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Circassians and Cherkasy-East Ukrainians(Donbass cossacks) :-common past/origin

Orthodoxy did not save Armenians, Bulgarians, Serbs and even the Byzantines from the conquest and destruction of states.
Of course, Orthodoxy - an integral part of Russian civilization. And the most important part of our identity.
In general history of Russia - one of the most counterfeited in the world, because the Russian - the competitors of world masters, the Anglo-Saxons. And they made a lot of effort to belittle or destroy achievements of the Russian people of the past.
Russian defeated enemies, not only because we - Orthodox, but also because we - Russian.

Neither being slavic save serbs,poles,circassians,croatians ,albanians . Russian orthodoxy and other orthodoxy different sect.You can google Rudolf Steiner and Edgar Cayce. If Russia must survive ,faith in God is needed.Currently,I see too many russian worshipping west these days. Even the Rothschild considered Russian orthodoxy a big danger to his plans and it was stated that destruction of russian form of christianity is paramount for world empire . This family is deep in necromancy and demonology. Even British strategists consider Russian orthodoxy as paramount threat to their soft influence.This is why Putin is empowering orthodoxy and cossacks so much.

Being very frank.
Yet from the 14th-18th century ,circassians,chechens continously settled in Russian empire districts and converted. Don't worry when Russia will become rich again ,the church might start economic incentives to convert ,we might see things change.

And circassians in caucusus were forcibly converted to islam by crimean tatars from paganism. After that the friction started and russian empire got very aggressive.To them it was betrayal.

Majority circassians descendants live in Ukraine,kuban and adopted russian identity.

Russia =mix of vikings,mongols,slavs,caucusians .All hard warrior races. So rose the hybrid ,the Muscovy Russian. The Great Russian.

Russians have hardly Mongol blood. They have Mongoloid admixture but that comes from Finno-Ugric, Samoyedic and also to a lesser degree from Turkic groups which got assimilated by Eastern Slavs and created the modern Russian. The "Russians are heavily mixed with Mongols" theory is a anthropological myth.
Russians have hardly Mongol blood. They have Mongoloid admixture but that comes from Finno-Ugric, Samoyedic and also to a lesser degree from Turkic groups which got assimilated by Eastern Slavs and created the modern Russian. The "Russians are heavily mixed with Mongols" theory is a anthropological myth.

Russia mixed with lot of ethnicities .Finnish,german,circassian,poles,serb,armenians,greeks etc etc. Look at the tsar Ivan the terrible .He has a lot of mongol looks.
Neither being slavic save serbs,poles,circassians,croatians ,albanians . Russian orthodoxy and other orthodoxy different sect.You can google Rudolf Steiner and Edgar Cayce. If Russia must survive ,faith in God is needed.Currently,I see too many russian worshipping west these days. Even the Rothschild considered Russian orthodoxy a big danger to his plans and it was stated that destruction of russian form of christianity is paramount for world empire . This family is deep in necromancy and demonology. Even British strategists consider Russian orthodoxy as paramount threat to their soft influence.This is why Putin is empowering orthodoxy and cossacks so much.

Being very frank.
Over the past 20 years has built more than 25,000 Orthodox churches. Orthodoxy in Russia revives with phenomenal pace. Nowhere in the world Christianity is not thriving as in Russia. You might be surprised, but representatives of the Kiev's junta consider Orthodoxy their main enemy (Turchinov - Baptist, Yaytsenyuk - Scientologist, Poroshenko - Jew).
I personally believe that it is destined to Russian to raise the banner of Christianity, fallen from the hands of the West. That Russia will be the leader of the White Christian world.
By the way - the West has lost the lion's share of its former popularity in Russia. People are becoming more patriotic every year.
Russia mixed with lot of ethnicities .Finnish,german,circassian,poles,serb,armenians,greeks etc etc. Look at the tsar Ivan the terrible .He has a lot of mongol looks.

I don't know how Ivan the terrible looks like but the Mongoloid admixture in Russians comes mainly from native Siberian and Finno-Ugric groups which is also supported by genetics. The "Ghengis Khan" haplogroup C3 is actually non-existent in Russians which means that the nomadic Mongols rarely mixed with the sedentary Russians.
The rise of Russian Muslims worries Orthodox Church
THE religious leader of Russia’s Muslims has alarmed
Russian Orthodox Church leaders and ultra-nationalists
by asserting that the country now has 23 million
indigenous Muslims — at least 3 million more than
previously thought.

According to the last census, three years ago, about
14.5 million of Russia’s 144 million population were
ethnic Muslims. For several years religious leaders
have put the number at nearer 20 million.

But Ravil Gaynutdin, chairman of the Council of Muftis
of Russia, said this week that the number of ethnic
Muslims in Russia was 23 million and was growing fast.
“They are indigenous residents of our country, not
migrants or immigrants, and have been living here from
time immemorial,” he told a meeting of the European
Union of Muslims. “The number of people professing
Islam in Russia is constantly growing.”

