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Consider total ban on beef across nation in 3 months, HP HC tells Centre

You had nato/West on your side when you went after USSR,Whom do you have now?China? They are afraid to take aggressive stances against their South China sea Nations. Yet we broke you at that time into two in 1971 ,even when you had the backing of Whole NATO and China.The ones whom you claim who did it for you in Afghanistan are against you now.You curse Afghanisthan Daily.:p:
But they molest u in 1962 lolz...
anyways . Hey "Mr armed till teeth" we are waiting since 2008 .
Grow some balls :)
below is my post from another thread and i would say it cleanly answers to the thread topic...
Both demands don't make sense to me.

1) Interest based economics is a modern reality and has good logic behind it. Islam was against it because in it's days moneylenders sucked blood from borrowers. Socialism was against it(if ever) because it lets some rich people to sit on their *** and do nothing while others work hard, increasing the gap forever.
We should understand why both of them wanted to abolish interest-based banking. If we understand that, I don't think you will oppose interest-banking.
I think both Islam and Socialism were against interest for a similar reason which is basically that it violates a commonsense logic that ' a hard working person should live comfortably and if someone does not work and sits on his ***, he should not get that'. Simple rule of justice. No one should have a problem with it.

The same justice can be achieved if we simply abolish hereditary transfer of property. Or some intermediate form of society where next generation gets only a part of his/her parents property. Once this is done, interest is not such an evil thing to have. Interest rate is today a tool for controlling inflation and economic growth. So practically(I suspect you already know) you can forgot about abolition of interest.

2) Firstly I don't see why not having dogs on street is being respectful for cats. And simply I think we should have some animals in sight everyday to remember we are not the only ones on this planet. So that we won't be as*holes when it comes to conservation. And I am against racism, so no targeting dogs specifically on streets. :D The dangerous ones have to be kept off streets though, obviously. Humans first.
I read somewhere that killing a cow is a sin(There is considerable debate on what point in history this rule came by). It nowhere says don't allow anyone else kill a cow or kill anyone who kills a cow. That is me talking your language.

If you come out of the bubble, you have a belief keep it to yourself, don't enforce it on others. If you want to argue that Hindus are supposed to die protecting cows, let's just say I am already tired laughing.

I don't see you talking my language. I see you talking rubbish, by claiming you read some rubbish somewhere. And I am somehow required to demolish that strawman.

Hindu dharma guides him to protect the cow. Preferable without killing others. But if that is not possible ........ then killing for protecting dharma is very much permissible. Or din't you know that ?

"IF you want to argue" is a classic strawman. Again. Two in a row.

Yeah sure, for Taliban there is no option. Forgive me for this line but, if anyone takes law into their own hands, the law will take them into its hands. :P

Yes, which is why a law ensuring cow protection is much needed :coffee: ........ it prevents talibanization. :coffee:

Again, just lookup a dictionary for bigotry. Live and let live. That nowhere meets the dictionary of bigotry.

LOL.... I just did and posted the definition and it fits you to a 'T'. Yet you have now come up with your own definition. :cheesy:

Thanks for changing your words from your previous post. What you have said so far has nothing to do with morality or ethics. Morality and ethics have nothing to do with beef debate.

I don't see where I have changed my words. I have clearly defined how my morality and ethics makes me call out your hypocrisy. Its lack of ethics that makes one a hypocrite.
and such fantashtic result that brought to pakistan in coming years as also to afghanistan. :coffee:

besides, what you claimed is a impossibility.

and before you go all sentimental about that fake-jihad of the fake-muslims of qaeda and taliban, read this ( rajiv gandhi saw pakistan as buffer against ussr ), a dose of actual politics at top level.

my intervention here is not to support sarthak but to tell right from wrong to people who may see your ill-written post... hope you take it in the right spirit.

I may also recall that Mr Sudhir Ghosh, an emissary of Mahatma Gandhi at one time and a disciple of Sri Aurobindo later, met President Kennedy of the United States on March 28, 1963, and showed him as the last testament of the seer written on November 11, 1950, the following passage: "The basic significance of Mao's Tibetan adventure is to advance China's frontiers right down to India and stand poised there to strike at the right moment and with the right strategy, unless India precipitately declares herself on the side of the Communist block ... The gesture that can save is to take a firm line with China, denounce openly her nefarious intentions, stand without reservation by the United States and make every possible arrangement consonant with our self-respect to facilitate an American intervention in our favour and, what is of still greater moment, an American prevention of Mao's evil designs on India... We must burn it into our minds that the primary motive of Mao's attack on Tibet is to threaten India as soon as possible."

After being told by Mr Sudhir Ghosh who Sri Aurobindo was, President Kennedy read the words of the seer's last testament several times over and said:

"Surely there is a typing mistake here. The date must have been 1960, and not 1950. You mean to say that a man devoted to meditation and contemplation, sitting in one corner of India, said this about the intentions of Communist China as early as 1950?"

