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I havent seen a single comparison thread successfully debated in the forum. This one's fate is also the same.
J 10B is light years ahead of Rafale still we are going to procure them, our economy is in worst condition, our politicians are corrupt...... we are getting them through aid and I am a fool :woot:........ Discussion closed

No more vs thread please!
until all is known about J-10B, this debate cannot happen.
I havent seen a single comparison thread successfully debated in the forum. This one's fate is also the same.
you can say that again...

But lets get it started

J-10 is better because it Chinese and Pakistan has placed an order for it
Rafale is bad because it will probably end up in the Indian Air Force and we cant right now afford it


From your post, you look like ayoung man-----here is how you look at weapons systems----. You prefer a proven and tested weapons systems over newer and promising systems, till they mature and prove themsleves.

A weapons system is not for a one time confrontation---but rather over and over and over performing under terrible conditions and in infinite space of time and conditions that you cannot control. You cannot change your weapons sytem in mid-stride----ie----you cannot change your weapons in the middle of the war, if the one you have doesnot perform well.

Keeping that in mind---then looking at he rafale and seeing that it is the top performing aircraft for a weapons producing country like france, the plane being in service for over seven + years---with an extremely superior electronics package and weapons system---so right now----it is all in favour of the rafale-----.

Once you have access to a quality system, which can match with the opponents strongest system, then it becomes a numbers game and how you use your assets.

For the more, the rafale is the superior of the two just because it is operational for so long.

A weapons system in itself is nothing---for comparison's sake---you have to take the enemy's best system as your base----then you ping these two aircrafts aganist the enemy's top aircraft that you have chosen---or if you already have one system, then you can ping it against the other---but when you don't have either----then it doesnot count to much.

What the question should have focussed on is----the enemy's top system is the SU30 MKI----how do each of these aircraft pitch against the SU30----. Any other comparison doesn't mean much in our or any other scenario---unless you have a target aircraft or any other machinery to compete with or against---.

Even though we may not want to bring in india iaf in the picture----but inadvertantly---it does come into focus by default----for the reason---that we are looking at a system, analyzing it, assessing it for a reason---to protect our skies and land from enemy strike aircraft.
Something that I'll keep repeating until people accept it and stop creating dumb threads.
Lost opportunity to replace non ROSE Mirages with Rafale C. 2 Squadrons could have made the difference with an investment of US $3.5 Billion was worth it in total including everything. Was it expensive then 18 F-16 blk 52s and associated weapons and vice versa for $3.1B

J-10A/B or even J-10 ZZTOP won't make a big impact. Rafale through its life cycle went thought many developmental work, testing, upgrading advancements that J-10B manufacturers can only full fill in the next 10 years by that time You might see Rafale X. J-10B should first come close to F-16 block 52/60 that would be sufficient to fill the requirements that too is far off.
i'm kind of new to the forums but one thing i've learned so far DO NOT MAKE VS threads because it could and will get ugly :hitwall:

but in my opinion (not because i'm Indian) i'd say Rafale because it has a lower RCS (less than 1 square meter) and the fact it has longer range higher max take of weight AESA radar (in the near future) better ECM and ECCM systems etc

not to criticize Chinese aircraft technology J-10B is good no doubt but i have not seen a lick of solid info on the J-10B or the fact whose to say it actually even exists? you know how the Chinese are with there weaponry they never reveal anything
Well---actually no weapons system comaprison is justifiable until and unless you don't compare it against the enemy's main threat---it is utterly stupid not to discuss the item in comparison to what it will face---.

I mean to say----the weapons system is not living in ETHER ---- it has an opponent to live and fight against----so why should it not have comparison every time there needs to be a procurement made----. When you compete in school, it is against other people---when you are playing a sport---it is against the other team---you train to prepare to win against your opponent----so what happened in case of weapons system---.

What pakistan has faced from france is in return of what pakistan has done to the offers made by france----snubbed the mirage 2000----then again snubbed the rafale for whatever---then snubbed airbus for boeing-----.

J10B can't compete with the BLK52---so basically it is no match for the rafale---. And if rafale wins the mrca or is the top two contender----and if it is upto me----there will be some blue euniforms hanging on the light poles.
Dassault Rafale
Speed:- 1.8 Mach
Range: 3,700+ km
Combat radius: 1,852+ km
Hardpoints: 14
Radar:- Thales RBE2 radar (PESA) - track up to 40 aircraft and to engage 8 of them - Look up ~150 KM

Air to Air

MBDA Meteor (~120 KM)

Air to Surface
Apache (runway missile - 140 KM)
AASM (Precision-Guided Munition - 55KM)
GBU-12 Paveway II

Thales Damocles targeting pod
RECO NG reconnaissance pod


Speed:- 2.0 Mach
Range: 3,000+ km
Combat radius: 1600 km (with in-flight refueling)
Hardpoints: 11
Radar:- NRIET KLJ-10 - varient of KLJ-7 radar can reportedly manage up to 40 targets, monitor up to 10 - Look up ~180 KM, +/- 85 degrees in azimuth

Air to Air
SD-10B (~120KM)
PL-8 (15KM)

Air to Surface
PJ-9, YJ-9K


DASSAULT RAFALE is batter, coz its in Mature flying Aircraft and known specifications.
J-10B, not in air......under development.....still immature .....and have little known specifications.
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