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Clean Coal Technology Articles



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Feb 11, 2009
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Clean coal technology involves using the coal to make hydrogen from water, then burying the resultant carbon dioxide by-product and burning the hydrogen.
The greatest challenge is bringing the cost of this down sufficiently for "clean" coal to compete with nuclear power on the basis of near-zero emissions for base-load power.

Coal cleaning by 'washing' has been standard practice in developed countries for some time. It reduces emissions of ash and sulfur dioxide when the coal is burned.
Flue gas desulfurisation reduces the output of sulfur dioxide to the atmosphere by up to 97%, the task depending on the level of sulfur in the coal and the extent of the reduction. It is widely used where needed in developed countries.
Ultra-clean coal from new processing technologies which reduce ash below 0.25% and sulfur to very low levels mean that pulverised coal might be fed directly into gas turbines with combined cycle and burned at high thermal efficiency.
Gasification, including underground gasification in situ, uses steam and oxygen to turn the coal into carbon monoxide and hydrogen.

Acid rain is mainly caused due to SO2 and NOx emissions.
Pretreated coal is used in "clen" coal technology, so the exhaust wont contain these gases.
But methods of coal mining cause pollution too.....they too have to be modified!
So I think it would surely benefit the whole world....not only NY! It would surely reduce acid rains.

These methods are viable only for countries like US etc.

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