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CIA, ISI back in business

Ahmad Abdullah Ravian

Apr 30, 2011
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ISLAMABAD - Pakistan Saturday sought signing of a cooperation agreement with the United States in war on terror, while demanding it to handout details of the CIA’s operations and operatives inside Pakistan.
These issues were raised during meetings of the visiting Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Deputy Chief Michael Morrell with officials of Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), including ISI Director General Ahmed Shuja Pasha.
The top officials of the two spy agencies pondered on the ways to mending the soured relations between the two organisations and launching of joint operations against the terrorists, revealed the informed sources.
The sources said that the issue of US drones attacks also came under discussion with a view to finding ways to stop them, while the CIA deputy chief called on ISI director general to play his role in normalisation of agency-to-agency ties in the post Abbottabad operation, which led to widening of the trust deficit between the two spy organisations.
Sources said that ISI chief emphasised signing of a cooperation agreement with regard to the war against terrorism that would standardise the ways, level and conduct of the joint effort and help in better coordination and synchronisation, the sources said.
In an effort to improve the level of trust, the ISI officials also sought from the CIA details relating pertaining to its operations and operatives engaged in counter terrorism.
Any countries that allow foreign spies to roam freely in their lands is one bolt short of the required set.

Especially when they're not allies.
Any countries that allow foreign spies to roam freely in their lands is one bolt short of the required set.

Especially when they're not allies.

this is very true but it is all up to our politicians to differentiate The so-called friend who is worse then an Enemy
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