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CIA trained ISI and RAW officers "at the same time"


Mar 17, 2013
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Relations with the CIA

The CIA assisted in the creation of RAW, says South Asia expert Stephen P. Cohen of the Brookings Institution. However, India's intelligence relations with the CIA started even before the existence of RAW, note experts. After India's war with China in 1962, CIA instructors trained Establishment 22, a "covert organisation raised from among Tibetan refugees in India, to execute deep-penetration terror operations in China," writes Swami.

But the CIA's operations with the ISI to fight the Soviets in Afghanistan in the 1980s made RAW very wary. However, it did not stop RAW from seeking the CIA's assistance in counterterrorism training. Raman writes: "One had one more bizarre example of how international intelligence cooperation works." The CIA trained the officers of the ISI in the use of terrorism against an adversary, and at the same time, he writes, it trained RAW and IB officers "in some of the techniques of countering that terrorism." India's intelligence agencies also feel the lack of an equal relationship with the CIA, say experts. Swami says RAW's grievance is that there is little information they get on Pakistan from the United States; however, Washington expects New Delhi to provide it with intelligence on Afghanistan.

In 1997, Prime Minister I.K. Gujral shut down both the CITs aimed at Pakistan on moral grounds. Before Gujral, Prime Minister P.V. Narasimha Rao had ended RAW's eastern operations in the early 1990s, as part of his efforts to build bridges with China and Myanmar, say analysts.

Successive RAW leaders attempted to gain fresh authorization for deterrent covert operations, but without success, says Swami. Siddiqa writes: "The Indian government probably realized that encouraging covert warfare would not only destabilize bilateral relations but was also dangerous for the peace and stability of the entire region."

Council on Foreign Relations - RAW: India's External Intelligence Agency

Sometimes I get the feeling that Anglo-Saxons are still playing us for idiots. :hitwall:
Interesting thread

@Oscar> Sir, perhaps you can shed more light on OP
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The CIA is a premier intelligence agency like any other. Indians were getting adequate training from KGB, while i doubt Pakistan got the same training from KGB.
So Indians didnt held any grievency againt CIA. Its only in the past 3-4 years relations with CIA are good.
Now we even have great relationship with MOSSAD. And i consider IK.Gujral and Narasimha Rao actions as not in good interest of the country
It also worked on East Asia for a long time, it is only after China's rise that this tactic lost its edge.

Everyone knows Japan and South Korea are American colonies. Saying that, so is Pakistan and India.
South Asian countries have always been played by the western powers for over 300 years now. Divide and conquer works against South Asians and Arabs.

Everyone, including you and africans. two koreas, you and japan + phil and vietnam
This has been a long established tactic of the dominating powers.

I was reading a memoir by an ex-KGB spy (I think it was Victor Cherkashin, but am not sure) which had a description of how the KGB were training Sri Lankan troops and Tamil LTTE militants at the same time, in the same camp!

Obviously the training facilities were spread over a wide geographical area, but still the KGB had to make efforts to ensure that the two parties never met!
Kindly introduce yourself...how r u using india-pakistan flag same time

call me cupid.

@ topic, it's been so thoroughly studied how brits armed feuding brothers fighting over the throne, or nawabs and rajas on both sides of a war so they become weak enough to either get eaten whole or become vassal kingdoms. now their colony is doing the same thing except with intelligence agencies. when you don't learn your lesson then you deserve everything you get :angry:
so what?

US ARMY has trained Pakistani and Indian Officers at the same time at the same fort.

Seems like the topic is about arming ISI to be handlers of third parties, and RAW to counter that.

So the discussion comes down to: Who paid more attention in class? Who took the initiative?
Thəorətic Muslim;4115749 said:
so what?

US ARMY has trained Pakistani and Indian Officers at the same time at the same fort.

Seems like the topic is about arming ISI to be handlers of third parties, and RAW to counter that.

So the discussion comes down to: Who paid more attention in class? Who took the initiative?

If Pakistani sources are to be believed, i think RAW paid attention to ISI lessons as well. :lol:
Everyone, including you and africans. two koreas, you and japan + phil and vietnam

We were never fully colonised like South Asians countries were buddy. We had western concessions and Hong Kong was under western control, but every South Asian country was fully under western control.
We were never fully colonised like South Asians countries were buddy. We had western concessions and Hong Kong was under western control, but every South Asian country was fully under western control.

We never really existed before independence, some part was a colony as part of hindustan and the rest was a patchwork of tribes varying in independence to the british
But it's the past now, we should work together for a better future and either way we all now know the west's true face and metality
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