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Coronavirus - Doctors Arrested for revealing the truth

why are China’s local officials such retards?
Where do you get better ones? 90-80% of CPC members above 60 don't have education above middle school. Xi himself is really still a middle schooler too.

Xi's "system" comes with an expiration date. He has little power base, and the few party elders who backed him are now either old, dead or bedridden.

By my observations, the party has finally managed to strongarm Xi into letting new generations into the party apparatus in the last few months — something he was blocking for the last 10 years.

The new generation of officials are to come to power inevitably, but those 40 something officials...

How to say. Everybody I know from current 1970-1980 cadres are very sharp, accomplished people who grew during Hu, and they are very ambitious. Think, 20-10 years ago, it was unthinkable for an official to show his ambitions early on, it would've been a career suicide for them, and now they are showing them quite openly, and that's with Xi purging people left and right.

We are to see more competent people on average, but don't think of that being a change for good yet. You will see.

I will bring a 三国 analogy: the imperial uncle, and imperial elders staked everything at taking down the 10 eunuchs by inviting a barbarian maverick general into power. Now the 10 eunuchs are dead and buried, but the imperial elites don't know what to do with Dong now, who got left with empire's finest army at his disposition, and is just 100 li away from the capital. If you know your history just a bit, you must know what went next.

Dong was killed, but not before young restorationists burned the country down in the process.

P.S. Just to add to that worrying similarity, I heard the extremely worrying rumour that XI wants to make a move on the Chief Justice ... https://news.sina.com.cn/c/2020-01-10/doc-iihnzahk3304329.shtml

By doing so, it will be him crossing the Rubicon and just every red line left. After that, it will be time ticking for him. It will say loudly to everybody that he will not stop after finishing the Shanghai gang, and everybody else is now in danger. The same people who were happy seeing him going after Shanghai clique will gang up on him instantly. If this is to happen, the best thing I can recommend would be for us to run fast and far.
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I remember the face of that Wuhan doctor who first finally disclosed it to the world about Covid-19

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