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Consider total ban on beef across nation in 3 months, HP HC tells Centre

All these new-born Hindus have no real love for cows. Nor do they care about them. They just say words to get a 'win' for Hinduism(or rather Hindutva) in this country. If a cow comes towards them on the road, they will most likely feel uneasy and walk away from it.

And now a HC wants a government cow shed? Seriously?!! How about shelters for poor people first.

That is also why they want uniform civil code. It is funny when you think about it. Many of us support uniform civil code because it is the right way to go in a secular democracy : the same law for everyone regardless of religion. Hindutva fanatics however want it because they consider it a win over Muslims. When it comes to uniform civil code, they are the biggest supporters of secularism, otherwise it is a "gaali". :lol:
I am not "accusing" you of being a Muslim, I am stating a FACT :lol: ....... are you denying this fact ?

Its distasteful to preach "secularism" while hiding behind the cloak of religious bigotry.

You were commenting on Hindus and mocking them, not making a point. You have no point except a desire to score points and feel better by mocking Hindu beliefs.
This is an anonymous website. I don't need to reveal any info about myself, unless I want to. And I won't give you the orgasm of putting a religious thappa on anyone who makes a point against you.

And yeah, you were stating a "FACT";):rolleyes1::laughcry: :lol:. You also blindly believe in facts such as "Hindus don't eat beef" or would rabidly make arguments such as anyone who eats beef is not a Hindu. Why don't you call yourself Taliban?

I never mocked Hindus. I only mocked over-zealous self-proclaimed Hindus such as you. Because the majority in this country is indifferent about beef ban. And that includes Hindus.
Neither does christian supremacist thinking excuse your Bigotry. ..... learn to see, then you will see the proof. As I said earlier, I do not know the trick to make the blind see. Try jesus.
LOL You are the very definition of a religious moron
This is an anonymous website. I don't need to reveal any info about myself, unless I want to. And I won't give you the orgasm of putting a religious thappa on anyone who makes a point against you.

And yeah, you were stating a "FACT";):rolleyes1::laughcry: :lol:. You also blindly believe in facts such as "Hindus don't eat beef" or would rabidly make arguments such as anyone who eats beef is not a Hindu. Why don't you call yourself Taliban?

I never mocked Hindus. I only mocked over-zealous self-proclaimed Hindus such as you. Because the majority in this country is indifferent about beef ban. And that includes Hindus.

You wish you hide your bigotry under the garb of anonymity. You desire an opportunity to hide your muslim faith so that you can mock Hindus without questions being raised about the propriety.

Its stinks of hypocrisy. So the joke is on you.

You are no one to claim what my beliefs are :lol: ...... are you my spokesperson ? :lol:

Such pathetic strawmen wont' fly here. Nor will your desperate attempt to issue "labels" and "certificate" stick.

I am not sure how being a self proclaimed Hindu is a Unethical :cheesy: ...... hiding you religion in a religious debate is unethical. So you are on stick wicket here.

Finally you are no body to speak on behalf on "majority of people" in India. Who died an made you King ? :lol:

In short ........ you don' have a point, you never did. Only a blatant display of Bigotry and hate disguised as "liberal" thinking and "secularism". ........ this lie exposed and tattered.
That is also why they want uniform civil code. It is funny when you think about it. Many of us support uniform civil code because it is the right way to go in a secular democracy : the same law for everyone regardless of religion. Hindutva fanatics however want it because they consider it a win over Muslims. When it comes to uniform civil code, they are the biggest supporters of secularism, otherwise it is a "gaali". :lol:
Good point. Nowadays it is a fashion among Bhakts to parrot lines like 'Liberal secular Indians' are neither liberal nor secular. Apparently their standard for liberalism and secularism is Congress:D(Ak-today-a Rahul Baba and his devotees). Basically these people cannot counter liberal or progressive thought on the basis of its reason. So they just want everyone to believe that there is no such thing as liberal or progressive person. Sadly they are having some success in propagating this belief in the masses. Some people believe the saffron brigade is the closest thing to secularism, just like the paranoid muslims believe Congress is the closest thing to secularism.
That is also why they want uniform civil code. It is funny when you think about it. Many of us support uniform civil code because it is the right way to go in a secular democracy : the same law for everyone regardless of religion. Hindutva fanatics however want it because they consider it a win over Muslims. When it comes to uniform civil code, they are the biggest supporters of secularism, otherwise it is a "gaali". :lol:

How does the assumed "reasons" of "hindutva fanatic" matter ? :cheesy:

Everyone has their own reason for wanting something. No on has the moral or ethical right to pass comments on other people's reason.

