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Christian Singer Honors Hezbollah in Stunning 2013 Concert Performance

Sun Piwa

Aug 26, 2013
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Hezbollah is a radical group, no difference between them and Al-Qaida.

Hezbollah is a threat to world peace. as much as the Israeli regime.
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Click on the youtube logo at the bottom right

When Hezbollah behead people? You lie, saudis never create Al Qaeda in Israel when they can send their death squads in all arab countries

I'm not Qatari sweetie, put that back into your pocket :D

Are you nuts? :lol: Al-Qaida is anti-Saudi by nature; in fact, there is a high price on our heads given by them. Yet, we manage to crush them, until they went to bed with Iran :lol:
Liar, Al Qaeda are armed by saudis & qatar the dogs of Israhell


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Really this is so much crap, are the mods atleast going to tell this moron to come up with some new insults. Seriously i have seen people getting banned for less then half the stuff.
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Bloomberg statistics? :lol:

I guess the mods want him to stay to troll us all. :D

Of course, you have thousands of anti-muslims hateful forums where you can call to mass murder.

I sometimes find difficult to understand why the moderators don't ban obvious MOSSAD trolls disguised as saudis or pakistanese, who only send untrusted anti-iranian propaganda sources, just to give the muslims a new deadly war against Iran.

Now explain the interests of muslims moderators to help an obvious zionist disguised like you who want to kill all muslims?

Bloomberg statistics? :lol:

I guess the mods want him to stay to troll us all. :D

NYtimes is fake too?

This is fake too? Why they never attack Saudi if they are against them?

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