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Click Here to Blame Pakistan

Nope.. unless he was the Gen Gul of 90s.
But he was bang on about this.

People like to talk shit about Hamid Gul, but he was honestly the most brilliant man to come out of Pakistan. He was a 'SPYMASTER'. Most of the things he was talking about before dying all came true. He was an exceptional person that not only Indians, but Americans despised. He was under watch by KGB, or as they call themselves today FSB and also Israeli Mossad. He played his cards well to the end. Above anything else, he was a patriot to the land of Pakistan. We don't have many men as talented and loyal like this anymore. Sad truth. Bollywood has fucked all of our younger generations. They are sterile and lame dick like their Indian counter-parts on the eastern border. Sad, but true.
I came across an audio program of BBC on Afghanistan. there was an Afghan official, 2 western experts and a Pakistani.
as the usual format of the program goes, I was expecting that the host will let everyone vent their anger at Pakistan, the Pakistani guy will be constantly interrupted and wont get a chance an every ill in Afghanistan will be placed on Pakistan and the program will conclude. but for the first time after the usual rant on Pakistan by the Afghan.
the other two guys systematically detailed how Afghan generals are selling the government rations to their own soldiers, the non existing soldiers for which Northern Alliance generals are getting the salaries in their own pockets. malnourished and starving soldiers and Afghan Taliban collecting taxes from general population and controlling 70 % of the area.
I can give the link here as its on BBCi player many people outside UK wont be able to listen to it due to regional restrictions of BBCiplayer

but hey who has time for details and looking into how the northern alliance mistreatment towards Afghan people specially racism against Pashtons have resulted in resurgence of Taliban, just blame Pakistan

Afghanistan: Time to Talk to the Taliban?

whats more CIA is supervising opium trade rather than letting Afghan farmers grow wheat because it will mean Afghans will be competing with US farmers if they overproduce and sell it to international market

thats true
he was stuck in the past for his own reasons.

but it makes sense to Americans to blame Paksitan for sheltering Taliban leaders
they demand us to start peace talks and when we facilitate they respond by assassinating the taliban leaders
they will send their assassins to kill the participating taliban, the taliban will stop peace talks retaliate with attacks on soft targets, Pakistan is blamed, then asked to help bring peace and the cycle continues

in recent times I like the line being used by Pak military, whenever Pakistan is blamed for attacks in Kabul.. Pak military says that Afghan taliban are mixing up with the millions of Afghan refugees inside Pakistan so if the Afghan refugees are allowed to return back to their country. the alleged Afghan taliban movement to Pakistan to so called"safe heavens" will end.

Pakistan has started bringing up this point to shut up the racist northern Alliance that doesn't want Afghan refugees to return to Afghanistan in addition to pointing out the fact that Taliban control or influence 70% of Afghanistan and find it convenient to hide there instead of having alleged safe heavens in Pakistan
for me 70% Afghanistan is the safe heaven for Afghan taliban and Haqqani network.

the option is in your comment box as I wrote in the end of the opening post
your clicking on the subject/ link was first part of putting blame on Pakistan
if you are still not sure then blame Pakistan
Really can afghans produce so much wheat that they can compete at intl level of they go full cultivation mode? Never knew that. Dont they buy wheat from pakistan?

I think there are only two ways that this menace Usa gets out of afghanistan.
1. Its either usas economy crashes badly that it cant sustain any wars on foreign soils

2. Usa gets ravaged by a civil war.

Even if we secure borders which isnt possible 100 pc due to terrain even if we have excessive funds, we wont be able to get rid of american and trump almost daily barking and blaming.

Plus with stooges ,ike nawaz gone and the rest of the politicians having the fear of accountability sword hanging above their heads our economy will see a positive turn which can help us tremendously.

We have earne a gsp + rating from EU recently which i am sure Nawaz would lime to take credit of.
I came across an audio program of BBC on Afghanistan. there was an Afghan official, 2 western experts and a Pakistani.
as the usual format of the program goes, I was expecting that the host will let everyone vent their anger at Pakistan, the Pakistani guy will be constantly interrupted and wont get a chance an every ill in Afghanistan will be placed on Pakistan and the program will conclude. but for the first time after the usual rant on Pakistan by the Afghan.
the other two guys systematically detailed how Afghan generals are selling the government rations to their own soldiers, the non existing soldiers for which Northern Alliance generals are getting the salaries in their own pockets. malnourished and starving soldiers and Afghan Taliban collecting taxes from general population and controlling 70 % of the area.
I can give the link here as its on BBCi player many people outside UK wont be able to listen to it due to regional restrictions of BBCiplayer

but hey who has time for details and looking into how the northern alliance mistreatment towards Afghan people specially racism against Pashtons have resulted in resurgence of Taliban, just blame Pakistan

Afghanistan: Time to Talk to the Taliban?

whats more CIA is supervising opium trade rather than letting Afghan farmers grow wheat because it will mean Afghans will be competing with US farmers if they overproduce and sell it to international market

thats true
he was stuck in the past for his own reasons.

but it makes sense to Americans to blame Paksitan for sheltering Taliban leaders
they demand us to start peace talks and when we facilitate they respond by assassinating the taliban leaders
they will send their assassins to kill the participating taliban, the taliban will stop peace talks retaliate with attacks on soft targets, Pakistan is blamed, then asked to help bring peace and the cycle continues

in recent times I like the line being used by Pak military, whenever Pakistan is blamed for attacks in Kabul.. Pak military says that Afghan taliban are mixing up with the millions of Afghan refugees inside Pakistan so if the Afghan refugees are allowed to return back to their country. the alleged Afghan taliban movement to Pakistan to so called"safe heavens" will end.

Pakistan has started bringing up this point to shut up the racist northern Alliance that doesn't want Afghan refugees to return to Afghanistan in addition to pointing out the fact that Taliban control or influence 70% of Afghanistan and find it convenient to hide there instead of having alleged safe heavens in Pakistan
for me 70% Afghanistan is the safe heaven for Afghan taliban and Haqqani network.

the option is in your comment box as I wrote in the end of the opening post
your clicking on the subject/ link was first part of putting blame on Pakistan
if you are still not sure then blame Pakistan
is this the video
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