Your reasons is "nobel" and "Hindutv" reason is "ignobel" ? :lol: ........... see how Hate twists your views and makes you sound like a fool ?

LOL You are the very definition of a religious moron

hmmm..... still blind. Din't jesus help ?
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You don't want to improve the HDIs? Stick to rape and female foeticide/infanticide? Are you from Bihar or UP, btw? :p:

Stop this comparison. Our HDI, literacy and other social indices are much better than Bongladesh

Hilarious I am arguing with a Bongladeshi :cheesy: this crazy world
You wish you hide your bigotry under the garb of anonymity. You desire an opportunity to hide your muslim faith so that you can mock Hindus without questions being raised about the propriety.

Its stinks of hypocrisy. So the joke is on you.
Dude, for some reason you think you are insulting me by calling me a muslim and that I will be somehow pushed to accept it as a fact with pride or deny it revealing myself as a Hindu. I am not taking the bait. I am whoever and I am making a point. If you cannot argue with it, continuing to call me muslim and feeling good that it is enough counter for my argument is stupid.

You are no one to claim what my beliefs are :lol: ...... are you my spokesperson ? :lol:

I did not claim any of your beliefs. I just paraphrased what you said in your earlier posts. I don't find any other basis for your supporting a beef ban. Please explain us why you support a beef ban in India. Always up to hear genuine reasons that anyone might have. Who knows you might be able to change minds of a few PDF members here.
Such pathetic strawmen wont' fly here. Nor will your desperate attempt to issue labels and certificate stick.
Ehh, you are the one who gave me a muslim certificate and label. I just called you what you claimed to be. I just added an adjective new-born which is an appropriate one.
I am not sure how being a self proclaimed Hindu is a Unethcal :cheesy: ...... hiding you religion in a religious debate is unethical. So you are on stick wicket here.

Finally you are no body to speak on behalf on "majority of people" in India. Who died an made you King ? :lol:
You are the one acting like a King, as if you know that the majority of Indian's want a beef ban. As of now, the onus is on you to prove that majority in India is for a beef ban. Otherwise you should accept that a majority is indifferent because the beef ban did not become a burning life-or-death issue until now, after all these years of independence. So yeah, I have a basis for the claim. What is yours to claim that majority wants it?

In short ........ you don' have a point, you never did. Only a blatant display of Bigotry and hate disguised as "liberal" thinking and "secularism". ........ this lie exposed and tattered.
In your shorts and pants, you can have anything. But support it with some logic. And it doesn't hurt to check the dictionary meaning for bigotry.

How does the assumed "reasons" of "hindutva fanatic" matter ? :cheesy:
Respecting cows and worshipping them, not a problem. Expecting others to not do something because your religion does not allow it, is still OK. You can reason with other people and may be convince them. But wanting to enforce your belief on others is NO OK. That is what makes you a religious fanatic.
Everyone has their own reason for wanting something. No on has the moral or ethical right to pass comments on other people's reason.
On the contrary, everyone has the right to pass a comment on other people's reason. That is called 'freedom of expression'. And please don't use heavy words like moral right and ethical right, which mean nothing in this context.
Your reasons is "nobel" and "Hindutv" reason is "ignobel" ? :lol: ........... see how Hate twists your views and makes you sound like a fool ?
hmmm..... still blind. Din't jesus help ?
Hindutva's reason is untenable if not ignoble. They are also dangerous because their intentions are also not entirely noble.
Stop this comparison. Our HDI, literacy and other social indices are much better than Bongladesh

Hilarious I am arguing with a Bongladeshi :cheesy: this crazy world

Other than dumb one-liners and countless emoticons, I still see no signs of intelligence. Must be from UP/Bihar!

Bangladesh advances in human development
In terms of Multi-dimensional poverty index Bangladesh (0.237) is better than India (0.282) and is in the same position with Pakistan.

