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Closest allies: Joint defence declaration of India and USA


Sep 3, 2012
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WASHINGTON: Taking their defence ties to a new level, India and the US have decided to undertake joint development and production of military hardware, involving transfer of high-end technology from America, a move aimed at matching Russia's co-operation with India in this field.

After the summit meeting between Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and US President Barack Obama at the Oval Office the two sides yesterday issued a joint declaration on defence co-operation spelling out the principles of cooperation in this area.

In the declaration, the US expressed its support to India's full membership in the four international export control regimes that would further facilitate technology sharing.

According to the joint declaration on defence co-operation, the US and India share common security interests and place each other at the same level as their closest partners.

"This principle will apply with respect to defence technology transfer, trade, research, co-development and co-production for defence articles and services, including the most advanced and sophisticated technology," the declaration said.

"They will work to improve licensing processes, and, where applicable, follow expedited license approval processes to facilitate this cooperation," the declaration said, adding that the US and India are also committed to protecting each other's sensitive technology and information.

Joint defence declaration brings India at par with closest US allies - The Economic Times


Any comment?
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You can not be friends with Russia and the United States at the same time. If India is going to strengthen cooperation with the United States - cooperating with Russia will strart to reduce.
U.S. adhere to the ancient rule - divide and conquer. The more the U.S. influence on India, the greater tensions in the relations with its neighbors, there will be local conflicts, terrorism will increase, and so on.
United States - the successor of the British Empire, and Russia - the successor of the Soviet Union. Let the Indians themselves think, with whom they had better be friends.
You can not be friends with Russia and the United States at the same time. If India is going to strengthen cooperation with the United States - cooperating with Russia will strart to reduce.
U.S. adhere to the ancient rule - divide and conquer. The more the U.S. influence on India, the greater tensions in the relations with its neighbors, there will be local conflicts, terrorism will increase, and so on.
United States - the successor of the British Empire, and Russia - the successor of the Soviet Union. Let the Indians themselves think, with whom they had better be friends.

Nehruvian socialism passed away with him. New generation Indians prefer imperialism over socialism. That is something Russians couldn't figure out.

Well, ideological discourses aside, rumor has it that Moscow is putting pressure on Beijing to give India full SCO membership. The world is indeed strange when it goes beyond common sense!
If this is true, Russia got backstabbed by India. It's clear the US is shooting two birds with one stone, using the divide and conquer strategy to check China with India and to reduce Russian influence on India. If India is not playing this game correctly, India will face the wrap of China-Russia-Pakistan encirclement.
You can not be friends with Russia and the United States at the same time. If India is going to strengthen cooperation with the United States - cooperating with Russia will strart to reduce.
U.S. adhere to the ancient rule - divide and conquer. The more the U.S. influence on India, the greater tensions in the relations with its neighbors, there will be local conflicts, terrorism will increase, and so on.
United States - the successor of the British Empire, and Russia - the successor of the Soviet Union. Let the Indians themselves think, with whom they had better be friends.

So what do you suggest ? :azn:
WASHINGTON: Taking their defence ties to a new level, India and the US have decided to undertake joint development and production of military hardware, involving transfer of high-end technology from America, a move aimed at matching Russia's co-operation with India in this field.

After the summit meeting between Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and US President Barack Obama at the Oval Office the two sides yesterday issued a joint declaration on defence co-operation spelling out the principles of cooperation in this area.

In the declaration, the US expressed its support to India's full membership in the four international export control regimes that would further facilitate technology sharing.

According to the joint declaration on defence co-operation, the US and India share common security interests and place each other at the same level as their closest partners.

"This principle will apply with respect to defence technology transfer, trade, research, co-development and co-production for defence articles and services, including the most advanced and sophisticated technology," the declaration said.

"They will work to improve licensing processes, and, where applicable, follow expedited license approval processes to facilitate this cooperation," the declaration said, adding that the US and India are also committed to protecting each other's sensitive technology and information.

Joint defence declaration brings India at par with closest US allies - The Economic Times


Any comment?

well i dont want to brust your bubble but we here feel its all just a gimmick by the congress led UPA govt and USA is trying every trick in the trade to boost the image of UPA2 Govt

thias defence cooapration or whatever you call it is just a frace USA will never part with its cutting edge tech with anyone look at its history in this department with one exeption /israel that too because most of the firms into defence R&D & manufaturing firms are controlled by the jewish lobby

as for russia well the hawks sitting in south block and MOD will never let the pie slip owt of russian hands as they have too much at stake

rest all and its not all therer will be a few goodies more before the next years genral elections specialli the ones which help the educated young middle class to look more favourablly towards UPA govt
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You can not be friends with Russia and the United States at the same time. If India is going to strengthen cooperation with the United States - cooperating with Russia will strart to reduce.
U.S. adhere to the ancient rule - divide and conquer. The more the U.S. influence on India, the greater tensions in the relations with its neighbors, there will be local conflicts, terrorism will increase, and so on.
United States - the successor of the British Empire, and Russia - the successor of the Soviet Union. Let the Indians themselves think, with whom they had better be friends.

the offer which is something india cannot refuse. india need american technology to counter china in defense technology. in the mean time india need Russia and Russia is an old friend of india. a joint development/production of defense items with us doesn't mean that india is a pro-us country. india need more technology in defense field to counter china. china is using hacking to obtain advanced technology of us.

since 1970s russia is friend of china and india at the same time. then why not india be a friend of US and russia at the same time?

we know US is not a reliable allay, india is keen to get some high-end technology from us. JV with us will not affect the friendship with Russia
the offer which is something india cannot refuse. india need american technology to counter china in defense technology. in the mean time india need Russia and Russia is an old friend of india. a joint development/production of defense items with us doesn't mean that india is a pro-us country. india need more technology in defense field to counter china. china is using hacking to obtain advanced technology of us.

