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Controversy over revamping of Louisiana education system

hence the need for religious schools

they are scared because the mullah will teach radical violence and many such nonsense like in Britain

Britain is doing fine..
Muslims here are free and patriotic to britain...unlike USA where they are harrased daily..

The bottom line is no matter how hard you infidels try,you cannot stop muslims from practicing and promoting their religion..
Many have tried and failed..
Now its USA stood against islam,but try all they want...islam will thrive..
@ safriz,

In the same token,

Times have changed, Islam was never the 'religion of peace'--and now people are starting to see it for themselves. There are more terrorists blowing themselves up in the name of Islam than there are women wearing burqa. Mosques and madrassa's are breeding grounds for lil 'bin laden'(s) all over the world.

See ? I can do that too.

Christians are extremely tolerant in comparison to you folks--which is why no one protests when your ilk back home and elsewhere tears up the bible or abuses the religion.

Bottomline is, you folks are are among the least bit tolerant or for that matter, tolerable.
Times have changed...christianity is gone....
There are more jesus jokes flying around than obama jokes.....
And church attendence is at rock botom..
Compared to mosque atendence church attendence is nothing...
More owls live in churches than christians.

All valid points. However noone wants Islam to replace it or in other words, people going secular has nothing to do with Islam like the way you are portraying it.

It has much much more to do with various pedophiliac affairs that have been plaguing the catholic church lately and its appauling attempts to sweep it under the rug-both of those acts contributed a lot more to the alienation of the general populace towards the church then anything else.

Britain is doing fine..

I guess you havent talked to any Brittons lately how they feel about various exhibitions on Times square.

They actually feel so fine and dandy one of them raises an alarm after he sees smoke vapor from a fake cigarette on the bus fearing it's some sort of gas or bomb.

Also yesterday, police arrested 6 people in relations to “suspicion of the commission, preparation or instigation of acts of terrorism”. Must be all good like you say it is, no?

In Scare Over Cigarette, Signs of a Britain on Edge-NY Times

You also seem to be confusing practising and promoting religion with something else. Not sure why that is so, but i do not want to go in it any further...

Quote from the head of MI5:

“In back rooms and in cars and on the streets of this country, there is no shortage of individuals talking about wanting to mount terrorist attacks,” Mr. Evans said in his speech. “The threat is real.”

Britain Arrests 7 More Terrorism Suspects-NY Times

Seven British-Pakistanis held on terror suspicion-Daily Times.pk
yes i agree...
Public , govt funds shouldnt be used for faith schools....
Christans are a majority in USA so its only logical that they allow some public funds being spent on christian schools.
They should follow UK example..we have many Islamic schools,all opearated with private funds and parents who want their children to go there paying something like 500£ per month in fees...
That keeps islamic schools away from public funds..
While church of england school all over UK are running on public funds.

Although I agree with Islamic schools part, I don't agree with 'They should follow UK example' part.
UK has one of the most secularised society in the world, but Christianity is England's state religion (Only country in UK).
Which makes it easy for church of England to run schools all over 'ENGLAND' (Not UK) on public funds, whereas America is constitutionally secular. :)
oh comeon..
Your little infidel heads will explode due to our fear.....
In this day and era when you lot are soiling your pants afraid of muslims....the muslim countries shouldnt waste money on weapons...
In a bus full of infidels...a bearded muslim farts loud and two infidels will drop dead out of heart attack...

Get rid of this anti muslim paranoia and start living a normal non psychotic life...
oh comeon..
Your little infidel heads will explode due to our fear.....
In this day and era when you lot are soiling your pants afraid of muslims....the muslim countries shouldnt waste money on weapons...
In a bus full of infidels...a bearded muslim farts loud and two infidels will drop dead out of heart attack...

Get rid of this anti muslim paranoia and start living a normal non psychotic life...

Funny, you almost sound like a victim...an oppressed one at that too.....lol
These politicians are such idiots, they just have enough brain to go through the day without bumping into something. They also don't realize with Govt money comes Govt control.
america is founded on christian values whether we accept it or not. so they could do this. it is right to prevent islam from formally setting its roots there.

No it is not right and they can't stop it either we are getting more and more Christians to join the fold those who want to see the truth will see it regardless of how many people try and stop them.

These politicians are such idiots, they just have enough brain to go through the day without bumping into something. They also don't realize with Govt money comes Govt control.

It is the far right republicans bro they are just like the demented mullahs the difference is they don't have enough power here to go around forcing their views upon others here so or else no doubt in my mind that they would.

Britain is doing fine..
Muslims here are free and patriotic to britain...unlike USA where they are harrased daily..

The bottom line is no matter how hard you infidels try,you cannot stop muslims from practicing and promoting their religion..
Many have tried and failed..
Now its USA stood against islam,but try all they want...islam will thrive..

