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Chinese Y-20, could help modernize Pakistan's transport capabilities.


Sep 8, 2009
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As we know recent purchase of 10 Transport planes worth 4.3 billion by India is changing balance of military in region Pakistan should also look into investing in to Chinese plane that will hit the Airs in 2012 !!!

Y20 Extremely capable plane :china:


Currently 603 Institute, XAC and SAC are developing an advanced 4-engine large transport (Y-20?) which is smaller than American C-17 and based upon some IL-76MD technology. As the result assistance was sought from Antonov Design Bureau in 2008. Its max payload was expected to be around 50t and max TO weight >200t. Fitted with high-lift devices along the wing leading and trailing edges, the aircraft is capable of taking off from relatively short and unpaved runways, making many temporary airfields behind the battlefield accessible. Currently it is unclear whether the aircraft will have an IFR probe installed or not. The prototypes and the initial batch may be powered by Russian D-30KP-2/WS-18 turbofans, later by the modified WS-10 (WS-118?). A full-scale metal mock-up (head section) of Y-20 was constructed by 2008 and the first flight is projected in 2012. On August 20, 2009 SAC started to build the rear fuselage of the first prototype. It was reported (April 2010) that the full-scale mock-up was completed in early 2010. It was also rumored that the aircraft might serve as the testbed for the Chinese airborne laser weapon prototype similar to American YAL-1 which is thought to be under development. In addition the next generation of medium transport aircraft was believed to be under development at XAC/603 Institute as well, powered by four modified WS-10 turbofans. Its max payload is around 25t.

Pakistani Airforce could use 10 of these babies in Pakistani colors - a remarkable plane by China , in such a short time
Looks like another rip-off by China- looks almost identical to C-17. How does a transport plnae change the military balance in the region? India has always maintained a conventional superiority over Pakistan does this purchase really change anything?
a MOULDED mixture of C-5 and C-17!!

---------- Post added at 05:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:11 PM ----------

Looks like another rip-off by China- looks almost identical to C-17. How does a transport plnae change the military balance in the region? India has always maintained a conventional superiority over Pakistan does this purchase really change anything?

instead of buying this lumbering giant, we are better off with purchasing a few more C-130s!
IF Pakistan would need more C-130s in future, we would surely go for Y20 instead. We are done with Americans pretty much.
Pakistan does not have a need for huge airlift, its MBTs are light and can be deployed by C-130.Y-20 may not be a suitable fit for the current inventory structure of PA/PAF
@ azad.:hitwall:

Y-9 should be bought if there is a need to replace or augment current C130's. No need for such an aircraft, remember we already have 4 MRTT for heavy lift and they are almost of the same size. so no need for more giants like these.
We need heavy lift capability........ its our need....... and hopefully...... PA will induct a few of these giants to satisfy its needs.
Well correct me if I am wrong this beautiful art work , would also be able to host the New Chinese AWACs platform as well

But , it would be a tremendous boost for our Armed forces if we can get this plane

The C-130 we have some of them are really really really old

We are a army size of 500,000 soldiers and our capacity to move soldiers fast to different zones in our country is very limited

Getting 10 of these planes is minimum for our needs so we can retire the old C-130 planes which are doing ok but obviously we have to look at the mileage on these birds

Also these plane could also be modified into air refueling tankers I am 100% sure it could be done

The age of warfare where you hopped on bus and train and traveled 1000 km on conveys is over

Modern warfare is

a) How quickly you can move your troops
b) How quickly you can move heavy units in support of your troops
c) Can you keep the supplies to troops open (water, fuel, food)
d) How quickly you can arrive with reinforcements via para trooping ppl into strategic locations over defensive lines

Well its clearly stated that this plane needs short runways , and also needs no support items to do a supplies drop very capable plane ...

Having 10 of these planes could boost our capabilities to support troops and also civilians (in time of casualty)

C-130 platform is great but we do need to watch the mileage

This plane would offer as

a) AWAC platform with long flight duration in air a bigger facility to operate the reconnaissance
b) Could be modified to be used as a Air Refueler Tanker , for JF17 thunder and J10B platforms
c) Could be used as traditionally heavy items airlifts like Tanks and APV
d) Paratroop missions , and Medical center in time of catastrophe
e) We could modify it and customize it based on our needs
Nice aircraft but we really don't need such heavy lift but if anything ia few i wouldn't mind seeing .
Nice aircraft but we really don't need such heavy lift but if anything ia few i wouldn't mind seeing .

Keep in mind that China can offer us everything today, without sanctions and above all, without financially constraining ourselves under the western equipment.

They are producing for their own armed forces, from Submarines and destroyers to high tech stealth planes. They can easily give Pakistan anything we can dream of.

Only if our Generals could see beyond their nose......which for some reason, is always pointing towards the west.

Also, we do need heavy lift aircraft. C-130s are too old and the recent earth-quakes and floods have shown the need for such air lift capability. Running costs of transport planes are low because you can just simply buy them and store them.......unless you want them to have the same fate as the P3 Orions of PN, just don't leave them in the open.
Its all about balancing needs versis resources money $$$

How fa can the pakisdtan rupee go

by buying 10 big transport like Y20 waT ARE YOU MISSING OUT ON

Its all about balancing needs versis resources money $$$

How fa can the pakisdtan rupee go

by buying 10 big transport like Y20 waT ARE YOU MISSING OUT ON


Aik aur agaya hai dimagh kharab karnay kay liye :hitwall:
Its all about balancing needs versis resources money $$$

How fa can the pakisdtan rupee go

by buying 10 big transport like Y20 waT ARE YOU MISSING OUT ON

They are not comparing with your dman country relax smoke a joint take a pill have drink go tohe bathroom yaar to drop of the cosby kids .. they are talking in a respectful manner about their nations need las time i rem it was a Pakistani defence forum .I my self agree these are not needed in large numbers but a few will not only help but enhance PAF lift force.
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