since 1970s russia is friend of china and india at the same time. then why not india be a friend of US and russia at the same time?

we know US is not a reliable allay, india is keen to get some high-end technology from us. JV with us will not affect the friendship with Russia

well your right we need latest inputs in wepons tech but we have israelies & french for that as it is willing to give more than the americans & russians both of which had a free run in indian defence or socio economicks for long and russia alwyas played a double game be it 1962 and its help to pakistan in 1965 or the latest vikramaditya episode and many more while americans always made absurd assumtions and the made idiotick policies based on them so both cant be trusted its owr national security at risk and the hawks in south block and MOD know it thats why israel and france will be always given equal if not more weight so in short india will not go whole hog with USA niether will go as it did in the past with russia /USSR

so my pint is india will not put all the eggs in one basket and we have a choice of french, israeli, russian & american and now Japan is also a new possibility so dont worry too much about such scenarios(INDO-US closest allies mumbo jumbo)
So what do you suggest ? :azn:

You will receive colonialism - 2.0, if you are too close to the United States. They will talk to you about democracy, yet tens of thousands of ghouls in expensive suits fill your ministries, departments and offices of largest corporations. They will suck out your smartest people and the most valuable resources. And your soldiers will die in senseless conflicts within or at the borders. I know this because Russia was a friend of USA in 80-90s and Putin still trying to overcome the consequences of that friendship.
The U.S. is now on hard times. And they will be able to overcome the difficulties or unleashing a great world war, to which they would attached at the end. Or colonizing half the world and sucking all the resources without a trace.
There is a third way - to stop playing the role of the ruler of the world and go back to their island to solve the internal problems.
You will receive colonialism - 2.0, if you are too close to the United States. They will talk to you about democracy, yet tens of thousands of ghouls in expensive suits fill your ministries, departments and offices of largest corporations. They will suck out your smartest people and the most valuable resources. And your soldiers will die in senseless conflicts within or at the borders. I know this because Russia was a friend of USA in 80-90s and Putin still trying to overcome the consequences of that friendship.
The U.S. is now on hard times. And they will be able to overcome the difficulties or unleashing a great world war, to which they would attached at the end. Or colonizing half the world and sucking all the resources without a trace.
There is a third way - to stop playing the role of the ruler of the world and go back to their island to solve the internal problems.
ha ha ha well bhai USA already played that bolded part with us and we are sending owr best assets to help unkle sam as at home there is way too much politicks and resrevation and criminal elemnts for the sane and productive minds to survive here

now about democracy well bhai we are the worlds largest democracy and onli the english speaking Indian middle class is more than the combined population of USA, UK & Australia and Israel so USA will never change the status que as we are its biggest potential market and owr setup and national charecter is very very different from that of eastern eourope or russia/USSR

now the thing is for the control of new economy talking shape USA needs strong allies and friendli govt in south asia and the biggest challenge to that is china and its closest allies pakistan is moving towards china so USA needs India more than ever before and cant control us at the ease which it did with Pakistan cause we are much much bigger than its own potential gains

hope you get the point sir

:no: :no: :no: :no: :no: :no:

I just posted what I saw in future. :D :wave:

lo aa gaye najoomi :omghaha:
well your right we need latest inputs in wepons tech but we have israelies & french for that as it is willing to give more than the americans & russians both of which had a free run in indian defence or socio economicks for long and russia alwyas played a double game be it 1962 and its help to pakistan in 1965 or the latest vikramaditya episode and many more while americans always made absurd assumtions and the made idiotick policies based on them so both cant be trusted its owr national security at risk and the hawks in south block and MOD know it thats why israel and france will be always given equal if not more weight so in short india will not go whole hog with USA niether will go as it did in the past with russia /USSR

so my pint is india will not put all the eggs in one basket and we have a choice of french, israeli, russian & american and now Japan is also a new possibility so dont worry too much about such scenarios(INDO-US closest allies mumbo jumbo)

yes, Our PM knows that. he never puts all the eggs in one basket. india need high end tech from Russia, France, isreal, japan and now US. it is a good foreign policy to be friendly with every country and make a beneficial deals that is what india is doing. depending on one particular country will be foolish. we have to remember one thing, there is no permanent friends or enemies in this world. russia had abounded india in 1962, us was against india in 1971. we are our own in this world, so we have to be prepared for any eventualities in the future. india must get ant thing which is beneficial to us.
ha ha ha well bhai USA already played that bolded part with us and we are sending owr best assets to help unkle sam as at home there is way too much politicks and resrevation and criminal elemnts for the sane and productive minds to survive here

now about democracy well bhai we are the worlds largest democracy and onli the english speaking Indian middle class is more than the combined population of USA, UK & Australia and Israel so USA will never change the status que as we are its biggest potential market and owr setup and national charecter is very very different from that of eastern eourope or russia/USSR

now the thing is for the control of new economy talking shape USA needs strong allies and friendli govt in south asia and the biggest challenge to that is china and its closest allies pakistan is moving towards china so USA needs India more than ever before and cant control us at the ease which it did with Pakistan cause we are much much bigger than its own potential gains

hope you get the point sir

lo aa gaye najoomi :omghaha:

At other times, in the 90s it would be as you say. But now the situation is different in the United States. They will solve their problems at the expense of other states - as they have always done. And believe me, they will tell you about your uniqueness, about the indispensability of the US-Indian friendship for peace in the world. Americans - the best liars in the world. They will smile at you, and this time they destroy your companies, they will destroy your universities and so on. You will become an appendage of them, having neither military nor political, nor economic sovereignty.
I say this because Russia has experienced it all on it's own skin. And until now, we have plenty of people with besotted heads who think that America wish good to Russia.
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