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Controversy over revamping of Louisiana education system


Sep 14, 2010
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United States
Louisiana Republicans supported Gov. Bobby Jindal’s overhaul of the state’s education system, which includes a voucher program that allows state funds to be used to send students to religiously-affiliated schools — until they began to realize that Islamic schools could also be among the institutions supported by taxpayer funds.

Rep. Valarie Hodges (R-Watson) voted for Jindal’s bill in the Louisiana House, but has since withdrawn her support for the measure because she now realizes that it “unfortunately” applies more broadly:

HODGES: I actually support funding for teaching the fundamentals of America’s Founding Fathers’ religion, which is Christianity, in public schools or private schools…Unfortunately it will not be limited to the Founders’ religion. We need to insure that it does not open the door to fund Islamic schools. There are a thousand Muslim schools that have sprung up recently. I do not support using public funds for teaching Islam anywhere here in Louisiana.

Hodges said that she is concerned about bringing “damaging schools” to her district because “we can not risk putting [the students] in jeopardy.”

Hodges isn’t the first Louisiana Republican to backtrack on support for the voucher program after discovering that Islamic schools would be included. Rep. Kenneth Havard (R-Jackson) has also maintained he won’t support any education spending plan that “will fund Islamic teaching.”

Louisiana Republican Supports State Funds For Religious Schools, As Long As They're Not Islamic | ThinkProgress


Hatred of Islam by brainwashed , ignorant Republicans at their best .... This nutjob think that 'founding fathers' of America were some practicing "Christians" --- I thought most of them were Deists ? ...:disagree:

Would any sensible American Member (Juice , Gambit , Thomas , Oldman etc etc) like to explain Americans' beef with Islam?
Why do you need government funding for Islamic schools? Isn't that asking too much?

Its their (american muslims) country aswell! ... so if the govt can und a christian school.... why not a muslim one?
Are they only against islamic schools or other religious affliated schools, like jewish schools??

Would any sensible American Member (Juice , Gambit , Thomas , Oldman etc etc) like to explain Americans' beef with Islam

Come on man they people who made such statements are from the deep south and are politicians. They just wanna increase their approval ratings.
Louisiana Republicans supported Gov. Bobby Jindal’s overhaul of the state’s education system, which includes a voucher program that allows state funds to be used to send students to religiously-affiliated schools — until they began to realize that Islamic schools could also be among the institutions supported by taxpayer funds.

Rep. Valarie Hodges (R-Watson) voted for Jindal’s bill in the Louisiana House, but has since withdrawn her support for the measure because she now realizes that it “unfortunately” applies more broadly:

HODGES: I actually support funding for teaching the fundamentals of America’s Founding Fathers’ religion, which is Christianity, in public schools or private schools…Unfortunately it will not be limited to the Founders’ religion. We need to insure that it does not open the door to fund Islamic schools. There are a thousand Muslim schools that have sprung up recently. I do not support using public funds for teaching Islam anywhere here in Louisiana.

Hodges said that she is concerned about bringing “damaging schools” to her district because “we can not risk putting [the students] in jeopardy.”

Hodges isn’t the first Louisiana Republican to backtrack on support for the voucher program after discovering that Islamic schools would be included. Rep. Kenneth Havard (R-Jackson) has also maintained he won’t support any education spending plan that “will fund Islamic teaching.”

Louisiana Republican Supports State Funds For Religious Schools, As Long As They're Not Islamic | ThinkProgress


Hatred of Islam by brainwashed , ignorant Republicans at their best .... This nutjob think that 'founding fathers' of America were some practicing "Christians" --- I thought most of them were Deists ? ...:disagree:

Would any sensible American Member (Juice , Gambit , Thomas , Oldman etc etc) like to explain Americans' beef with Islam?

Are you serious?

Apply the same logic to Pakistan before preaching others. At least non-Christians have equal civil and political rights in America and other Western nations.

And what are you trying to say troll boy?
Are you serious?

And what are you trying to say troll boy?

I am saying build Hindu/Christian religious schools instead of madrassas with public funding before preaching to America to build Islamic schools with their public funding.

Haha... the islamophobe indian troll thanking you seems very content with your opinion...

What he said is all that needs to be said. America is secular, they dont use public funding for any kind of religious schools. End of story.

US does not build Islamic (or any religious) schools with public funding: terrorism/discrimination against Muslims
Pakistan does not build non-Muslim schools with public funding while funding thousands of madrassas: "Islamic equality" :angel:


US does not build Islamic (or any religious) schools with public funding: terrorism/discrimination against Muslims
Pakistan does not build non-Muslim schools with public funding while funding thousands of madrassas: "Islamic equality" :angel:


And the grants for hindu,sikh temples and churches in Pakistan come from india.... you guys cant even pay ransom to save your "non muslim" sailors... its us evil muslim Pakistanis tht donated money to save your sailors... so shut your trap.

And GoP doesnt build any madrassas... only an idiot would think tht... and yes GoP also gives grants to christian missionary schools all over Pakistan..