Russia is also home to an estimated 3 million to 4
million Muslim migrants from former Soviet states —
roughly 2 million Azeris, a million Kazakhs and
several hundred thousands Uzbeks, Tajiks and Kyrgyz.

Some Russians are also converting to Islam, according
to Sheikh Farid Asadullin, of the Moscow Council of
Muftis. “Ethnic Russians, Ukrainians and Belarussians,
mostly young and intelligent, see in Islam an answer
to their questions,” he told The Times.

Islam was strictly controlled in the Soviet Union,
which had only 500 mosques, but has enjoyed a
renaissance since 1991, helped by funds from the
Middle East. Russia alone now has some 5,000 mosques.

The rise in the Muslim population has raised fears
among Russian Orthodox Church leaders and
ultra-nationalists that Russia could one day become a
Muslim-majority nation. The Church claims to have 80
million followers, but religious experts say the
number is closer to 40 million and on the wane.

Russia’s overall population is declining, due in part
to the adverse effects of high alcohol consumption,
but numbers are rising in Muslim regions, where large
families are common and alcohol consumption is more
moderate. Russia’s total population dropped by 401,200
in the first half of this year, but the population
rose in 15 regions, including the republics of
Chechnya, Dagestan, and Ingushetia.

Rosstat, the state statistics agency, said the average
birth rate per woman was 1.8 in Dagestan, compared
with 1.3 for all of Russia, while male life expectancy
was 68 in Dagestan, against 58 for all Russia.

Aleksei Malashenko, an expert on Islam in Russia,
said: “The real problem is the crisis of the Russian
population, not the increase of the Muslim population.
And, of course, the Church is not so powerful or so
significant for Russians as Islam is for Muslims. This
doesn’t mean that Russia will become a Muslim society
in several years, although maybe in half a century
we’ll see something surprising.”

In the short term, the trend was likely to affect only
the North Caucasus, where the proportion of ethnic
Russians was already dropping rapidly, and Moscow,
where the proportion of Muslims was rising, he said.

Russian forces have been fighting Chechen rebels for
more than a decade and the bloodshed is now spilling
into neighbouring republics and radicalising many
young Muslims.

Ramzan Kadyrov, Chechnya’s first Deputy Prime
Minister, announced plans this week to build Europe’s
largest mosque in the Chechen capital, Grozny, to try
to attract people to mainstream Islam.

Moscow, a regular target for Chechen rebel attacks in
the past two years, is home to an estimated 1.5
million Muslims, including about 100,000 Chechens, who
are often harassed by police and skinheads.

Mr Malashenko said: “Islamophobia and xenophobia are
on the rise. We can already see the effects with
several nationalist groups. Despite all the conflicts,
the situation is quite stable, but I don’t believe it
will stay the same.”

The rise of Russian Muslims worries Orthodox Church

Revenge for the Circassians, Chechens and Tatars will come.

Christianity is rising..... LMOA hahaha :lol:
Russia mixed with lot of ethnicities .Finnish,german,circassian,poles,serb,armenians,greeks etc etc. Look at the tsar Ivan the terrible .He has a lot of mongol looks.
Ivan Grozny was a descendant of Rurik varyag. He could not look like a Mongol. Once again, I'm telling you - Russian are one of the cleanest races on the planet. Almost all the tribes who lived next door to us all live in the same place, even in the vicinity of Moscow.
And if between the Russian nobility and associated tribes were mixed marriages, the common people avoid marrying foreign women.
Ivan Grozny was a descendant of Rurik varyag. He could not look like a Mongol. Once again, I'm telling you - Russian are one of the cleanest races on the planet. Almost all the tribes who lived next door to us all live in the same place, even in the vicinity of Moscow.
And if between the Russian nobility and associated tribes were mixed marriages, the common people avoid marrying foreign women.
Ivan the Terrible,his mother Elena Glinskaya is a descendant of Mongol Mamai Khan

Ivan Grozny was a descendant of Rurik varyag. He could not look like a Mongol. Once again, I'm telling you - Russian are one of the cleanest races on the planet. Almost all the tribes who lived next door to us all live in the same place, even in the vicinity of Moscow.
And if between the Russian nobility and associated tribes were mixed marriages, the common people avoid marrying foreign women.

I really don't think so. If you look at many russian ,ethnic mix can be seen. Unless you are talking of russian in belarus ,novogorod. They look Scandinavian .Sorry .I think I will disagree here.

