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Commanders to decide nature of NWA operation

Last Hope

Oct 18, 2010
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ISLAMABAD – Pakistan’s military brass would make a final decision on the North Waziristan operation in the next Corps Commanders Conference which may be held sometime this month.
According to the informed officials at a security agency, two options are likely to be discussed in the moot: the launch of a full-scale military offensive with the logistical support of International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), or a curtailed crackdown in the area through intelligence sharing between the two forces.
Pakistan Army, the officials shared, has deployed two Infantry divisions, nine brigades, 23 battalions and 18 Frontier Corps (FC) wings in Waziristan region. Of them, one division, five brigades, 12 battalions and 11 FC wings are deployed in NWA while four brigades, 11 battalions, seven FC wings and a division are deployed in South Waziristan, the officials added.
“These deployments are not enough for launching a military operation or a major crackdown,” the officials said, adding that additional troops at division level are required to augment the operational strength of regular troops before launching any offensive in NWA.
In this situation, the sources said, Pakistan Army needs the backhand intelligence and logistical support of the NATO forces in case it is to jump into North Waziristan.
All the FC wings comprising Tochi Scouts, Shawal Scouts and Orakzai Scouts in NWA are mostly assigned border patrolling responsibilities and need proper logistical support to assist the regular army troops for a counter-terrorism operation.
ISAF Commander General John Allen’s Thursday visit to Pakistan saw a major headway towards strengthening border cooperation between Afghan National Army (ANA), Western military alliance and Pakistan Army.
General Allen’s visit, officials said, saw renewing of the commitment to work in coordination as per an informal agreement reached between the two sides last year that particularly concerned the NWA operation. The intelligence and military cooperation between the NATO and Pakistan’s military underwent a complete disruption after Salala incident which led to suspension of the NATO supplies into Afghanistan.
In October last year, Pakistan Army and the NATO-led ISAF had reached an understanding envisaging cross-border respective cooperation to take on all the major outfits including Haqqani Network through enhanced coordination at Pak-Afghan borderlands.
According to the understanding, the NATO troops were not to initiate any ground operations in Pakistani tribal areas. Pakistan was to launch crackdowns against the militants without launching a direct or full-scale military offensive in NWA.
And both the sides were to move ahead for the resumption of intelligence cooperation between Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) and Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) for hunting down the militants on both sides of the border (Intelligence cooperation was stalled after the former US Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Mike Mullen termed Haqqani Network as ‘veritable arm of ISI’).
While Pakistan’s military has reportedly agreed to launching crackdown in NWA without going for a large-scale offensive, pressure on Islamabad has mounted to go all-out on Haqqanis.
The last year’s limited crackdowns in NWA did not address Washington’s concerns suggesting that Haqqanis were not targeted in these offensives.
ISLAMABAD – Pakistan’s military brass would make a final decision on the North Waziristan operation in the next Corps Commanders Conference which may be held sometime this month.
According to the informed officials at a security agency, two options are likely to be discussed in the moot: the launch of a full-scale military offensive with the logistical support of International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), or a curtailed crackdown in the area through intelligence sharing between the two forces.

The Haqqani Network had attacked the Indian Embassy in Kabul in which 48 people died and they are behind allegedly in a number of high profile attacks in Afghanistan, this operation hopefully will take the Haqqani Network out completely.
there is no need this operation, we should be trying to get out this war instead fighting haqqani group now.
Then don't ***** and moan about Drone Strikes - I mean how can Pakistan claim drone strikes to be a violation of sovereignty if it does not have the ability to exercise sovereignty in that particular area in the first place?
Once again POPULAR statement among the people of Pakistan "Ye Army paisay kiliye larti hey kal ko France/Italy ke jang hogi tu uskay liye b isko hyer karleengay aglay paisay daykar".