On being pointed out by Mr Ghosh that Sri Aurobindo had passed away in December 1950, Kennedy was somewhat shocked. "So there you are," said Kennedy. "One great Indian, Nehru, showed you the path of non-alignment between China and America, and another great Indian, Aurobindo, showed you another way of survival. The choice is up to the people of India."

We Knew about the Soviets and Chinese.But Nehru couldn't align with West because he was blackmailed by Soviets about Subash Chandra Bose.
. . .
But they molest u in 1962 lolz...
anyways . Hey "Mr armed till teeth" we are waiting since 2008 .
Grow some balls :)
Ahh.. so says the nation which lost 5 wars. You didn't even take back your own soldiers in Kargil.But you talk big, Hum yeh kardenge, woh kardenge. Good to know People have Suicidal Tendencies. ;)
I used to give these suggestions as a joke.. I never knew Indians would be serious in releasing funds for the food and well-being of cows o_O - But on the side note, since Cow is going to feed on National Wealth, are humans too eligible for this privilege? :undecided:

Also this act is unsustainable.
  • How long, for how many months and years would you keep these cows in these bars. Specially the old ones who do not give milk or are not used to plough fields.
  • How justified is that a "holy animal" is kept chained. Cows shouldn't be tied to pegs if this is really a matter of respect.
  • How justified would it be to leave the dead cows on the ground and do not do KiryaKaram properly? So what is the plan.. what is India going to do with departed divine beings?
  • What about using leather of these animals? if it is divine, it would stay divine even after it is dead. That means its bones and leather cannot be used and cannot be worn as clothing or shoes.
I mean no disrespect to Hindu fate but this act cannot be stretched beyond a certain point. I hope Indians are studying sustainable future as one of their subjects and are able to project effects of this new being in India.

something is better than nothing lets get start in right direction then we will analyze and improve the law accordingly
You force others to change their lifestlyles because of your RELIGIOUS beliefs.

Thats fanaticism.
Yes, why not? aren't you forced not to smoke in a Petrol station or in a Industry where there is a chance of Combustion happening? Was that not forcing others to change their lifestyles?
Same here in Country of 1 Billion Hindus it is advised not to slaughter cows and gloat over it.Because that would lead to Combustion and eventually Some would play the burnt Victim card, I don't need to say who will play the victim.You know it. ;)
India is experiencing a "Religious Counter Revolution", and it is going backwards into the history. :(
. . . .
Tum bhi kis se baatein kar rahe ho, bhai.Chor do usse. ;) Bus bolna ki Bangladesh Best country hain. ;)

Bangladehsi would be the last people on earth I will debate with on development issues. This Maira La guy seem to have zero knowledge of stats and is quoting me some Indian newspaper articles.

@Maira La

Child nutrition - India has lower rate of malnutrition among children at 30% in 2014 compared to Bangladesh 37%.

India child malnutrition is dropping at 1.6% every year. Bangladesh is dropping at 0.06% every year.

Overall hunger indices - about the same, Indian marginally better according to FAO, WHI, WB and others

Girls education

intake ratios are about the same for both countries (well above 100% in gross)

Female youth literacy rates about the same (about 90%)

Female Primary completion rate is much higher in India (97% in 2011 compared to 80% in Bangladesh)

92% of Indian girls cohort progress to Secondary School, Bangladesh figure unavailable.


Bangladesh is marginally ahead in some, India way ahead on others.

WHO World Health Organization: Immunization, Vaccines And Biologicals.
Vaccine preventable diseases
Vaccines monitoring system
2015 Global Summary Reference Time Series: BCG

cc @Nilgiri

over and above all, India has better HDI figure than Bangladesh and that too despite having 6 times more population to take care of. Now just shoo
Bangladehsi would be the last people on earth I will debate with on development issues. This Maira La guy seem to have zero knowledge of stats and is quoting me some Indian newspaper articles.

@Maira La

Child nutrition - India has lower rate of malnutrition among children at 30% in 2014 compared to Bangladesh 37%.

India child malnutrition is dropping at 1.6% every year. Bangladesh is dropping at 0.06% every year.

Overall hunger indices - about the same, Indian marginally better according to FAO, WHI, WB and others

Girls education

intake ratios are about the same for both countries (well above 100% in gross)

Female youth literacy rates about the same (about 90%)

Female Primary completion rate is much higher in India (97% in 2011 compared to 80% in Bangladesh)

92% of Indian girls cohort progress to Secondary School, Bangladesh figure unavailable.


Bangladesh is marginally ahead in some, India way ahead on others.

WHO World Health Organization: Immunization, Vaccines And Biologicals.
Vaccine preventable diseases
Vaccines monitoring system
2015 Global Summary Reference Time Series: BCG

over and above all, India has better HDI figure than Bangladesh
He is a troll, who thinks BD is Heaven on Earth.If they were so good,why are they still coming to Bharat? In Next 50 Years Half of their Land will be under sea,Pity them please.Don't mock them. ;)
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