the night like viper46 said. Shouldnt be so hard to cleanse Karachi, Peshawar, Quetta, and Lahore within a couple of months. A few stories on how there is some secret unit doing extra-judicial killings in the middle of the night will have a great fear-factor for these @$$h0les. The only thing the enemy hates more than the people they are killing is the fear of their own death.

It's pretty easy to make a captured terrorist look like he was "resisting arrest".

Or will Pakistan let these ideas serve only to wow the public in grand films like Waar?
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