Army is ready to fight for others LOLzz this army always claim that the terrorist got funds from India and American from Afghanistan lol this army got more fund from American to destroy Pakistan more thn terrorists!
Once again POPULAR statement among the people of Pakistan "Ye Army paisay kiliye larti hey kal ko France/Italy ke jang hogi tu uskay liye b isko hyer karleengay aglay paisay daykar".
Haqqanis or Talibans are not killing foreigners (Even if they did that it would be wrong as we are not at war with western countries) but they have killed more Muslims but according to guys Muslim cant kill a fellow muslim????If the entire population supports taliban type people then we can safely say that Pakistani Common People also deserves some pounding from drones.I mean if you people hate US so much then declare a war dont be a pu$$y.
Pakistan is caught between the devil and the deep blue sea here ala the LTTE in Sri Lanka. Let the Haqqanis and the Taliban flourish and the civil war will become as bloody and protracted as it was in Sri Lanka. Go in now, and the blowback will be immediate and huge but the effects can be damped over a period of time. All in all it is going to be the biggest fight to be seen in this region in coming times and i wish all the very best for the PA for this war.
Hi all

thanks for your insightful posts
I feel complete now

just my 2 cents if you promise not to take offence.

no tom dick and harry and no Shankar , Moti Lal, Jamal, , Papu, Kashif, Hamid etc would be notified before hand if there is a decision to go ahead with the operation.

we will only find out when the forces would have already landed and have had engaged the enemy for few hours. even then the reports will be very sketchy

our enemy is a master of hiding behind burka and civilians. so it has to be caught before it does the disappearing act.
if anyone doest recall Pakistan's biggest heliborne Operation in Sawat then I recommend that it should be seen.

this operation will be spearheaded by helicopter gunships and troop carriers. regular troops will only join in the next 5 to 10 hours to consolidate and secure the areas.

the biggest test will be that how much American forces will be willing to do the same on the Afghan side. if they keep the other side checked and in the process 1 or 2 big AQ and Taliban figures are killed or captured along with few hundred fanatic goons then we will be moving to final settlement very fast.

I must repeat again

there wont be any media confrence and briefing for the benefit for internet pundits.
operation in Waziristan is the only and main pending item between US and Pakistan. and nothing is ruled out otherwise there wont be any more high level meetings between the two.

I guess the deal will be, if Pakistan moves into North Waziristan then Americans would also stop looking the otherway from Nooristan and Khost that are known to be the current base camps of Mullah Fazlulla.
Well I saw a news today & it said Pak Army has rejected the claim made by US Media that Pakistan is going to start operation in NWA. Thank GOD, this is not our war. US is trying her very best to shift this fictional war in Pakistan.
Kill all the cowards get rid of them once and for all... do it PAK army let the people rest and be at peace .
Finally Pakistan has come around to the right decision (my perspective, so no offence please).. If they do decide to go in hot and fast as IB mentioned, there will be the standard cowardly response from the terrorists in terms of attacks on civilians and other soft targets. That will be the real test of the nerves..

IMO, in case an operation like this starts, India should unilaterally announce reduction on troops on IB by 50% so Pakistan gets a wriggle space to divert more troops to this operation, which will help reduce blue casualties..

Good luck to Pakistani military if it embarks on this expedition... :cheers:
Finally Pakistan has come around to the right decision (my perspective, so no offence please).. If they do decide to go in hot and fast as IB mentioned, there will be the standard cowardly response from the terrorists in terms of attacks on civilians and other soft targets. That will be the real test of the nerves..

IMO, in case an operation like this starts, India should unilaterally announce reduction on troops on IB by 50% so Pakistan gets a wriggle space to divert more troops to this operation, which will help reduce blue casualties..

Good luck to Pakistani military if it embarks on this expedition... :cheers:

good luck to the whole region
this war is eating up the economic potential of the South East Asia.
AQ and their copycats are a plague of this place and no country is immune to it.

so far AQ has benefited due to the mistrust among India, Pakistan and Afghanistan and US. no body owns up the mistakes and blames others, once we decide to give up on that then there is a hope for the closure. there is no doubt the Pakistan & Afghanistan will be the most affected due to the terrorist retaliation but there is no other solution.

Sectarian terrorists or Punjabi Taliban together will TTP are enjoying the hospitality of Afghan taliban and thats something that is unacceptable for us. we cant damage our selves any more for the sake of those people.

if the Haqqanis really care for us then they should either vacate NW and go back in Afghanistan or agree for peace talks. once the fight in Afghanistan ends, the lifeline of TTP will also dry out.

if American Predator drones can give us the head of Baithullah Mehsud then there is no doubt they will give us Fazullah as well but would definitely demand something in return and thats why PAK-US generals are flying to and from US and Pakistan recently.

