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Clarifications regarding Sri Lanka Pakistan Ties (Every one Read)

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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Clarifications regarding Sri Lanka Pakistan Ties (Every one Read)

There are some mixed reactions from certain Indian members regarding my early thread: http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-affairs/79609-india-usa-partnership-impact-south-asia.html

We Sri Lankan’s highly sensitive if Pakistan being hurt by any internal or external threats

In the past Pakistan’s fast response saved Sri Lanka, Today Sri Lanka remains one country thanks to our friendly countries

In the past PAF C-130 Aircrafts & PN Ships carried emergency military supplies to Sri Lanka, When Sri Lanka military in the wake of defeat, Pakistan military supplies increased the military capability of Sri Lanka and also prevented the fall of Sri Lanka

Pakistan military also trained Sri Lanka military; even some time Pakistani Defense College’s trains Sri Lanka military 24X7 for protection of Sri Lanka

In the recent flood situation in Pakistan Sri Lanka reacted so fast

Sri Lanka helped Pakistan in the past, Sri Lanka helping Pakistan at present also Sri Lanka will help Pakistan in the future also

Sri Lanka told Pakistan several times that Pakistan should improve the internal security situation to increase investor confidence & for economic prosperity, unfortunately still Pakistan unsuccessful regarding the internal security situation.

I am not blaming any other country but India did not gave us a single bullet to protect Sri Lanka
Thanks Srilankan. Thanks for your post. :)
I am not blaming any other country but India did not gave us a single bullet to protect Sri Lanka

Oh really ? You do know that we've provided your military with invaluable intelligence regarding LTTE assets , dont you ? without our aid believe me , the Sri Lankan military would have taken another 10 years to defeating the LTTE .....and we paid a price too , the fierce disapproval of hundreds of thousands of our citizens in Tamil Nadu ......

New book reveals India’s ‘hidden hand’ in Sri Lanka war

I dont believe the Sri Lankan govt would be as ungrateful.....
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I am not blaming any other country but India did not gave us a single bullet to protect Sri Lanka

I am sure half your navy..which is constituted of Indian naval ships on lease or ex-Indian naval ships and aircrafts will say differently...so would people working on your airbases, with equipment India has provided.


And so would 10,000 soldiers of IPKF who fought for you against the LTTE..or Indian prime minister who was assassinated for going out of his way to assist Sri lanka in fighting your enemy.
Clarifications regarding Sri Lanka Pakistan Ties (Every one Read)

There are some mixed reactions from certain Indian members regarding my early thread: http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-affairs/79609-india-usa-partnership-impact-south-asia.html

We Sri Lankan’s highly sensitive if Pakistan being hurt by any internal or external threats

In the past Pakistan’s fast response saved Sri Lanka, Today Sri Lanka remains one country thanks to our friendly countries

In the past PAF C-130 Aircrafts & PN Ships carried emergency military supplies to Sri Lanka, When Sri Lanka military in the wake of defeat, Pakistan military supplies increased the military capability of Sri Lanka and also prevented the fall of Sri Lanka

Pakistan military also trained Sri Lanka military; even some time Pakistani Defense College’s trains Sri Lanka military 24X7 for protection of Sri Lanka

In the recent flood situation in Pakistan Sri Lanka reacted so fast

Sri Lanka helped Pakistan in the past, Sri Lanka helping Pakistan at present also Sri Lanka will help Pakistan in the future also

Sri Lanka told Pakistan several times that Pakistan should improve the internal security situation to increase investor confidence & for economic prosperity, unfortunately still Pakistan unsuccessful regarding the internal security situation.

I am not blaming any other country but India did not gave us a single bullet to protect Sri Lanka

Sri Lankan, my friend:

You can say you are friendly with Pakistan, you can say they have helped you a great deal, you can say you want them to succeed, and so on.

If you want, you can also say that you want India to fail, it is your prerogative.

But please do not spread lies like 'India did not give single bullet to protect SL'. You are either uninformed, or you are deliberately saying such things. Please go, do some basic research on this issue and come back, let me know what the result of your research was.

Frankly, if you love Pakistan it is your prerogative and your choice, that's none of my business. But it is rather jarring to hear such statements like 'did no supply a single bullet' when the reality is so far from the truth.
So Sri Lanka,U hav so much love for pakistan and China..
One simple Question
Will u help pakistan and china in case of any war with india by giving them bases in Sri Lanka....?(But u should also think wat happens to Sri Lanka,Colombo is not so far from India,Do u want enemity with India??)
And if india didn't help u guys,then Even now u would be busy talking about LTTE and many deaths in LANKA..Or r u just pretending,even knowing everything....
So we can see more threads since Obama is also visiting Indonasia, Korea and Japan later.
U r president clarifies ur confusion
Between all these developments, where do you see your relations with China?

We are a non-aligned country. Our neighbours are Indians. I always say, Indians are our relations. From the time of Emperor Asoka, we have had that culture. The whole culture, irrigation, architecture has been built up over the last 2,500 years. You can't break that. But that doesn't mean we won't get commercial benefits from others. From China, or Japan, or whoever. They will come here, they will build, they will go back. India comes here, they will build and they will stay. This is the difference. In simple terms, whenever our relationship is stronger and we get close to India, this campaign begins. They start to say India has started to rule, and they know India is very sensitive about Pakistan or China. So they will use these factors to upset the Indian public. Well, I think even the LTTE used this point.

India's views matter, don't care about the world: Rajapaksa - The Times of India

I think now u r clarified
So we can see more threads since Obama is also visiting Indonasia, Korea and Japan later.

I don't know man! Earlier I had requested Sri Lankan to start a thread 'Obama's Visit to India' and post all Obama pictures on that thread but may be SL did not read my post. :cry:
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