Its upto the US govt to build or not build schools... but its my personal opinion tht if they can give grants to christian schools than why not muslim schools in usa?

Rules of the land, got problem with it catch the next flight to your heaven..

Also plain fact is - Christian schools are not the ones preaching hatred and teaching terrorism.. Those schools imparts lessons in science and modern education not some seventh century rules of living..

Aussies.. they are sending indians to "your" heaven... :lol: Besides dodo... american muslims are as americans as christians or anyothers... where do you expect them to go?

What about the turban ban? why didnt indians get the hell back to their own countries instead of protesting and huffing and puffing? hypocrite..
Why do you need government funding for Islamic schools? Isn't that asking too much?

Did you even care to read the article ?

So basically ...Louisiana governor plans to "revamp" the education system of the state.. Republicans ferociously support the plan according to which , "religious-affiliated" schools (Read Christian Schools) would be able to use State funds (Public Taxes) in order to improve their performance. Now , an Islamic School also apply for State funds...and all of a sudden...Dumbo Republicans realize "Oh wait a second...I thought this bill was for "Christian" Schools..Well it was but it also apply to other schools too...like Islamic Schools" ... on THAT , Republican senators withdrew their support from the bill saying "Well , we can't give money to Islamic Schools..c'mon " ...

If you have missed this quote then here it is again ... See

"I actually support funding for teaching the fundamentals of America’s Founding Fathers’ religion, which is Christianity, in public schools or private schools…Unfortunately it will not be limited to the Founders’ religion. We need to insure that it does not open the door to fund Islamic schools."

Did you see anything? It is an appalling case of naked bigotry against the Muslims.... and like always .... inferiority-complex stricken bhartis will support it...just as you are seeing in this thread ...

I am saying build Hindu/Christian religious schools instead of madrassas with public funding before preaching to America to build Islamic schools with their public funding.

What he said is all that needs to be said. America is secular, they dont use public funding for any kind of religious schools. End of story.

Ahhh another dumb bharti :rolleyes:

Did you even read the article? NO ONE is "demanding" Americans to fund Islamic Schools... It was a STATE-BILL saying that 'religious-affiliated' schools (Christian schools) can get State-money...Everyone cheered the bill and supported it ..but when one Islamic School applied for the state money..Republicans realized that there are other faiths too , besides Christianity..on THAT , they said that it is unacceptable to us ... So you see the bigotry here? Christian Schools --> Everyone is O.K .... Islamic School--> Nahh , sorry.

Double Standards at their best! And hypocrisy of bhartis defending these people is appalling ...

Rules of the land, got problem with it catch the next flight to your heaven..

Another idiot that commented without understanding the topic in hand. Read my post # 16 and get some sense into your out-dated bharti (means useless) brain...

Also plain fact is - Christian schools are not the ones preaching hatred and teaching terrorism.. Those schools imparts lessons in science and modern education not some seventh century rules of living..

Dumbo , Do Christian School teach "evolution" to their students , and not any religious BS of theirs?

Secondly , your comment is as retarded as you. Generalizing is bad...because I can also generalize that your mother drink cow piss and take bath with cow dung...because afterall..many Indians do that...So please , keep your bigotry to yourself...

Muslim Americans are America's third-largest religious community.....do you think we teach terrorism to our kids? Secondly , if some stupids used Madrassas for bad reason , it doesn't mean that Madrassas are bad. Just like Hitler's Nazi youth got their heads brainwashed in School , it doesn't mean that the "school" itself is a place of brainwashing...

Now please , come out of your inferiority-complex , please.
Aussies.. they are sending indians to "your" heaven... :lol:

Aussie govt extending helping hand now..

New Education Portal for Indian Students by Australian Government

But anyways, no Indian ever was crying for Hindu schools there..

Pakistanis, stop crying.. Madarsas doesn't have very good reputation anywhere.. Set better examples then probably people will be a bit more receptive..

Also, a majority Christian country will definitely have Christian schools.. Now what's wrong with it..
Aussie govt extending helping hand now..

New Education Portal for Indian Students by Australian Government

But anyways, no Indian ever was crying for Hindu schools there..

Pakistanis, stop crying.. Madarsas doesn't have very good reputation anywhere.. Set better examples then probably people will be a bit more receptive..

Also, a majority Christian country will definitely have Christian schools.. Now what's wrong with it..
we do have Christian, Islamic, etc. schools, BUILT WITH PRIVATE FUNDS. This guy may WANT to fund Christian schools...won't happen...there would be more lawsuits than you can count. Religious schools CANNOT be built with public funds...period. We also have no "blasphemy laws", if he doesn't want Islamic schools, he is entitled to his opinion, and it is just that...his opinion, since neither will get public funds.
Why are you Americans apologetic about the news ?

Your nation, culture is based on Judeo-Christian values and there is nothing morally wrong in what the Guv said even if what he said was legally wrong.

Dont fall into the faux secular-emotional rhetoric of the Islamists and their apologists. They would be the first to deny the same to others when they are in majority.
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