(PS how many remember or care how Sri Lanken army eventually crushed LTTE?)
Hi all

thanks for your insightful posts
I feel complete now

just my 2 cents if you promise not to take offence.

no tom dick and harry and no Shankar , Moti Lal, Jamal, , Papu, Kashif, Hamid etc would be notified before hand if there is a decision to go ahead with the operation.

we will only find out when the forces would have already landed and have had engaged the enemy for few hours. even then the reports will be very sketchy

our enemy is a master of hiding behind burka and civilians. so it has to be caught before it does the disappearing act.
if anyone doest recall Pakistan's biggest heliborne Operation in Sawat then I recommend that it should be seen.

this operation will be spearheaded by helicopter gunships and troop carriers. regular troops will only join in the next 5 to 10 hours to consolidate and secure the areas.

the biggest test will be that how much American forces will be willing to do the same on the Afghan side. if they keep the other side checked and in the process 1 or 2 big AQ and Taliban figures are killed or captured along with few hundred fanatic goons then we will be moving to final settlement very fast.

I must repeat again

there wont be any media confrence and briefing for the benefit for internet pundits.
operation in Waziristan is the only and main pending item between US and Pakistan. and nothing is ruled out otherwise there wont be any more high level meetings between the two.

I guess the deal will be, if Pakistan moves into North Waziristan then Americans would also stop looking the otherway from Nooristan and Khost that are known to be the current base camps of Mullah Fazlulla.

I hope the operation go the same as you said and surely it will solve many big problems between two nations - in our land operations like these doesn't go like what you said US/ANA takes a 'dhol' and play it until all Taliban flee the area and then they start operation! :lol:
no tom dick and harry and no Shankar , Moti Lal, Jamal, , Papu, Kashif, Hamid etc would be notified before hand if there is a decision to go ahead with the operation.

we will only find out when the forces would have already landed and have had engaged the enemy for few hours. even then the reports will be very sketchy

our enemy is a master of hiding behind burka and civilians. so it has to be caught before it does the disappearing act.
if anyone doest recall Pakistan's biggest heliborne Operation in Sawat then I recommend that it should be seen.

this operation will be spearheaded by helicopter gunships and troop carriers. regular troops will only join in the next 5 to 10 hours to consolidate and secure the areas.

the biggest test will be that how much American forces will be willing to do the same on the Afghan side. if they keep the other side checked and in the process 1 or 2 big AQ and Taliban figures are killed or captured along with few hundred fanatic goons then we will be moving to final settlement very fast.

I must repeat again

there wont be any media confrence and briefing for the benefit for internet pundits.
operation in Waziristan is the only and main pending item between US and Pakistan. and nothing is ruled out otherwise there wont be any more high level meetings between the two.

I guess the deal will be, if Pakistan moves into North Waziristan then Americans would also stop looking the otherway from Nooristan and Khost that are known to be the current base camps of Mullah Fazlulla.
Too bad for the bold parts...i expected a "Desert Storm" to be played out akin to CNN in the Waziristan War ;).

Just kidding. We are much aware of what the blowback would be. A media spectacle of the "Lal Masjid" was enough to trigger a massacre inside Pakistan for years to come, and the even the tiniest of media reporting of this NW operation would just be a clusterfcuk of "Lal Masjids" put together. And the biggest test is not what will the Americans do on their side of the border, but what spillover would happen on to the rest of Pakistan. The "hired guns" already roaming free for decades in the form of the LeJ and SSP will prove to be new recruiting grounds of jihadists ready to wreak vengeance over this operation. How quickly would Internal L&O be restored is the true test of this operation. GodSpeed !!!
Entirely agree with Irfan. This operation (when it takes place) will need to be VERY quick, almost with a lightening speed. A ton of EI and HI support, precision and timing for maximum potential. It should be an in and out type of an operation if that's possible. The US will collaborate real time with PA with all available electronic intelligence, imaging, communication tracking, etc so PA/PAF will have an upper hand. I'd imagine that this may be a swift operation lasting may be 72 hours. I think this way, Pakistan can have a better relationship with the US and can work with US on other issues and get similar cooperation. One of these will be to stop cross border drama created by the Afghan national militia (these guys are not an army even though we portray them as such. When the US leaves, these guys will more than likely be going back to their perceptive militant leaders)

The idea is not to clean up every inch of the location. If you take out 75% of the infrastructure, you'll dismantle the capability for years to come. After all, these locations weren't built over months, this is years of work.
After such operation, Pakistan will need to intensify its internal security measures like crazy to avoid any civilian loss that may result due to retaliation by these people. Then, both US and Pakistan should move quickly and create schools, infrastructure and industry in these areas so that people can get busy with economic related activities and that's VERY critical.
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