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Countdown to India's big Agni leap begins


Jul 6, 2009
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Countdown to India's big Agni leap begins - Hindustan Times

The countdown to test-firing Agni-5, India's first inter-continental ballistic missile (ICBM), between April 18 and 24 has begun. India is scheduled to issue air and shipping advisories on Tuesday afternoon for the launch of the missile in the Bay of Bengal and Indian Ocean.

Successful test-firing of the Agni-5 will catapult India to a hyper-exclusive club that now counts only the United States, Russia and China as members. It will be a huge strategic leap and give India capability to target all of Asia, including the northernmost parts of China and large parts of Europe as well.

Government sources said that the Indian Navy is expected to issue a world-wide notam (acronym for 'notice to airmen') on Tuesday, asking ships and aircraft to steer clear of the area on account of missile firing during the scheduled period.

The three stage solid-fuelled 50-tonne missile will be launched off Wheeler Island in Odisha and is expected to reach its target area in southern Indian Ocean

Defence minister AK Antony is expected to be present for the launch.

Official sources said that the missile will be test-fired over the full-range of 5,000 km and will be monitored by DRDO scientists from launch to the point of impact in order to study its accuracy.

Once the missile is inducted into India's strategic forces in the next three years, New Delhi will acquire deterrent capacity against China.

India's strategic establishment has been eagerly waiting for the Agni-5 ICBM since Beijing started deploying strategic missiles in Tibet and Xinjiang autonomous regions against India and building capacities of its land forces in the region.

Last year, India discovered multiple missile silos at Xiadulla across the Karakoram Pass in China's Xinjiang region. Following this, the Indian Air Force has strengthened its air bases along the line of actual control that is the de-facto border with China.
i'll keep my fingers crossed.............wish DRDO best of luck!!:tup:
RM expected to be present ? They seems to be pretty sure about the success :) good.
why so much publicity,cant they keep a low profile?? :confused:
Publicity on Missile is good and helpfully. It actually reduces the events in which it(missile) might need to be used. Deterrence :)
Good luck DRDO. Nail it in first test :)
Publicity on Missile is good and helpfully. It actually reduces the events in which it(missile) might need to be used. Deterrence :)
Good luck DRDO. Nail it in first test :)

It is good ONCE it is tested successfully. We have a lot of news like "would", "may", "might" etc. That's not good.
Trajectory will be Like this. (5000 KMs)

It is good ONCE it is tested successfully. We have a lot of news like "would", "may", "might" etc. That's not good.
Ya you are right but I think it MIGHT have got postponed due to BRIC confference in Delhi. We don't wanna send wrong signals. And as usual DRDO is slow to work and fast to talk but still they have done good job considering missile technology. And we can feel the waves of it around our neighbour hood. Don't trust me then read the article in this section which is something charm diplomacy brings fruit ect ect. It's about Chinese PM/ prez . It clearly mentioned it still can't deter India from testing A5

Ya you are right but I think it MIGHT have got postponed due to BRIC confference in Delhi. We don't wanna send wrong signals. And as usual DRDO is slow to work and fast to talk but still they have done good job considering missile technology. And we can feel the waves of it around our neighbour hood. Don't trust me then read the article in this section which is something charm diplomacy brings fruit ect ect. It's about Chinese PM/ prez . It clearly mentioned it still can't deter India from testing A5


It should be then launched and then even mentioned in any article man. That's the main thing. We won't stop the launch but delaying it is equally worse. We need to cover our entire threat theatre properly. Especially if the other entity has it covered well since last decade.

Trajectory will be Like this. (5000 KMs)


How did you draw the trajectory? I am unable to try it out.
It should be then launched and then even mentioned in any article man. That's the main thing. We won't stop the launch but delaying it is equally worse. We need to cover our entire threat theatre properly. Especially if the other entity has it covered well since last decade.

How did you draw the trajectory? I am unable to try it out.

Trajectory is Estimated.

That is just to get an Idea of How Far will the Agni 5 go into Indian Ocean!

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