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Claims of some North Korean starving individuals are eating own kids


Jun 1, 2012
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North Korean cannibalism fears amid claims starving people 'eat children and corpses'

The reports come as sanctions against the country are tightened against the backdrop of angry rhetoric over missile testing


Reports from inside the secretive famine-hit pariah state, North Korea, claim a man has been executed after murdering his two children for food.

Shocking reports claim North Koreans are turning to cannibalism including details of one man who dug up his grandchild's corpse to eat and another who boiled his child and ate the flesh.

Details of the incidents were reported by the Asia Press, and published in the Sunday Times.

They claim a 'hidden famine' in the farming provinces of North and South Hwanghae has killed 10,000 people, and there are fears that cannibalism is spreading throughout the country.

The reports come as sanctions are tightened against the backdrop of angry rhetoric over missile testing.

The litany of horrors were documented by Asia Press, a specialist news agency based in Osaka, Japan, which claims to have recruited a network of "citizen journalists" inside North Korea. The reports are considered credible.

Interviews have led Asia Press to conclude that probably more than 10,000 people have died in North and South Hwanghae provinces, south of Pyongyang, the capital.

North Korea has not confirmed or denied any reports of the deaths.

One informant, based in South Hwanghae, said: "In my village in May, a man who killed his own two children and tried to eat them was executed by a firing squad.

"While his wife was away on business he killed his eldest daughter and, because his son saw what he had done, he killed his son as well. When the wife came home, he offered her food, saying: 'We have meat.'

"But his wife, suspicious, notified the Ministry of Public Security, which led to the discovery of part of their children's bodies under the eaves."

Jiro Ishimaru, from Asia Press said: 'Particularly shocking were the numerous testimonies that hit us about cannibalism.'

Another of the citizen journalists, Gu Gwang-ho, said: "There was an incident when a man was arrested for digging up the grave of his grandchild and eating the remains."

A middle ranking official of the ruling Korean Workers Party said: "In a village in Chongdan county, a man who went mad with hunger boiled his own child, ate his flesh and was arrested"

A new UN agreement, passed on Tuesday, extended sanctions already imposed on North Korea after it held nuclear tests in 2006 and 2009.

The current rise in tensions and extension of sanctions follows Pyonyang's defiant decision to push ahead with a long-range rocket launch on December 12 - insisting it was a peaceful mission to place a satellite in orbit.

Despite the insistence of the regime that the test was peaceful the rest of the world saw it as a banned ballistic missile test.

The United States, supported by Japan and South Korea, spearheaded the new UN resolution.

This week North Korea once again raised the level of rhetoric over sanctions, threatening war with its neighbours in the south saying: "If the South Korean puppet regime of traitors directly participates in the so-called UN 'sanctions', strong physical countermeasures would be taken," the North's Committee for Peaceful Reunification of the Fatherland said.
This is what happens when you have china as your ally.
Where as see where south korea is having USA as a ally.
Situation is dire in that part of the world. Have seen documentaries about North Korea where kids try & ease their hunger by eating fish bones discarded by others. It's really painful see the way average north Koreans are sacrificed to safeguard the ego of elites.
wtf:angry:, kill those bast@rds...... who killed their own children....

This won't help. Cannibalism will keep arising every time people pass through a prolonged period of starvation. You can kill those who are doing it now, but, if North Korea doesn't alleviate its food crisis, more people will feel compelled to eat their fellow men. Now, I admit to not knowing what's behind this issue, whether the sanctions of the fact that the government diverts such a large part of its fiscal resources to the military.
Sanctions have made Iran so much better (according to Iranians). I doubt they can be that bad for NK, especially with China as its ally.
This is what happens when you have china as your ally.
Where as see where south korea is having USA as a ally.

Sanctions have made Iran so much better (according to Iranians). I doubt they can be that bad for NK, especially with China as its ally.

You indians are just bizzare. China is the major aid provider to DPRK since its establishment without bundles of strings attached!
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