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Col Inam staging drama for fame: security officials


Sep 7, 2010
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ISLAMABAD: Security officials have declared Inam-ur-Raheem Advocate’s complaints as ‘drama’ that is being staged for acquiring fame.

On the condition of anonymity the officials said that the advocate staged another drama on Saturday morning to gain prominence ahead of hearing of his petition that he submitted in a superior court against a top Army official. He came out with yet another allegation on Saturday morning that some unknown assailant set his car on fire which was being driven by his son and his son had a miraculous escape.

‘Similar sort of trumped-up story he developed on Wednesday last by alleging that some security officials had beaten him up. The media reported on Friday quoting police officials that injuries of retired Lt Col Inam ur Raheem reflected in the medial report does not qualify even for registration of a case,’ the officials maintained.

The former military-man turned lawyer, who has been seeking confrontation with state institutions, is all out to gain prominence through his fake complaints. The police official says there are eye-witnesses who saw that quarrelsome Inam ur Raheem had a brawl with a poor taxi driver which later developed into squabble. But Inam ur Raheem is exploiting some vested interest and disseminating baseless accusations through media and alleging security forces responsible for the incident. It is regrettable that quarrel of the individual with a taxi driver has been attributed to military intelligence, the officials said.

In the meanwhile officials say that Inam ur Reheem is in the habit of antagonizing others and his fight with taxi driver is not the first incident of this kind. A procession was taken out recently in the residential society against him where he is living, protesting against his misbehaviour and dealing with others living in the locality. The officials reminded that Inam Raheem charged fee of Rs2.5 million from the relatives of the so-called missing persons to fight their cases and ironically he didn’t pursue their cases despite receiving hefty amount. The victims are also after him to get their fee refunded.

The officials said that it is a proven fact that Inam ur Raheem is hyper sensitive and highly unstable person who is working on some hidden agenda and working against the security establishments at the behest of some anti-state elements, the officials added.

Inam ur Raheem’s allegation that he was threatened on one occasion by a senior intelligence officials is simply baseless. The fact is that Inam ur Raheem requested for a meeting through a letter on June, 30 last year and he was called for the same on July, 5. The meeting was held in a very cordial environment where he was heard patiently by the senior officer. He sought some favours including seeking advice for his interaction with some foreigners and left the office calmly and cheerfully.

Later he misrepresented what had transpired in the meeting by projecting in media that he was forced for that meeting and he was threatened by intelligence officials in the course of conversation. This was pure fabrication by the person in question, the officials claimed.

Col Inam staging drama for fame: security officials - thenews.com.pk
I wonder where there so called liberals have gone now, as said earlier it could be some personal enemity,if mi/Isis wanted him dead he would have been dead by now or have gone missing
The corrupt evil politicians, the corrupt media, the corrupt evil courts led by CJ Ifti & NGO's are all after the Pak Army, their aim is clear & it is given to them by their pimp lord master USA which is to destroy the image of Pakistan Army for good & weaken the Army. It was good to see Gen. Kayani came out hard at these corrupt bast*rds who are against Pak Army.

At the end of the day it is going to be Pak Army taking over to save Pakistan, I fully support the takeover by Pak Army, I stand with Pak Army & the Intelligence Agencies.

Pakistan does not deserve democrazy or anything else. These people only deserve "DANDA" from Pak Army.
I don't like governance and the usual army bashing but that doesn't mean i can give a clean shet to army regardless of their countless mistakes, they are not from heaven either, they have made mistakes too but critizing them every minute and point is wrong
I was watching najam sethi show last week and he said media is crossing the lines with army bashing which is very bad, and that me smile because it was coming from najam sethi
Inam has his inam already --- he is just psying for the benefits he earned ----$$$$$$$$.....
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