How did Bangladesh achieve a better HDI score than most Indian states? - Quora

Bangladesh fares better than India and Pakistan | Dhaka Tribune

How Poorer Bangladesh Outpaces India on Human-Development Indicators - India Real Time - WSJ
for the one last time Indian HDI is better than BD HDI, per capita higher than BD per capita...talk stats

Not some feel good artile on Indian newspaper limited to few BIMARU states
Dude, for some reason you think you are insulting me by calling me a muslim and that I will be somehow pushed to accept it as a fact with pride or deny it revealing myself as a Hindu. I am not taking the bait. I am whoever and I am making a point. If you cannot argue with it, continuing to call me muslim and feeling good that it is enough counter for my argument is stupid.

You are a Muslim and I know this from your past posts. What is interesting is your desire to hide it.

I did not claim any of your beliefs. I just paraphrased what you said in your earlier posts. I don't find any other basis for your supporting a beef ban. Please explain us why you support a beef ban in India. Always up to hear genuine reasons that anyone might have. Who knows you might be able to change minds of a few PDF members here.

Rubbish. You did nothing of that sort. Lies to won't fly.

I am not required to explain "why" I support a beef ban. For the moment, I support the beef ban. That should be good enough for now.

Ehh, you are the one who gave me a muslim certificate and label. I just called you what you claimed to be. I just added an adjective new-born which is an appropriate one.

Muslim is your Identity, not a label. ............. but your cheap tricks has only helped me expose you. Feel free to try new ones.

You are the one acting like a King, as if you know that the majority of Indian's want a beef ban. As of now, the onus is on you to prove that majority in India is for a beef ban. Otherwise you should accept that a majority is indifferent because the beef ban did not become a burning life-or-death issue until now, after all these years of independence. So yeah, I have a basis for the claim. What is yours to claim that majority wants it?

A Hindutva govt. in center is proof enough. Must stronger proof than your empty claims. Modi has never hid is desire for Beef Ban even during elections and people have given him a clean majority.

Just because Rape did not become a "burning issue" does not mean people support Rape. :lol: Only the truly desperate comes up with such hollow lines of argument.

Artice 48 of the Constitution of India mandates the state to prohibit the slaughter of cows and calves and other milch and draught cattle. By your own logic, since no one has asked for its repeal, it stands to reason that the majority want it :azn:

In your shorts and pants, you can have anything. But support it with some logic. And it doesn't hurt to check the dictionary meaning for bigotry.

Take your own advice and look up the meaning of bigotry.

"intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself." ........ your cheap attempt at name calling, labeling and mocking the beliefs is the proof of your Bigotry.

Or like Koovie, are you too blind to it ?
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If a living being such as cow which is revered by 1 Billion Hindus is a laughable matters to some Liberals,then they cannot expect us to honor their religious sentiments either,By laughing at Hindu beliefs and practices, these Liberals do us a favor, they show a mirror of shame to those Hindus clouded by Secular thought, thereby they will come back to Hindu fold.after taking a beating from Liberal Circles.More such ridicule should happen:lol:
Oh I thoroughly enjoy it. The further the Hindu faith is ridiculed, the better. Instead of bringing the nation, if the hate is channeled against Hinduism, half the battle will have been won.
Respecting cows and worshipping them, not a problem. Expecting others to not do something because your religion does not allow it, is still OK. You can reason with other people and may be convince them. But wanting to enforce your belief on others is NO OK. That is what makes you a religious fanatic.

No one is asking anyone to worship the cow. However if one religion ask its practitioner to PROTECT THE COW and another religion challenges their faith and guideline and does the opposite, that is stirring up trouble.

You either provide legal cover to the cow or people will have no option but take law into their own hands to practice their faith. :coffee:

You inability to grasp such fundamental realities is what makes you a bigot.

On the contrary, everyone has the right to pass a comment on other people's reason. That is called 'freedom of expression'. And please don't use heavy words like moral right and ethical right, which mean nothing in this context.

yes, you can pass comments on other people's reasons. Only it reflects your ignorance, bigotry, intolerance and spite. Expect to be called out for it. Morality and Ethics dictate it.

Hindutva's reason is untenable if not ignoble. They are also dangerous because their intentions are also not entirely noble.

You are free to your opinion. It means nothing.
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