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Concocted Leaks: Threaten Pentagon & Democrats By Zaheerul Hassan

Zaheerul Hassan

Jun 17, 2009
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:pakistan::usflag:Recently, US Sectary of State Mr. Robert Gates while addressing to the media has stated that leakage of documents damaged the reputation of Pentagon. He also added that leakage of information may cause damage to the lives of the American soldiers. Disclosures of entropy turned out as matter of concern to U.S and Pakistan. However, detailed review of the situation of last few months clearly showing that leakage of concocted secrets are by design. The sponsors of Julian Assage probably were failed to estimate the aftermath of releasing of the fabricated stories against Pakistan and its security and intelligence agency “ISI’.
In fact these leakages have raised many questions; (One) is it an effort of widening gap between two frontline allies of global war on terror, (Two) is Pentagon security can be compromised by one hacker, (Three) why the leakage have been exposed in that time of frame when U.S congress elections are not far away? (Four) why Pentagon and CIA remained quite from 2004 to 2009 despite knowing that ISI has relations with Taliban, (Five) why CIA have not been able to hit Osama Bin Laden, Mullah Mohammed Omar and others important leaders despite knowing their locations and in this context, why available information have not been shared to her counterpart, (Six) are sponsors of leakage trying to damage democrats in the forth coming elections?, (Seven) has U.K tried to hit two birds (U.S and Pakistan) with one stone? (Eight) are Israeli and Indian successfully penetrated Pentagon and policy makers of U.S., (Nine) Is U.S acting upon the policy of “carrot on stick” while dealing her important ally, (Ten) are some differences still persist over Afghan policy between Pentagon, government and CIA?, (Eleven) why Washington has kept on hiding these information from the masses since 2006?, (Twelve) Are these information really credible enough to believe?

We can find the answers to the above narrated aching questions just interlinking of last few months statements of political and military top brass of the main players of war on terror. For example, General Mullen the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Sectary of state Hilleary Clinton prior of publishing the leaks documents claimed that Osama and Mullah Omar in Karachi. Moreover an Iranian news paper with the help of RAW’ office of Zahidan also aired a news stating that a former senior member of the militant group says Pakistani security forces are harboring the fugitive Taliban leader, Mullah Omar in Karachi.
Mrs. Hillary Clinton and General Mullen though off and on commended Pakistan security forces’ efforts during their recent visits to Islamabad but at the same time because of their peculiar habits keep on blowing the music of “Do More”. Later on same theme has been picked up by U.K, India and Afghanistan alleged Pakistani government, ISI and other security agencies for fomenting terrorism in Afghanistan. According to Associated Press report on July 29, 2010, British Prime Minister (PM) David Cameron while visiting to British’s former colony (India) has accused Pakistan of aiding terror groups. He stated, “no one "doubts, least of all the Pakistan government itself, that there has been in Pakistan — and there still is in Pakistan — terrorist organizations like LET and others which need to be cracked down on and eliminated," similarly Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh also joined his counterpart for blaming and thrashing out Pakistan. Probably both the leaders have followed the same dictated line while discussing regional security situation. U.K PM has forgotten the role of Pakistani Security Forces and legend intelligence agency ISI in Afghanistan crises. He has also forgotten the humanitarian humiliation of India in occupied Kashmir against Sikhs, Maoists and Tamils. British PM has also even forgotten the brutality of India against his own Christian community. He would have asked Manomohan Singh whether Indian government has taken any action against 120 extremists Hindu Organization those did mascara against Christen in Maripur. He has also forgotten those British - Kasmiries voters of U.K who played their role in electing him as PM. In fact Cameron alleged Pakistan just for economical gains, pressurizing Islamabad and pleasing India. His statements also seem to be connected with plan of exploiting Wikii leaks. Interestingly, in just five years ago, Britain was the 5th largest exporter to India but today, it is the 18th. Exports to India dropped from 4.12 billion pounds ($6.4 billion) in 2008 to 2.9 billion ($4.5 billion) in 2009. U.K leadership might have studied the causes of deterioration of economic relations. Obviously in last few years the dramatic improvements have been noticed between Indo-U.S relations. India and the United States has become one of India's most important allies and trade partners. The growing ties between India – U.S have defiantly created alarm and dent in U.K economy. India is also going to buy 57 Hawk advanced trainer jets from Britain in a deal worth nearly $1.1 billion.

However on response of Cameron’s statement Pakistan reacted angrily, saying the statement undermined the importance of its role in the fight against terrorism. Thus, we can say that fake leakage of documents is just a pressure tactics against Pakistan. The current situation reminded me two occasions; firstly, when former Sectary of State Powel produced fake documentary evidence prepared by CIA in United Nations but later on confessed that the same were factitious. Secondly, on another occasion during i.e. in the Vietnam war CIA spread rumors and fabricated stories.

Thus, under the current scenario one can comfortably say that leakage of documents has been carried out by design and baseless allegations have been leveled against ISI and security forces. The quick look of the data too proves the fact that there is very small portion of the leakage is showing connection of ISI with the Taliban. I think nothing wrong in it since CIA and ISI were having direct links with the Jehadi or Islamic organizations and defeated Soviet Union. The digging out the data of Wikii leaks reveals that out of more than 90,000 classified US documents, only about 180 mention ISI and only about 30 or so charge the legendary Pakistani spy service of wrongdoing in Afghanistan. Pakistan Army Chief General Pervez Kayani at number of times strongly denied all such allegations leveled against Pakistan and its security agencies. ISI chief Lt Gen Shuja Pasha cancelled his visit to U.K. At the end , I will like to add here Americans and western country should chain their pets ,if they are serious in elimination of terrorism
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