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Clive Stafford Smith in Pakistan against drone attacks


Sep 7, 2010
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Jamima and human right activist Clive Stafford Smith are in Paksitan for anti-drone campaign.
they are up here to make a documentary on the victims of drone strikes...
PTI is also going to protest on constitutional avenue.

Tehreek-e-Insaf chairman Imran Khan said Thursday that militants were not the only ones being killed in US drone attacks, Geo News reported.

Speaking to the media Khan said if the government could not fulfil its responsibilities then it should resign.

“According to the Pakistani constitution the democratic government is responsible; if the government cannot fulfil its responsibilities then it should give way to other parties” Khan said.

The Tehreek-e-Insaf chairman said his party was ready and willing to shoulder this responsibility.


PTI chairperson Imran khan also held a press conference with C.S. Smith...

post the video, if anyone found of the press conference.
First of all, Pakistanis need to agree if the drone strikes have their govt's approval or Americans are unilaterally doing this.. Because the solution to drone attacks depend on which of the above is true..
twit by Cortney Busch "Heard some horrifying & sad stories from drone victims and their families tonight."

---------- Post added at 12:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:55 PM ----------

twit by Jen Robinson "Hayat: we constantly live with the roar of #drones overhead, not knowing when the next attack will come"
This is illegal "No Proper agreement between Pakistan and USA" that is why US and in Pakistan both side govt and generals not interested to talk about this thing because of US "Danda to govt and Military" and in US Military danda to govt. US knew this is illegal and if Pakistan will take this issue in United Nation. Majority in UN will vote against this and because of that US will consider as a terrorist strike... against innocent civilian.

the only reason US and Pakistan both are always quiet on that issue!
today a Rally has been conducted and a mutual resolution passed by the Jirga/foreign representatives including journalists, human rights activists, and lawyers, and Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf.
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16-yr-old Tariq who joined anti-drone protest in Islamabad Friday killed in drone strike last night, says anti-drone campaigner Karim Khan.
PTI is also going to protest on constitutional avenue.

Tehreek-e-Insaf chairman Imran Khan said Thursday that militants were not the only ones being killed in US drone attacks, Geo News reported.

Speaking to the media Khan said if the government could not fulfil its responsibilities then it should resign.

“According to the Pakistani constitution the democratic government is responsible; if the government cannot fulfil its responsibilities then it should give way to other parties” Khan said.

The Tehreek-e-Insaf chairman said his party was ready and willing to shoulder this responsibility.


PTI chairperson Imran khan also held a press conference with C.S. Smith...

post the video, if anyone found of the press conference.

PTI is only scoring cheap points on 'protesting' drone attacks

PTI is nothing and hence they cant assert themselves really, if it did some serious public reation had made govt to react

---------- Post added at 12:09 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:08 AM ----------

army is equally responsible and should be accounted the same way the govt should be

these some people making army facing activities that the govt doesnt authorise to answer those attacks is all bull crap
16-yr-old Tariq who joined anti-drone protest in Islamabad Friday killed in drone strike last night, says anti-drone campaigner Karim Khan.
is this authentic news ?
that is sed news .... RIP poor soul
NOW i ask a simple question .. what was the crime of that innocent soul ? just 16 yrs and they killed him in drone strike
shame on GOP and shame on USA ... any shame on all those who support drone strikes
is this authentic news ?
that is sed news .... RIP poor soul
NOW i ask a simple question .. what was the crime of that innocent soul ? just 16 yrs and they killed him in drone strike
shame on GOP and shame on USA ... any shame on all those who support drone strikes

it has been reported by Karim khan, he started the anti-drone movement a year back...

C.S. Smith and Jem on capital talk about Drone attacks.

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This is illegal "No Proper agreement between Pakistan and USA" that is why US and in Pakistan both side govt and generals not interested to talk about this thing because of US "Danda to govt and Military" and in US Military danda to govt. US knew this is illegal and if Pakistan will take this issue in United Nation. Majority in UN will vote against this and because of that US will consider as a terrorist strike... against innocent civilian.

the only reason US and Pakistan both are always quiet on that issue!

Gilani talks a lot that no permission has been given to the US for drone strikes but then nothing occurs.

Quite ridiculous. At least some foreign nationals are trying to help.
Jamima and human right activist Clive Stafford Smith are in Paksitan for anti-drone campaign.

embarassing that it takes people from other countries to teach us about human rights. Our leaders are taking us for fools as they are complicit in these drones strikes.

Keyani and co make chest-thumping statements about sovereignty when they were caught snoozing on the OBL raid, but put on an oscar winning performance when it comes to condeming these drone attacks.
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