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Congress planned and executed THE MOST BARBARIC RIOTS in independent India...


Sep 27, 2011
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United States
Congress has ruled in India for most of its history. We’ve made progress and faced failures during our short history. We’ve seen some good times and some horrible times. Riots and ethnic violence are such horrible events that we should be ashamed of. While the Gujarat riots of 2002, one of the worst riots under BJP rule, a lot of the other riots have happened under Congress. Is it just a statistical anomaly, because Congress has been in power the longest, or does it have something to do with the way Congress has ruled? It’s for you to decide as you read about the top 7 riots under the Congress rule.

1. 1984 Anti-Sikh Riots

As a result of Operation Blue Star, Indira Gandhi was assassinated by her two Sikh bodyguards and that led to the anti-Sikh riots of 1984. These riots were very horrific and an estimated 8000 people died as a result. In a WikiLeaks document released in 2011, it was stated that the United States knew about the part of the Indian government and the Congress party in these riots. These riots were supported by the government as a revenge for Indira Gandhi’s assassination and amount to nothing short of a massacre or mass genocide.

2. Operation Blue Star

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3. 1989 Bhagalpur Riots

The Bhagalpur riots of October 1989, took place in Bihar in the district of Bhagalpur. 1000 people were killed and more than 50,000 were displaced from their homes. This was even worse than the 1969 Gujarat riots in terms of communal violence and number of casualties. The role of the police and that of SP KS Dwivedi hints towards politically motivated reasons behind the riots. CM Satyendra Narayan Sinha, stepped down after the riots and blamed his colleagues of instigating the riots and also criticized Rajiv Gandhi’s decision to stop the transfer of KS Dwivedi.

4. Gujarat Riots of 1969

The riots that took place in Gujarat in 1969 were the first of many riots between Hindus and Muslims in Gujarat. Officially 660 people were killed while unofficial figures are of around 2000 deaths. Many more were injured and a lot of property was destroyed and looted. This was the worst riot in India since the partition riots at the time of independence. The riots were politically motivated and RSS and Bharatiya Jan Sangh were accused of participating and organizing the riots. The Chief Minister of the Congress led state was Hitendra Desai who was supporting Congress (O) led my Morarji Desai instead of Congress (I) of Indira Gandhi. The police was accused of not taking action because Congress didn’t want to displease RSS. And the RSS accused Congress of adopting a policy to destroy Hinduism in the name of secularism which led to the riots.

5. Bombay Riots, 1992-93

The Bombay riots started because of the demolition of the Babri Masjid in Ayodhya. The first phase of the riots was the retaliation by the Muslims against the Hindus who celebrated the demolition. The second phase was the revenge taken by Hindus led by the Shiv Sena on the Muslims. The riots led to the Bombay blasts of 1993. There isn’t any direct correlation of Congress with the riots except that they were in power at the center. In fact the Babri Masjid demolitions were blamed upon RSS and BJP leaders.

6. Kashmir Riots, 1990 to Present Day

The state of Jammu & Kashmir is the only state in India to have its own flag and technically it remains an autonomous state which is still waiting for the plebiscite that never happened. Since 1990, the situation in Indian controlled Kashmir has deteriorated further. It all began with the riots against the Kashmiri Pandits. Since then the Indian Armed Forces have been accused of using torture and inhuman practices to get information and maintain control. Many times since then, riots have broken out in Kashmir where the youth and the paramilitary forces have clashed. For most of this period, the Congress has been in power in the center and in coalition with National Conference at the state level. The government has denied any cases of human rights violation but independent observers have claimed that the violence is encouraged by the government.

7. Assam Riots of 2012

In July 2012, riots broke out in Assam, where the local Hindu and Christian tribal people have always been opposed to the large waves of Muslim immigrants who come in from Bangladesh. The riots were meant to drive off these Muslims as they are considered a threat to the locals who are rapidly turning into a minority. 36 people were killed and 150,000 were displaced from their homes. The Congress led coalition government has been blamed for not restricting Bangladeshi refugees from entering and settling in Assam.

Source: Top 7 Riots that took place when Congress was in Power | Hill Post
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How dare you speak against Holy, uncorrupt, secular Congress party you bloody Communal, Saffronist, Modimaniac Cyber Hindu
CONgress has committed genocide against the people of India by starving millions to death and has engineered religious and ethnic riots where lakhs have died, all in the name of looting and divide and rule politics.
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