Not all Muslims are harassed here in the states. Sure the younger kids will openly taunt Muslims once in a while but that is because they are uneducated nothing else really. Also when we came to the part about Islam in global studies class when I was in high school the teachers would always ask any Muslims to correct them as they go along in case they say something that is inaccurate.

@ safriz,

In the same token,

Times have changed, Islam was never the 'religion of peace'--and now people are starting to see it for themselves. There are more terrorists blowing themselves up in the name of Islam than there are women wearing burqa. Mosques and madrassa's are breeding grounds for lil 'bin laden'(s) all over the world.

See ? I can do that too.

Christians are extremely tolerant in comparison to you folks--which is why no one protests when your ilk back home and elsewhere tears up the bible or abuses the religion.

Bottomline is, you folks are are among the least bit tolerant or for that matter, tolerable.

Just because he is being an idiot doesn't mean you have to follow in his example unless you got sources to these claims you shouldn't be saying these types of generalizations. I've been to over 15 different mosques in New York alone not one is promoting hate.
ove America as a Christian nation ruled by Christians and have no problem with their decisions, if anyone has a problem with that then they are free to leave
America is not and has never been a Christian nation. It is not a theocracy.
Why are you Americans apologetic about the news ?

Your nation, culture is based on Judeo-Christian values and there is nothing morally wrong in what the Guv said even if what he said was legally wrong.

Dont fall into the faux secular-emotional rhetoric of the Islamists and their apologists. They would be the first to deny the same to others when they are in majority.

Da fuq? America was primarily built on black slave labor as well.....do not be stupid with your generalizations.

Everything carved out in history needn't be necessarily be in the benefit of mankind.
Britain is doing fine..
Muslims here are free and patriotic to britain...unlike USA where they are harrased daily..

The bottom line is no matter how hard you infidels try,you cannot stop muslims from practicing and promoting their religion..
Many have tried and failed..
Now its USA stood against islam,but try all they want...islam will thrive..

LOL seriously? You either have no clue of reality or lying through your teeth. Britain has the most radicalized and violent muslims in the western would which is shocking even to Pakistanis. British muslims are also the least patriotic ,least willing to integrate with the majority and often despise the British culture. Britain is the prime example of what can go wrog with immigrant muslims. While US is just the opposite. American muslims are far less likely to get radicalized and are often well integrated into the mainstream American society.

Da fuq? America was primarily built on black slave labor as well.....do not be stupid with your generalizations.

Everything carved out in history needn't be necessarily be in the benefit of mankind.

US has a lot of skeletons in its closet. But today it is one of the most equal societies which welcomes and accommodates people from around the world and provides with with freedom and prosperity.
US has a lot of skeletons in its closet. But today it is one of the most equal societies which welcomes and accommodates people from around the world and provides with with freedom and prosperity.

Google is your friend.Try homeland security,extraordinary renditions or CIA black sites to realize how "fair" and "equal" the American intelligence services are...
I completely agree. America is a Christian country established on Christian values. If they don't approve of funding for Islamic schools then that is their right and i as a Muslim have no problem with that.

After seeing what Muslims are doing in European countries i can see why Christians despise Islam and Muslims so much.

Below is the hate that Muslim immigrants spread in their host Christian European countries:







This is the result of radical Islamists trying to convert Christian nations into so called "Islamic states". This is what happens when you allow too many "Islamic schools".

In "Islamic countries" religious minorities are persecuted, imagine what would happen to Christians if they become minorities in their own countries? Their state would be no different to how Christians are persecuted by "Islamic" extremists in Pakistan or any other "Islamic" countries.

Ask your selves this: Why do Muslims flee their own "Islamic countries" and come to Christian countries if they love Islam so much? Why not stay in their own "Islamic" paradises?

Let me ask those of you who feel that this decision is wrong; Would you give Christians the same rights in your countries? Would Muslims fund Christian, Hindu, Sikhs, Jewish, or Buddhists religious schools with their own tax money?

I love America as a Christian nation ruled by Christians and have no problem with their decisions, if anyone has a problem with that then they are free to leave.

Christians gave me and millions of other non-Christians the freedom to practice our own religion, the freedom of speech, the right to make my own decisions, do what i want as long as i don't infringe on others freedom and property, and the right to bear arms. One cannot even imagine half of these God given inalienable rights in any so called "Islamic" country.

This was exactly what i was trying to say...:tup
The thing is propogation of islam is not in need of money...
Just look at our history .
So blocking government funds is a non issue..
Actually its good.
These politicians are such idiots, they just have enough brain to go through the day without bumping into something. They also don't realize with Govt money comes Govt control.

Finally a sane comment..
Exactly why i am against government funding for faith schools specially islamic schools..
We dong want our children to study a modified version of islam i whivh alcohol is halal and showing cleavage to random strangers is better than covering up.
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