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Church apologises to Charles Darwin over theory of evolution


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Church apologises to Charles Darwin over theory of evolution

Article from: AAP
September 14, 2008 12:00am

THE Church of England will make an official apology to naturalist Charles Darwin for criticising his famous theory of evolution

Coming 126 years after his death, the church's apology will focus on how wrong it was for senior bishops in the past to misunderstand and attack Darwin's theory about man being descended from apes.

Senior church officials will post the apology in the form of an article written by the Reverend Dr Malcolm Brown on the church's website tomorrow.

"Charles Darwin, 200 years from your birth (in 1809), the Church of England owes you an apology for misunderstanding you and, by getting our first reaction wrong, encouraging others to misunderstand you still,'' the article says, according to extracts printed by The Mail on Sunday newspaper.

"But the struggle for your reputation is not over yet, and the problem is not just your religious opponents but those who falsely claim you in support of their own interests.''

But the apology by Dr Brown, who is the director of mission and public affairs of the Archbishops' Council, has been dismissed as "pointless'' by Darwin's great great grandson Andrew Darwin.

"Why bother? he said.

"When an apology is made after 200 years, it's not so much to right a wrong, but to make the person or organisation making the apology feel better.''

But Dr Brown says everyone makes mistakes, the church included.

"When a big new idea emerges that changes the way people look at the world, it's easy to feel that every old idea, every certainty, is under attack and then to do battle against the new insights,'' he writes.

"The church made that mistake with Galileo's astronomy and has since realised its error.

"Some Church people did it again in the 1860s with Charles Darwin's theory of natural selection.

"So it is important to think again about Darwin's impact on religious thinking, then and now.''

Dr Brown said there was nothing incompatible between Darwin's scientific theories and Christian teaching.

Church apologises to Charles Darwin over theory of evolution | The Daily Telegraph

Church apologises to Charles Darwin over theory of evolution

Article from: AAP
September 14, 2008 12:00am

Church apologises to Charles Darwin over theory of evolution | The Daily Telegraph

well the Church can say whatever it likes. The bible is fairly clear in how man was created as are all the scriptures. i ofr one refuse to believe that my Predecessors were apes. Mr Darwin and whosoever are more than welcome to claim their heritage in this regards.
PS: They will be looking for the missing link till Kingdom come!!!!.:confused::agree:
well the Church can say whatever it likes. The bible is fairly clear in how man was created as are all the scriptures. i ofr one refuse to believe that my Predecessors were apes. Mr Darwin and whosoever are more than welcome to claim their heritage in this regards.
PS: They will be looking for the missing link till Kingdom come!!!!.:confused::agree:

What missing link?
well the Church can say whatever it likes. The bible is fairly clear in how man was created as are all the scriptures. i ofr one refuse to believe that my Predecessors were apes. Mr Darwin and whosoever are more than welcome to claim their heritage in this regards.
PS: They will be looking for the missing link till Kingdom come!!!!.:confused::agree:

Why do you feel so negative about medical science. If religon could solve all then why is there so much strive in this world ? After all medical science has solved so many problems in the world.

Why do you feel so negative about medical science. If religon could solve all then why is there so much strive in this world ? After all medical science has solved so many problems in the world.


Science failed to find the origion of the human simple as that.

Science can explain to some extent but it still failed to find where that matter came from which led to creation of human being and the world.

Secondly many things regarding world have been proven by science too.

BTW i dont have any problem if someone calls himself or herself as childern of the monkyes but please dont force us all to call ourselves monkyes.
Science failed to find the origion of the human simple as that.

Science can explain to some extent but it still failed to find where that matter came from which led to creation of human being and the world.


And Religion has ? Better to be the descendants of Monkeys than that of the God men who only bring misery to each other. It was not a monkey which created the Gujarat riots or the Lal Masjid or the Shia Sunni Massacre in Khurrram.

And Religion has ? Better to be the descendants of Monkeys than that of the God men who only bring misery to each other. It was not a monkey which created the Gujarat riots or the Lal Masjid or the Shia Sunni Massacre in Khurrram.


It was also not God who had spread all these problems.

Its the human who claims to be super enough to find his origion.

Why to blam man-made disasters on God either.

BTW we do not claim to be descendants of God. We believe to be his creatures.

It was also not God who had spread all these problems.

Its the human who claims to be super enough to find his origion.

Why to blam man-made disasters on God either.

BTW we do not claim to be descendants of God. We believe to be his creatures.


Why did God allow man made disasters ? Why if he was so powerfull did he or her not just send a bolt of lightening and strike the bad down. Sorry God did not create religion but man did and hence like all man created things it has flaws and unless it changes with times it tends to kick man kind on its backside.

God, Allah, Shiva and others are crutches of the weak.

Why did God allow man made disasters ? Why if he was so powerfull did he or her not just send a bolt of lightening and strike the bad down. Sorry God did not create religion but man did and hence like all man created things it has flaws and unless it changes with times it tends to kick man kind on its backside.

God, Allah, Shiva and others are crutches of the weak.


:lol: if you do not believe in religion dear qudrati then why you are blaming disasters on God in the first place?

Why you expect God to send a bolt to kill the bad men ??

:lol: if you do not believe in religion dear qudrati then why you are blaming disasters on God in the first place?

Why you expect God to send a bolt to kill the bad men ??


Because I know his existence can never be proved unlike Science.

:lol: if you do not believe in religion dear qudrati then why you are blaming disasters on God in the first place?

Why you expect God to send a bolt to kill the bad men ??


Jana, Its a question for you. He asked this question to you because you believe in GOD. You should answer this question.
Because I know his existence can never be proved unlike Science.


Well if you do not believe in God i am asking you again howcome you can blam Him for disasters.

By your logic you should be blaming Human for all the disasters.
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