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CNN:Are China's economic statistics accurate?

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Nov 4, 2011
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CNN:Are China's economic statistics accurate?

By Charles Riley March 26, 2013: 6:57 AM ET
Pose this question to a group a China watchers and you're likely to receive a variety of responses. Some observers are convinced that China is cooking its books. Others believe state statistics are largely reliable and useful for drawing conclusions about the world's second largest economy. Still others will debate the accuracy of certain data classes, pointing to more meaningful alternatives.

Now we have an opinion from researchers at the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco. Their verdict? The statistics are pretty good.

The researchers compared Chinese government statistics with other economic measures that the researchers say are "less susceptible to official manipulation."

"Importantly, these models suggest that Chinese growth has been in the ballpark of what official data have reported. We find no evidence that recently reported Chinese GDP figures are less reliable than usual."

This brief paper from the San Francisco Fed won't settle the matter. But mark another tally in the "legit" category.

The paper, written by John Fernald, Israel Malkin and Mark Spiegel, can be read here.

Of course, it's worth noting that China is not the only country to have its official statistics questioned. Just last year, former General Electric (GE) CEO Jack Welch suggested on Twitter that the Obama administration, calling them "these Chicago guys," had manipulated the monthly jobs report for September in order to make the economy look better than it actually was just weeks before the election.

Welch then doubled down, writing in the Wall Street Journal that data collected by the Bureau of Labor Statistics might not be "precise" or "bias-free." He raised questions over three key statistics -- the labor-force participation rate, the growth in government workers and overall job growth -- saying big one-month gains "have to raise some eyebrows."

Are China's economic statistics accurate? - Economy
I predict that Chinese economy will collapse.

In 3013 AD....
The researchers compared Chinese government statistics with other economic measures that the researchers say are "less susceptible to official manipulation."

those guys are the real experts and that is their full time job.they know how to measure one's real growth with numerous other factors.
Why don't the Indian members here just compare the IMF's prediction figure with China's real figure ?:)
they know nothing about economics ,those Federal Reserve Bank guys who made this assessment are the real experts,they are professionals.
Any one who says china's economy is collapsing before 2101 is a idiot
They have a very capable leadership in which I have trust
& they also know as long as they deliver they are fine the moment they are not
Well Revolution will come
This coming from the biggest liar, and the manipulator of finance markets - the US Fed, confirms that the Chinese are merrily cooking their books to inflate gdp. And it is understandable, and Chinese friends should be glad that they got the US by its balls.

For the uninitiated into the murky world of FED, it works like this

1. The US being in deep **** of recession has to resort to Quantitative easing which requires the bond returns to be low

2. Bond returns are low only as long as the US stocks are doing decently

3. The stocks health is directly linked to world economy growth , which today means China

So if the Chinese economy slumps, the stocks crash, and the bond returns rise...and the mighty US goes into deflation...

So the Chinese GDP must rise by 8-9% even if it isn t. And of course the FED never lies...and neither does China.
definitely debt and inflation risks are the main concerns of China. Hope for strucutral reform.

Nothing serious enough to have any severe damage on the economy. I was just joking though, bored of these Chinese economy would fail/would not fail threads. Its not going anywhere.

If it does go down, it is sure to take US and thus everyone with it.
Nothing serious enough to have any severe damage on the economy. I was just joking though, bored of these Chinese economy would fail/would not fail threads. Its not going anywhere.

If it does go down, it is sure to take US and thus everyone with it.

Yes...boring, call for some relaxed topics
Why won't Chinese economy fail?

Because its tiger mom will kick the **** out if it gets anything less than A+ :devil:

On topic though. There might be some cooking of books(it exists everywhere), but you can't fake an economy that big.
This coming from the biggest liar, and the manipulator of finance markets - the US Fed, confirms that the Chinese are merrily cooking their books to inflate gdp. And it is understandable, and Chinese friends should be glad that they got the US by its balls.

For the uninitiated into the murky world of FED, it works like this

1. The US being in deep **** of recession has to resort to Quantitative easing which requires the bond returns to be low

2. Bond returns are low only as long as the US stocks are doing decently

3. The stocks health is directly linked to world economy growth , which today means China

So if the Chinese economy slumps, the stocks crash, and the bond returns rise...and the mighty US goes into deflation...

So the Chinese GDP must rise by 8-9% even if it isn t. And of course the FED never lies...and neither does China.

So, the US can't be trusted and we obviously can't be trusted, who should we call? Martians? Let me know when you find them.
So, the US can't be trusted and we obviously can't be trusted, who should we call? Martians? Let me know when you find them.

If you have anything intelligent to say about my points, please do so. Otherwise, I M not really interested in CCP propaganda. Simple point if you care to wrap your head around it - US/ EU are not growing at all, your domestic consumption is not growing and was in any case nothing much to talk about. So why all these high "investment numbers" which keep pushing your GDP to 8-9%. Stop reading the CCP pamphlets and you will see the true picture.
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