Mongol blood in Russians - Historum - History Forums

Purported descendants[edit]
Khan Mamatsios or Mamatzios, Mamatsou,Mamatsu (Mamai-son) Macedonie was a supposed son of Mamai. One of his sons, Manzur Kiyat, purportedly escaped to Lithuania, and, serving Grand Prince Vytautas the Great, received the title of Prince of Hlinsk with multiple estates around the modern city of Poltava (Ukraine). These legendary events could have taken place in the 15th century, although the first documented mention of the Glinski princes is made in 1437. Michael Glinski was the most illustrious member of the family: he studied at the German university, took part as a knight in the Italian Wars, was the most powerful man in Lithuania in the 16th century, but later rebelled and run away with his brothers to Muscovy and helped the Russians to retake the city of Smolensk. His niece Elena Glinskaya was married to Vasily III, Grand Prince ofMoscow, and Ivan the Terrible was her son.
Mamai - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Ivan the Terrible,his mother Elena Glinskaya is a descendant of Mongol Mamai Khan

I really don't think so. If you look at many russian ,ethnic mix can be seen. Unless you are talking of russian in belarus ,novogorod. They look Scandinavian .Sorry .I think I will disagree here.

Mongol blood in Russians - Historum - History Forums
I do not like the English version of the title of Ivan 4th. The correct translation - Ivan The Redoubtable.
He is portrate of Elena - nothing Mongoloid.

One of the meanings of the word "Russian" - "русый" - "Light Brown", a man with light brown hair.
Yes, Russian aristocrats sometimes intermarried with foreigners but simple Russian - almost never. I do not know why you took Hitler and his theories about mixed Russian people, but the Russian nation - one of the cleanest on the planet. We were so instituted. Russian did not seek to assimilate other peoples. Russian - it's neck, and other nations - are pearls that adorn the neck. Many small Finnic tribes living on the territory of the Russian state from 862, when Rus was first mentioned. And they are not assimilated, they preserved their culture.
I do not like the English version of the title of Ivan 4th. The correct translation - Ivan The Redoubtable.
He is portrate of Elena - nothing Mongoloid.

One of the meanings of the word "Russian" - "русый" - "Light Brown", a man with light brown hair.
Yes, Russian aristocrats sometimes intermarried with foreigners but simple Russian - almost never. I do not know why you took Hitler and his theories about mixed Russian people, but the Russian nation - one of the cleanest on the planet. We were so instituted. Russian did not seek to assimilate other peoples. Russian - it's neck, and other nations - are pearls that adorn the neck. Many small Finnic tribes living on the territory of the Russian state from 862, when Rus was first mentioned. And they are not assimilated, they preserved their culture.

But according to Historians she was niece of Mamai Khan. A lot of tatars due to racial mixing have slavic looks. Like the recent tatar miss Russia. She looks Slavic to me and the same for Mr. Putin 's new wife Kabaeva ,she also look slavic to me. Putin has more tatar looks than Mrs. Kabaeva in my opinion.


I do not like the English version of the title of Ivan 4th. The correct translation - Ivan The Redoubtable.
He is portrate of Elena - nothing Mongoloid.

One of the meanings of the word "Russian" - "русый" - "Light Brown", a man with light brown hair.
Yes, Russian aristocrats sometimes intermarried with foreigners but simple Russian - almost never. I do not know why you took Hitler and his theories about mixed Russian people, but the Russian nation - one of the cleanest on the planet. We were so instituted. Russian did not seek to assimilate other peoples. Russian - it's neck, and other nations - are pearls that adorn the neck. Many small Finnic tribes living on the territory of the Russian state from 862, when Rus was first mentioned. And they are not assimilated, they preserved their culture.

Hitler was himself a mix and a crazy man. I am not talking about hitler's theories. Russia is a white nation,though it has several white ethnicities from slav,vikings,caucusus,bulgaria ,germany .... with some tatars and dagestani thrown in.
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But according to Historians she was niece of Mamai Khan. A lot of tatars due to racial mixing have slavic looks. Like the recent tatar miss Russia. She looks Slavic to me and the same for Mr. Putin 's new wife Kabaeva ,she also look slavic to me. Putin has more tatar looks than Mrs. Kabaeva in my opinion.

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/--xR8lksBeK4/UcRRUA8PB2I/AAAAAAAAfLw/biCgZclgq3Y/s1600/Miss Russia 2013 00.jpg

Hitler was himself a mix and a crazy man. I am not talking about hitler's theories. Russia is a white nation,though it has several white ethnicities from slav,vikings,caucusus,bulgaria ,germany .... with some tatars and dagestani thrown in.
I do not know why in the West is so popular idea that the Russian - mixed nation. This is not true. Russian on the west, north, east and south look exactly the same. Percentage of alien blood in Russian is not higher than any European nation, on the contrary, because the Russian has never sought to assimilate, unlike the Germans. Finns in Russia were Finns, Germans - Germans, Kalmyks - Kalmyks, Chechens - Chechens.
And although some of the Russian aristocracy really marriages with foreigners, but the percentage of such marriages across the nation is negligible.
What Good news ? About our lord and savior jesus Christ .

Ofcourse! Seriously though,i never understood this "convert ! convert !" thingy from all religions altough i'm religious myself.If one truly feels "a call" he will understand it himself withouth people shoving it down his throat.
Ofcourse! Seriously though,i never understood this "convert ! convert !" thingy from all religions altough i'm religious myself.If one truly feels "a call" he will understand it himself withouth people shoving it down his throat.

I agree with you on this completely .
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