You wish you hide your bigotry under the garb of anonymity. You desire an opportunity to hide your muslim faith so that you can mock Hindus without questions being raised about the propriety.
Its stinks of hypocrisy. So the joke is on you.
Dude, for some reason you think you are insulting me by calling me a muslim and that I will be somehow pushed to accept it as a fact with pride or deny it revealing myself as a Hindu. I am not taking the bait. I am whoever and I am making a point. If you cannot argue with it, continuing to call me muslim and feeling good that it is enough counter for my argument is stupid.
You are no one to claim what my beliefs are

...... are you my spokesperson ?
I did not claim any of your beliefs. I just paraphrased what you said in your earlier posts. I don't find any other basis for your supporting a beef ban. Please explain us why you support a beef ban in India. Always up to hear genuine reasons that anyone might have. Who knows you might be able to change minds of a few PDF members here.
Such pathetic strawmen wont' fly here. Nor will your desperate attempt to issue labels and certificate stick.
Ehh, you are the one who gave me a muslim certificate and label. I just called you what you claimed to be. I just added an adjective new-born which is an appropriate one.
I am not sure how being a self proclaimed Hindu is a Unethcal

...... hiding you religion in a religious debate is unethical. So you are on stick wicket here.
Finally you are no body to speak on behalf on "majority of people" in India. Who died an made you King ?
You are the one acting like a King, as if you know that the majority of Indian's want a beef ban. As of now, the onus is on you to prove that majority in India is for a beef ban. Otherwise you should accept that a majority is indifferent because the beef ban did not become a burning life-or-death issue until now, after all these years of independence. So yeah, I have a basis for the claim. What is yours to claim that majority wants it?
In short ........ you don' have a point, you never did. Only a blatant display of Bigotry and hate disguised as "liberal" thinking and "secularism". ........ this lie exposed and tattered.
In your shorts and pants, you can have anything. But support it with some logic. And it doesn't hurt to check the dictionary meaning for bigotry.
How does the assumed "reasons" of "hindutva fanatic" matter ?
Respecting cows and worshipping them, not a problem. Expecting others to not do something because your religion does not allow it, is still OK. You can reason with other people and may be convince them. But wanting to enforce your belief on others is NO OK. That is what makes you a religious fanatic.
Everyone has their own reason for wanting something. No on has the moral or ethical right to pass comments on other people's reason.
On the contrary, everyone has the right to pass a comment on other people's reason. That is called 'freedom of expression'. And please don't use heavy words like moral right and ethical right, which mean nothing in this context.
Your reasons is "nobel" and "Hindutv" reason is "ignobel" ?

........... see how Hate twists your views and makes you sound like a fool ?
hmmm..... still blind. Din't jesus help ?
Hindutva's reason is untenable if not ignoble. They are also dangerous because their intentions are also not entirely noble.